δ18O和δ13C轻值,Light δ18O and δ13C excursions
δ 18O valuesδ18O值
3)δ13C valueδ13C值
1.In this study,by measuring stable carbon isotopes in leaves of 51 alpine plant species belonged to 19 families and 41 genera growing in the east of Tibetan Plateau in 2002 and 2003,we studied the variations of δ13C values between two year.文章通过分析2002年和2003年青藏高原东部青海省门源县境内隶属于19科41属51种植物叶片的δ13C值,研究高寒草甸植物稳定碳同位素组成的年间变化及其与环境因子的关系,分析影响δ13C值变化的关键因子。
2.Four long-term agricultural field experiments combined with an laboratory incubation experiment were conducted to evaluate the effect of organic,inorganic and organic+inorganic fertilizer application on δ13C value of soil organic matter(SOM)and humic acid(HA)in black soil,brown soil,meadow soil and paddy soil.以黑土、棕壤、草甸土和水稻土为供试土壤,通过田间定位并结合室内培养试验,初步研究了不同施肥(包括施用化肥、有机肥以及有机肥配施化肥)条件下全土有机质和胡敏酸的δ13C值。
3.The foliar δ13C values were used to denote the long-term water use efficiency(WUE)of plants whereas long-term nitrogen use efficiency(NUE)was estimated by the ratio of C to N.对长汀水土流失区不同生态恢复程度生境马尾松(Pinus massoniana)与木荷(Schima superba)的叶片稳定碳同位素组成(δ13C)、比叶面积(specific leaf area,SLA)、叶N含量及C/N进行了分析,并以叶片δ13C值和C/N分别指示植物的水分利用效率(water use efficiency,WUE)和氮素利用效率(nitrogen use efficiency,NUE)。
1.In this paper,the variations of δ~(18)O of precipitation and the relationships between δ~(18)O in precipitation and temperature and precipitation amount are analyzed by using the meteorological data observed in the summer of 2004 at Baidi,Wengguo and Duixiang Hydrographic Stations around the Yamzho Lake on the Tibetan Plateau.根据青藏高原南部羊卓雍错流域白地、翁果和堆乡3个水文站2004年1~10月降水中δ18O的测定结果,分析了该流域降水中δ18O的变化特征及其与温度和降水量之间的关系。
2.According to the precipitation and δ~(18)O obtained during GAME-Tibet IOP, based on the knowledge that the δ~(18)O in precipitation is lower which is from the ocean air mass and higher from that of the local evaporation, the water vapor sources could be identified from the δ~(18)O value in precipitation.根据GAME-Tibet加强观测期间取得的降水量和δ18O资料,基于来自海洋性气团的水汽形成的降水中δ18O较低、来自局地蒸发形成的降水中δ18O较高这一认识,尝试性地给出了划分不同来源水汽的标准。
3.The Nanyong-3 well core from the Yongshu Atoll lagoon in the Nansha Islands is measured by high-precision TIMS U serious dating, and then the δ~(18)O of the benthonical Calcarina hispida[Brady] in the sample is analysized.通过测试了采自南沙群岛永暑礁湖中的南永3井岩芯的高精度TIMS铀系年龄,分析了样品中底栖有孔虫茸刺距轮虫(Calcarinahispida)δ18O,计算了历史时期表层海水温度和气温,结果自330AD以来可划分为4个凉和4个热的气候期,还细分出37个气候凉热波动亚期。
5)δ 18 Oδ18O
1.Climate change since the 1920s was rec onstructed based on annual δ 18 O from a 102.0 7m冰芯记录中δ18O的年变化 ,恢复了青藏高原中部 2 0世纪 2 0年代以来的气候变化 。
6)δ 13C depletion stageδ13C低值时期
