起源与早期演化,origin and early evolution
1)origin and early evolution起源与早期演化
1.Recent paleontological and neontological studies on feathers and feather-like integumentary structures have improved greatly our understanding of the origin and early evolution of feathers.近年来关于羽毛和羽状皮肤衍生物的研究极大促进了我们对羽毛起源与早期演化的理解。

2.On the Origin of Organic Chemistry and its Early Development;浅谈有机化学实验的起源与早期发展
3.The Evolution of the Dependent Origination in the Translation of the Early Buddhist Sutras早期佛典翻译中佛教缘起思想的演化
4.Trading Centers and the Origin of the Earliest City in China;经济交换中心与中国早期城市的起源
5.The Research on Origins and Development of Early Copper Objects in China from the Analysis of the Copper Objects Found in QiJia Culture;从齐家文化铜器分析看中国早期铜器的起源与发展
6.Appearance of Xiang Army and Early Modern Material Life in Hunan;湘军兴起与近代早期湖南物质生活演变的特点
7.From the Chanrang System to the Hereditary System;从禅让制到世袭制——中国早期国家起源过程中政治权力的演变
8.Pluralistic and Multisource Aesthetic Cultures of Yunnan Primitive Ethnic Minorities;早期云南民族审美文化的多元与多源
9.Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow of Aves:Genesis and Evolution鸟类的昨天、今天和明天:起源与演化
10.FISH Study on the Origin and Evolution of Tetraploid Cotton (Gossypium L.);四倍体棉种起源与演化的FISH研究
11.The Origin and Formation of Safeguard Measure under WTO Framework;WTO框架下保障措施的起源与演化
12.Chieftain-state, Earlier Period Nation and the Problem of the Origin and Formation of the Ancient State in China酋邦、早期国家与中国古代国家起源及形成问题
13.Studies on Early Protestant Missionaries and English Teaching Origin in China;早期新教传教士与中国英语教学起源研究
14.From "Lust" to "Morals"--The Origin of Chinese Theory of Human Nature and Its Development in the Early Stage;从"欲"到"德"——中国人性论的起源与早期发展
15.On the unearthed ancient apes in Chuxiong and the origin of the early human being;试论楚雄地区出土的古猿与早期人类起源
16.Influence of Mixing Parameters on Structure and Evolution of Early AGB Star混合长参数对早期AGB星结构与演化的影响
17.Organizational Development and Changes of the Aim of Agricultural Association of China in the Early Years中华农学会的早期组织演化与宗旨歧变
18.In early Caledonian, middle Caledonian and late Hercynian, itwas a low uplift zone.加里东早中期,巴楚地区处于继承性发育的宽缓低隆起演化阶段;

Origin and Evolution起源与演化
1.Discovery of Pseudolarix from Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation in Beipiao of Liaoning and its significance for origin and evolution;辽宁北票早白垩世义县组松柏类金钱松属(Pseudolarix)的发现及其起源与演化意义
3)origin and evolution of magm a岩浆起源与演化
4)early evolution早期演化
1.With the advent of some new techniques, the past several years have been a time of fascinating discoveries on the origin and early evolution of angiosperms.近年来,被子植物起源和早期演化研究,由于手段和技术的更新,资料大量积累,取得了许多重要进展,成为植物学领域的一大热点。
2.In the paper, the origin and early evolution of the Betulaceae were discussed according to the viewpoint of unity between time and space in the evolution of plant group and based on the studies in paleobotany, phytogeography and phylogeny.根据植物类群演化的时空统一观点,利用古植物学、地理分布和系统发育三个方面的研究结果,讨论了桦木科植物的起源和早期演化,认为:最早的桦木科植物生活在晚白垩纪桑托期,起源于中国中部地区,起源之后,一方面较缓慢地向欧洲散布,并在古新世到达欧洲;另一方面向中国东北地区散布,并迅速扩散到北极地区,通过白令陆桥在白垩纪最晚期到达了北美。
5)origin of state and early state国家起源与早期国家
6)Origin and evolution起源演化
1.The distribution, origin and evolution of Syringa;丁香属植物的地理分布及其起源演化

起源1.事物产生的根源。 2.发源。