黄毛青冈(亲缘种),Quercus aff.delavayi Franch
1)Quercus aff.delavayi Franch黄毛青冈(亲缘种)
1.The fossil Quercus aff.归于壳斗科栎属的一种植物化石黄毛青冈(亲缘种)Quercusaff。
2)Cyclobalanopsis delavayi黄毛青冈
1.Studies on the Net Phmafy Pfoduction of Cyclobalanopsis delavayi Community;黄毛青冈群落的净第一性生产量研究
3)Cyclobalanopsis pachyloma毛果青冈
1.Dry matter distribution in one-year-old seedling organs of Cyclobalanopsis pachyloma and their relationships;毛果青冈1年生苗各器官干物质生产分配及相关关系
2.Studies of Organ Growth Rule and Correlativity of One-year-old Seedlings of Cyclobalanopsis pachyloma;毛果青冈1年生苗木生长规律及相关关系
4)Cyclobalanopsis glauca population青冈种群

1.Studies on Population Ecology of Cyclobalanopsis Elebaticostata in Subtropical Mountain Land;亚热带山地突脉青冈种群生态学研究
2.Sprouting and height in a Fagus engeriana population米心水青冈种群萌条更新与高度生长
3.Phylogeography of Fagus Longipetiolata: Insights from Nuclear DNA Microsatellites and Chloroplast DNA Variation;长柄水青冈种群遗传结构和系统地理学研究
4.Species Diversity and Arbor Population Distribution Pattern of Fagus longipetiolata Community in Leigong Mountain水青冈群落物种多样性及乔木种群分布格局
5.Species Diversity of Fagus engleriana Community in Shennongjia Area,Hubei Province神农架地区米心水青冈群落物种多样性特征
6.With the succession, the species diversity of the tree layer increased gradually.随着青冈群落演替进行,乔木层物种多样性逐渐增大。
7.Study on the Structure and Dynamics of Populations of Cyclobalanopsis glauca in Jiande County,Zhejiang Province浙江建德青冈常绿阔叶林种群结构和动态的研究
8.Species Diversity of Fagus hayatae Community in Qingliangfeng National Nature Reserve清凉峰自然保护区台湾水青冈群落物种多样性研究
9.Species composition and sprouting regeneration of Fagus engleriana community in Tianmushan Mountain天目山米心水青冈群落物种组成特点与萌条更新
10.Ecological Study of Cyclobalanopsis Glauca Community on the Karst Hills of Guilin;桂林岩溶石山青冈栎群落生态学研究
11.A Research of Forest Community Features and Plant Diversity in Cyclobalanopsis Chungii Forest;福建青冈林群落特征及植物多样性的研究
12.The Study on Ecophysiology Mechanism of Seed of Cyclobalanopsis Chungii;福建青冈种子萌发的生理生态学机制研究
13.Study on Population Genetic Diversity and Genetic Differentiation of Disanthus Cercidifolius Maxim. var.Longipes H.T.Chang in Jinggangshan井冈山长柄双花木种群遗传多样性与遗传分化
14.The population dynamics of natural Exbucklandia tonkinensis Steenis in Jinggang Mountain井冈山天然大果马蹄荷种群的动态变化
15.Population structure and dynamics of rhododendron simiarum in Jinggangshan National Natural Reserve;井冈山自然保护区猴头杜鹃花种群结构与动态
16.Analyses on species diversity of Castanopsis eyrei community in Jinggangshan nature reserve;井冈山自然保护区甜槠群落物种多样性分析
17.Species diversity of Disanthus Cercidifolius Maxim. Var. Longipes H.T. Chang community in Jinggangshan;井冈山长柄双花木群落物种多样性研究

Cyclobalanopsis delavayi黄毛青冈
1.Studies on the Net Phmafy Pfoduction of Cyclobalanopsis delavayi Community;黄毛青冈群落的净第一性生产量研究
3)Cyclobalanopsis pachyloma毛果青冈
1.Dry matter distribution in one-year-old seedling organs of Cyclobalanopsis pachyloma and their relationships;毛果青冈1年生苗各器官干物质生产分配及相关关系
2.Studies of Organ Growth Rule and Correlativity of One-year-old Seedlings of Cyclobalanopsis pachyloma;毛果青冈1年生苗木生长规律及相关关系
4)Cyclobalanopsis glauca population青冈种群
5)Sibling species亲缘种
1.Objective To establish a molecular method for differentiation of two sibling species, Anopheles minimus A and An.目的 建立微小按蚊复合体不同亲缘种A和C的分子鉴别方法—PCR产物酶切片段长度多态性分析 (PCR RFLP)。
6)Cyclobalanopsis glauca青冈
1.Influence of Growth Regulator on Root Group Seedlings Growth of Cyclobalanopsis glauca;生长调节剂对青冈根坨苗生长的影响
2.Biocycle of nitrogen in a Cyclobalanopsis glauca dominated evergreen broad-leaved forest in East China;青冈常绿阔叶林氮的生物循环
3.Active Oxygen Damage to the Cyclobalanopsis glauca Leaves During Process of Water Stress;水分胁迫对青冈叶片活性氧的伤害
