甘肃东乡,Dongxiang of Gansu
1)Dongxiang of Gansu甘肃东乡

1.Genetic analysis of the STR system D10S1432 and D10S1213 loci in Chinese Han and Dongxiang populations;成都汉族、甘肃东乡族群体D10S1432和D10S1213位点的遗传多态性分析
2.FIRST URSINE BEAR MATERIAL FROM DONGXIANG,GANSU--Addition to the Longdan Mammalian Fauna(2)甘肃东乡首次发现熊亚科化石——龙担哺乳动物群补充报道之二(英文)
3.Association of P213S polymorphism of L-selectin gene with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Dongxiang nationality of Gansu Province甘肃东乡族L选择素P213S基因多态性与2型糖尿病的相关性研究
4.Most Dongxiang minority people live in Gansu Province.东乡族主要居住在我国的甘肃省。
5.Analysis of Current Situations of Sheep Industry in Dongxiang County of Gansu Province;甘肃省东乡县养羊业发展现状与思考
6.The Research of Students’ Body Form Development of Dongxiang Nationality of Gansu Province;甘肃省东乡族学生身体形态发育研究
7.A Study of Molecular Epidemiological on Chronic Periodontitis in Hui and Dongxiang Minorities in Gansu;甘肃回族、东乡族慢性牙周炎分子流行病学研究
8.Research and Comparison between the Body Condition of the Studends of Dongxiang and Han Nationality in Gansu Province;甘肃省东乡族、汉族学生身体素质状况比较研究
9.Problems Existing in Education for Girls of the Dongxiang Nationality in Gansu Province and Reform Countermeasures;甘肃省东乡族女童教育存在的问题及改革对策
10.The Investigation and Analysis of the Physique and Physical Condition of Dongxiang Nationality Students in Gansu Province;甘肃省东乡族学生体质健康状况调查分析
11.An Investigation Study on the Problems of Dongxiang Immigrants in Gulang County, Gansu Province甘肃省古浪县东乡族移民问题调查研究
12.Comparative Analysis of Physical Fitness Conditions of Students from Dongxiang Nationality and Han Nationaliy in Gansu Province甘肃省东乡族与汉族学生体质状况比较分析
13.Analysis of the Causes and Benefits for Ethnic Minority of Dongxiang Immigrants in Gulang County,Gansu Province甘肃省古浪县东乡族移民搬迁动因及效益分析
14.The natural conditions of Dongxiang Autonomous County of Gansu Province are abominable,famous for "being arduous".甘肃省东乡族自治县自然条件恶劣,以“苦瘠甲天下”著称。
15.Gansu Province Dongxian County Improved Variety Meat Sheep Breeding Base Items of Basic Construction Feasibility Study Report;甘肃省东乡县良种肉羊繁育基地建设项目可行性研究报告
16.Research on Mental Health and Cultural Background of Young Persons aged 12~22 in Gansu Province;甘肃省东乡族和保安族青少年心理健康状况与文化背景研究
17.Analysis and Evaluation of the Obesity Level of Students of Han and Dongxiang Nationalities in Gansu Province from 1985 to 2000;甘肃省汉、东乡族学生整体肥胖度15年的动态分析与评价
18.A Preliminary Analysis of the Practicability and Necessity of Cooperation of Township Enterprises between Gansu Province and China s East Coastal Areas;试析甘肃与东部沿海地区乡镇企业合作的可能性和必要性

Dongxiang Autonomous County of Gansu甘肃省东乡族自治县
3)east of Yellow River over Gansu Province甘肃河东
1.Climate feature of first soaking spring rain to the east of Yellow River over Gansu Province;甘肃河东春季第一场区域性透雨日期的气候特征
4)East Gansu Province甘肃省东部
1.U-Au metallogenic pattern and prospecting criteria inside and outside zone of Zhongchuan rock mass in East Gansu Province;甘肃省东部中川岩体内外带铀 金成矿规律及其找矿判据
5)the middle-east part of Gansu甘肃中东部
6)The southeast of Gansu甘肃东南部

东乡族文学  东乡族主要聚居在甘肃省临夏东乡族自治县,约27万9千余人(1982)。语言属阿尔泰语系蒙古语族,无本民族文字,通用汉文。    东乡族文学主要为民间口头文学,有民歌、叙事诗、传说、故事等。民歌中的东乡"花儿"是东乡族人民喜闻乐见的文学形式,大多数东乡族人都会编唱。他们常常用花儿这种形式抒发追求幸福生活的强烈愿望。在民歌基础上发展起来的叙事长诗,反映了东乡族人民不同历史时期的社会生活和民族心理。代表性作品有《米拉尕黑》、《葡萄娥儿》、《略略调》等。《米拉尕黑》有韵文体叙事诗和散文体故事流传,内容有许多变异。散文体故事讲东乡族青年米拉尕黑与美丽善良的海迪亚姑娘相爱,当自己的民族受到外族侵略时,他毅然奔赴战场。功成之后,不图荣华富贵,回到故乡与海迪亚团聚。长篇叙事诗《米拉尕黑和玛芝璐姑娘》是写青年猎人米拉尕黑与美丽勤劳的姑娘玛芝璐热恋,不料战事爆发,米拉尕黑应征去康图巴乍作战。临行时二人互换记首,姑娘送给米拉尕黑一把白豆子和一把竹筷子;米拉尕黑拿出风月宝镜,掰成两半,各存一半作信物。战事平息后,米拉尕黑得到一位智者相助,赶回家乡,在强盗抢亲时,救出玛芝璐,结成终身伴侣。故事《璐妇人斩蟒》反映东乡族婚礼习俗,表现东乡族妇女的勇敢、智慧和自我牺牲精神。《玉哈斯的故事》是流传在东乡族人民中的机智人物故事,它嘲讽了富人阔佬的贪婪、愚昧,歌颂了劳动人民的机智聪慧。    中华人民共和国成立后,东乡族的作家文学发展起来,有了自己的作家和诗人。诗人汪玉良根据民间文学题材,先后创作了叙事长诗《马五哥与尕豆妹》、《米拉尕黑》等。