观音桥组,Kuanyinchiao Formation
1)Kuanyinchiao Formation观音桥组
1.Based on the samples from the Kuanyinchiao Formation at Shuanghe,Changning County,southern Sichuan Province,China,we analyze the palaeoecological changes of the Hirnantia fauna using taxonomic diversity and individual density,and the environmental changes in relation with the water depth,oxygen concentration and bioturbation levels throughout the Kuanyinchiao Formation.以四川长宁双河上奥陶统观音桥组的赫南特贝动物群为研究对象,分析了该动物群的腕足动物个体密度和多样性演变趋势以及与水深、氧含量和生物扰动等环境因子的协同变化,探讨了动物群演变与环境变化之间的关系。
2)Guanyinqiao Member观音桥段
1.Genesis of the Guanyinqiao Member of Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation in southern China:"Shallow water shelly facies" or deep-water allogenic deposition?;中国南方上奥陶统五峰组观音桥段成因讨论:是“浅水介壳相”,还是深水异地沉积?
2.A Study on the Deep-sea Sediment of the Guanyinqiao Memberof the Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation in the Yangtze Area;论扬子地区上奥陶统五峰组观音桥段的深海成因
3)Guanyin Bridge观音桥

1.Analysis of the Miao Ethnic Students Low Achievements in Learning in Areas Where the Miao and the Han Live Together;苗、汉杂居地区苗族学生低学业成就的原因分析——以毕节市观音桥办事处苗族教育为例
2.Control for Fabrication Length of Stay Cables in Guanyinyan Yangtze River Bridge in Jiangjin Chongqing重庆江津观音岩长江大桥斜拉索制造长度控制
3.Archaize timberwork pontoon,landscape pontoon,steel structure pontoon bridge,waterfront architecture.三、仿古木浮桥、景观浮桥、钢结构浮桥、景观亲水栈桥、滨水景观建筑。
4.This is 'Guanyin Bodhisattva on a Sea Island'.这是"海岛观音"。
5.Avalokitesvara with coiffure of Maku(瓷器名) 麻姑观音
6.I'm going to visit Nanpu Bridge.我将要去参观南浦大桥。
7.The issue of pronunciation of "guan" in Lu Wuguan,Qin Guan and Zhen Guan陆务观、秦观、贞观的“观”字的读音问题
8.The Cambridge Illustrated Guide of Music学术型的音乐普及——读《剑桥插图音乐指南》
9.The Bridging Participation of Sound Recording in Fieldworks of Ethnomusicology;录音在民族音乐学田野考察中的桥接角色
10.Vistors came in flocks to see the new bridge.参观者成群结队地来观看这座新桥。
11.Spoke with an Oxbridge accent.说话带有牛津剑桥口音的
12.He is a professional musician at Kennet Bridge.他是一个职业音乐家,住在肯尼特桥。
13.On the outlook quality control of the concrete construction of the south approach bridge of Runyang Yangtze River Bridge润扬长江大桥南引桥混凝土施工外观质量控制
14.Reflections on the Mode of Canal Landscape:Landscape Design from Kiyo Bridge to Qianyuan Bridge,Huai'an City运河景观模式的思考——淮安市里运河清隆桥至乾元桥段景观设计
15.someone who attends concerts.参加观看音乐会的人。
16.Kun Yam Street Cooked Food Bazaar观音街熟食小贩市场
17.The Guanyin Bodhisattva is fighting against the turtle.观音菩萨正和鳌鱼搏斗。
18.--Save us from our adversity, Goddess Kuanyin!——救苦救难观世音菩萨!

Guanyinqiao Member观音桥段
1.Genesis of the Guanyinqiao Member of Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation in southern China:"Shallow water shelly facies" or deep-water allogenic deposition?;中国南方上奥陶统五峰组观音桥段成因讨论:是“浅水介壳相”,还是深水异地沉积?
2.A Study on the Deep-sea Sediment of the Guanyinqiao Memberof the Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation in the Yangtze Area;论扬子地区上奥陶统五峰组观音桥段的深海成因
3)Guanyin Bridge观音桥
4)Guanyinya Formation观音崖组
1.A study indicates that it should be quartz keratophyre with blastoporphyritic and blastorhyotaxitic structure and sedimentary contact with the wallrock which should be belong to the Guanyinya Formation.经研究 ,该岩石与围岩为沉积接触关系而非侵入接触关系 ,具变余斑状结构和变余流纹构造 ,该石英角斑岩成因的确定 ,为所赋存的地层组更名为观音崖组提供了重要依据。
5)Guan YingDi Bridge-pile观音地桥梁桩
1.An Initial Analysis of Worship of Guanyin Among Bai Nationality;试析大理白族民间“观音崇拜
2.And they respectfully took the treasure statue of Buddha Guanyin to their own countries, which carried forward the Chinese culture.他们携带佛教经籍入华,振兴了天台一宗,又奉请观音宝相回国,传扬了汉文化。
3.The author introduces many aspects of Buddhist culture of Putuo Mountain, for example ,the reason why Putuo Mountain is regarded as the Holy Land of Guanyin, the history of Buddhist culture of Putuo Mountain, rich and varied Buddhist art of Putuo Mountain, etc.本文主要介绍了普陀山作为观音道场的由来、佛教文化发展历程、历史上的高僧及主要修行法门、帝王及信众的护持、寺塔建筑、诗书联额、“海天佛国”风光等方面的有关内

观音桥  中国古代石拱桥。在江西省星子县五里乡玉京村码头镇西北栖贤谷中。因桥前原有观音庙而得名。又因在栖贤谷,横跨三峡涧,又称栖贤桥、三峡桥。建于宋大中祥符七年(1014),是江西境内现存最早的大型单孔并列券石拱桥。1988年中华人民共和国国务院公布为全国重点文物保护单位。    观音桥在巨岩耸立的峭壁上倚崖跨涧而造,突兀于陡壁石峰之间,桥下是水深三四十米的"金井"及断续的深渊。桥全长19.42米,宽4.33米,高10.67米。桥面为四方石块以菱形平铺而成,桥的南北两端各设石阶 4级。桥孔由 7道石拱圈并列,以 105块规格相近的长方体花岗岩排砌,石块间由子母榫相扣锁,结构坚固,桥拱刻有"维皇宋大中祥符七年岁次甲寅二月丁巳朔建桥"等。清代道光年间(1827~1850),观音庙主持僧觉源增建石栏杆。    观音桥至今保存完好,桥上依然畅通无恙。1981年国家拨专款进行了修缮和加固。