热河翼龙动物群,Johel Biota
1)Johel Biota热河翼龙动物群
2)Rehe animal fossil groups热河动物群
1.Especially many sorts of bird were discovered in Rehe animal fossil groups.恐龙的种类以兽脚目的虚骨龙类和角龙目的鹦鹉嘴龙占较大比例,特别是热河动物群中增加许多种鸟类化石,这些化石的发现对确定我省辽西中生代地层和研究当时的古气候、古环境具有重要意义。
3)Jehol Biota热河生物群
1.Comments on the Major Advances in the Jehol Biota and Daohugou Biota Published by the Journals Nature and Science;对《自然》、《科学》杂志报道的热河生物群、道虎沟生物群重大发现与研究进展的述评
2.New taxa of Gomphidae (Insecta:Odonata) in Jehol Biota from western Liaoning,China;辽西热河生物群箭蜓科昆虫新类群
3.New discovery of fossil dobsons in Jehol Biota from western Liaoning, China;辽西热河生物群中的水虿化石新发现

2.First large tyrannosauroid theropod from the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota in northeastern China中国早白垩世热河生物群中大型霸王龙类化石的发现(英文)
3.The past decade has witnessed the discoveries of various important fossils from the Mesozoic Jehol Biota.最近十多年来,我国在热河生物群各门类生物研究方面取得了一系列重要的发现和成果。
4.The flourishing of the Jehol Biota is related to the unique, warm, fresh water and continental environment of East Asia in the Early Cretaceous.热河生物群的繁盛和东亚地区当时特有的温暖的淡水和陆地环境具有密切的联系。
5.Comparative Study on Arthropod Communities of Different Ecosystems in Yuanmou Arid-hot Valley, Yunnan;云南元谋干热河谷不同生态系统节肢动物群落比较研究
6.Zooplankton Communities in Two Riverine Reservoirs of South China and Population Ecology of Diaphanosoma Dubia;两座南亚热带河流型水库浮游动物群落结构特征以及秀体溞的种群生态学研究
7.The osteology and integument of deinonychosaurs from the Jehol Group of western Liaoning are studied and a parsimonious phylogenetic analysis of the interrelationships of coelurosaurian dinosaurs is performed.详细描述了中国辽西热河群部分恐爪龙类化石的骨骼与皮肤衍生物形态。
8.Yanjiahe Biota from the Early Cambrian of Yichang, Hubei, China湖北宜昌早寒武世岩家河生物群研究
9.Caloric Values of Steppe Plant Populations and Functional Groups in Xilin River Basin of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古锡林河流域草原植物种群和功能群热值研究
10.Study on Soil Reinforcement Capability of Plants in Dry and Hot Valley of Jinsha River金沙江干热河谷区生物固土能力研究
11.Neotropical flora and fauna.新热带植物群和动物群
12.Biomass of Main Plant Community of Estuarine Wetland of Minjiang River闽江河口湿地主要植物群落生物量研究
13.Analysis on Main Biological Characters of Improved Maize Lines from Tropical and Subtropical Maize Populations热带·亚热带玉米群体改良系主要生物性状分析
14.They have had serious effects upon the biota of stream.它们对河流中的生物群体产生严重影响。
15.The Change of Plankton Community during River Ecosystem Restoration in Suzhou Creek;苏州河生态恢复过程中浮游生物群落动态变化
16.Effects of Semio-chemicals of Tropical Plant on Diamondback Moth, Plutella Xylostella L.;热带植物次生物质对小菜蛾种群的控制作用
17.Ecology of Zoobenthic Community of Wetland in Estuarine Tidal Flat;河口潮滩湿地底栖动物群落的生态学研究
18.Study on the Underground Biomass of Community Dominant Species in Middle Reach of Tarim River;塔里木河中游地区群落优势种地下生物量研究

Rehe animal fossil groups热河动物群
1.Especially many sorts of bird were discovered in Rehe animal fossil groups.恐龙的种类以兽脚目的虚骨龙类和角龙目的鹦鹉嘴龙占较大比例,特别是热河动物群中增加许多种鸟类化石,这些化石的发现对确定我省辽西中生代地层和研究当时的古气候、古环境具有重要意义。
3)Jehol Biota热河生物群
1.Comments on the Major Advances in the Jehol Biota and Daohugou Biota Published by the Journals Nature and Science;对《自然》、《科学》杂志报道的热河生物群、道虎沟生物群重大发现与研究进展的述评
2.New taxa of Gomphidae (Insecta:Odonata) in Jehol Biota from western Liaoning,China;辽西热河生物群箭蜓科昆虫新类群
3.New discovery of fossil dobsons in Jehol Biota from western Liaoning, China;辽西热河生物群中的水虿化石新发现
4)dinosaur fauna恐龙动物群
1.Four successive and related dinosaur faunas have been divided from the Jurassic of Sichuan:(1)Early Jurassic Lufengosaurus Fauna;(2)Early Jurassic Zizhongosaurus Fauna;(3)Middle Jurassic Shunosaurus Omeisaurus Fauna;and(4)Late Jurrassic Mamenchisaurus Fauna.文章将四川侏罗纪恐龙划为四个相关的恐龙动物群:(1)早侏罗世禄丰龙动物群(LufengosaurusFauna);(2)早侏罗世资中龙动物群(ZizhongosaurusFauna);(3)中侏罗世蜀龙——峨眉龙动物群(Shunosaurus-OmeisaurusFauna);(4)马门溪龙动物群(MamenchisaurusFauna)。
5)Kueichousaurus Fauna贵州龙动物群
6)Longdan mammlian fauna龙担哺乳动物群
