兴义生物群,Xingyi biota
1)Xingyi biota兴义生物群
1.They separately host the Panxian biota,the Xingyi biota and the Guanling biota.根据近年来对黔东南至滇东关岭、兴义、贞丰和罗平等地中-晚三叠世含海生爬行动物骨架和(或)深水海百合黑色岩系(通常所称黑色页岩)化石库的研究,现将该区岩石地层单位划分,以及这些黑色岩系化石库生物组合特征、时代、分布、沉积和古地理环境概括如下:1)在关岭—兴义地区中-晚三叠世(安尼期、拉丁期和早卡尼期)地层中,至少夹有3层、甚至4层含海生爬行动物的黑色岩系化石库(或黑色"页岩"化石库),自下而上产盘县生物群、兴义生物群和关岭生物群。
2)semantic interest cluster语义兴趣群
3)Changxing Life-form Shoal长兴生物滩
1.Changxing Life-form Shoal in Jiannan Gas Field belongs to crack reservoir.建南气田长兴生物滩油层属裂缝油层,由于地貌复杂和生产情况不平衡,常规的储层改造方法效果不理想。
4)Species population生物种群
1.There exists certain degree of similarities between industrial clusters and species population.产业集群与生物种群具有一定的相似性。

1.Syudy on Microflora and Infectiou Diseases in upper Respiratory Tract;呼吸道感染的微生物种群生态学研究
2.Research on Diversity of Microbial Community Constructure in MBRs;膜生物反应器中微生物种群结构多样性研究
3.Influence of DCD on Soil Microorganism双氰胺对土壤微生物种群数量的影响
4.The Research on Changing Characteristics of Microbe Population in Activated Sludge;活性污泥微生物种群变化特性的研究
5.Cauchy Problem for a System of Dynamics of Biological Groups;一类生物种群系统的Cauchy问题
6.species-rich biomes物种丰富的生物群落
7.The Survival Analysis for a Single Population Model in a Polluted Environment环境污染下的单种群物种的生存分析
8.The characteristic features and biology of a particular kind of plant or plant group.植物生态特定种类植物或植物群的特性和生态
9.Research on the Biology and Ecology of Megalobrama Pellegrini, an Endemic Fish of the Upper Yangtze River;厚颌鲂的个体生物学和种群生态研究
10.The Research on Reproductive Ecology of Cinnamomun Micranthum Hayata Population, an Endangered Plant;濒危植物沉水樟种群生殖生态学研究
11.Reproductive ecological research on endangered plant,Kingdonia uniflora populations;濒危植物独叶草种群生殖生态学研究
12.Studies on the Biology and Population Ecology of Glyptosternum Maculatum (Regan) in the Brahmaputra River, China;黑斑原鮡个体生物学及种群生态研究
13.a group of biological taxa or species that share features inherited from a common ancestor.一组从同一祖先继承特征的生物分类群或种群。
14.Community ecology studies how communities of plant and animal populations function and are organized.群落生态学研究动、植物种群的组织和功能。
15.All the organisms that constitute a specific group or occur in a specified habitat.种群,族群构成某一群体或生活在某一栖居地的所有生物
16.The Study on Species Diversity and Dominant Populations Niche of Different Communities in Ebinur Lake Wetland;艾比湖湿地典型植物群落物种多样性及其优势种群生态位研究
17."Such a growth or colony, as of bacteria.""该种生长物或群落,如培养菌."
18.(biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species.(生物学)具有一个或多个种类的分类群。

semantic interest cluster语义兴趣群
3)Changxing Life-form Shoal长兴生物滩
1.Changxing Life-form Shoal in Jiannan Gas Field belongs to crack reservoir.建南气田长兴生物滩油层属裂缝油层,由于地貌复杂和生产情况不平衡,常规的储层改造方法效果不理想。
4)Species population生物种群
1.There exists certain degree of similarities between industrial clusters and species population.产业集群与生物种群具有一定的相似性。
1.The Shixi Formation in the Xinjiang Basin of Jiangxi and its biota and age;江西信江盆地石溪组生物群及其时代
2.An Approach to the feasibility of the Luoping biota geopark in Yunnan建立云南罗平生物群地质公园刍议
1.A universal primer-PCR-capillary electrophoresis method for detecting two biovars of Ureaplasma urealyticum was developed and studied its sensitivity,specificity,and reproducibility.建立了一种通用引物-PCR-CE检测溶脲脲原体2个生物群的方法,对这个方法进行了敏感性、特异性及重复性的研究,并与通用引物-PCR-琼脂糖凝胶电泳法进行了比较。
2.Results:The percent of Biovar one of Uu was 31% in STD patients and 52% in pregnant women,that of Biovar two 7% in STD ones and 5% in pregnant ones of biovar one of Uu,10 cases had serotype 1,12 serotypes 3 and 14,6.目的 :对呼和浩特地区泌尿生殖道解脲脲原体 (Uu)第 1生物群进行分群和分型检测 ,以探讨Uu生物群和 (或 )血清型与临床特征的关系。
3.urealyticum are divided into two biovars, biovar 1 and biovar 2.其分为两个生物群,分别为溶脲脲原体生物群1(biovar 1)和生物群2(biovar 2)。

兴义1.崇尚道义。 2.犹起义。