古海水温度,paleo-sea surface temperature
1)paleo-sea surface temperature古海水温度
1.TEX86 index is a relatively new paleo-sea surface temperature(SST) proxy,based on the ratio of a newly discovered group of biomarkers,glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers(GDGTs),which are produced by marine archaea Crenarchaeota.TEX86是最近几年提出的一个古海水温度重建指标,它是基于由古菌的一个分支Marine Crenarchaeota所产生的一组生物标志物(GDGTs)的比值。

2.Sr thermometer from modern coral in Xisha Islands: A practically precise proxy for paleotemperature of sea water西沙珊瑚锶温度计:便捷高精度海洋古水温代用指标
3.salinity, temperature, and density of sea water海水的盐度、温度和密度
4.sea-air temperature difference correction海水空气温度差修正
5.A method to measure temperature of surface seawater and a certain depth seawater was presented.提出海水的表面温度及一定深度海水温度梯度的测量方法。
6.bathythermograph grid海水深度温度自动记录仪坐标方格
7.air expendable bathythermograph航空用一次性海水深度温度记录仪
8.Characteristics and trend of SST variation in the coastal region of the East China Sea东海沿岸海水表层温度的变化特征及变化趋势
9.In the ocean, the velocity of sound varies with the temperature, salinity, and depth of the water.在海洋中,音速随着水的温度、盐分和深度而变化。
10.In the Arctic Ocean, the air temperature is often lower than the sea surface temperature, so the subsurface warm water occurs frequently.在北极,大气温度低于海面温度是普遍现象,次表层暖水经常发生。
11.Increased temperatures will also cause the polar ice-caps to melt, raising sea levels, and flooding coastal areas.温度升高还会引起极地冰水融化,海平面上升,沿海地区洪水成灾。
12.Marine temperatures change gradually because of the high heat capacity of water.由于海水的比热大,海水温度是逐渐缓慢地变化的。
13.Seasonal and Inter-Annual Variations of Temperature and Salinity in the Northern South China Sea南海北部深水海域温度以及盐度的季节及年际变化特征
14.Relationships between the Precipitation in China and the SST in the Equatorial East Pacific东赤道太平洋海面温度与我国降水的关系
15.Quasi-two-week and Synoptic Variability of Upper Sea Temperature in the South China Sea (SCS)南海上层水温的准双周和天气尺度变化
16.Tropical racific and Indian Ocean have influence on rainfall of southeast Asia热带太平洋和印度洋海温对东南亚降水的影响
17.Spring Precipitation in North China and Its Relation to SST of Indian Ocean in the Preceding Winter华北春季降水及其与前期印度洋海温的关系
18.Analysis of sea water temperature time series using HHT methodHHT方法在海水温度时间序列分析中的应用

sea surface paleotemperature海水古温度
1.The methods for reconstructing the sea surface paleotemperature have attracted many scientists attention particularly in recent years and become more and more perfect.古温度的定量估算已成为理解地球气候系统演化的关键性环节,是古环境研究中的前沿问题,海水古温度再造方法备受关注。
3)seawater temperature海水温度
1.Physical and mathematical models are established in order to analyze and calculate the influence of seawater temperature and bubble distribution on conductivity characteristic of ship wake.为了对水面舰船尾流的电导率特性受海水温度和气泡分布的综合影响进行理论分析和计算,在建立物理模型和数学模型时,对于具有垂直温度梯度的海水中水面舰船的气泡尾流,假设检测尾流的电导率探头极间的气泡分别呈任意分布和均匀分布,获得了海水温度、气泡半径、气泡数密度及气泡分布方式对非尾流区海水电导率与尾流电导率之差δK的综合影响规律。
4)sea water temperature海水温度
5)sea temperature海水温度
6)seawater temperature field海水温度场

海水增养殖(见海水养殖、海水增殖)海水增养殖(见海水养殖、海水增殖)marine aquaculture _一一’‘~’‘以,’日y以.1日乙川髦增养殖(~ne aquacultu祀’见海水养殖·海水