1.Metaphorical Extension of the Force Schema in Grammaticalization;隐喻语法化进程中的力图式扩展机制研究
2.Grammaticalization of Concessive Conjunction "Jishi"(即使);让步连词“即使”的语法化

1.Cognition, Pragmatics and Grammaticalization--one of the serial researches upon grammaticalization;认知、语用与语法化——语法化研究(中)
2.The Grammaticalization of "kwa~(33)"(pass) in Zhuang Language;壮语“kwa~(33)”(过)的语法化
3.A Study of the Grammaticalization of Chinese "de" and French "de";汉语“de(的)”和法语“de”的语法化研究
4.A Study of Grammaticalization in Chinese;汉语语法化研究——从实词虚化到语法化理论
5.What is Grammaticalization?--A Study on Grammaticalization(I);什么是语法化?——语法化研究(上)
6.A new perspective on grammaticalization:On contact-induced grammaticalization语法化的新视野——接触引发的语法化
7.Contrastive Study on Gammaticalization of Chinese "Gei" (给) and English "Give";汉语“给”与英语“give”语法化的对比研究
8.The Autonomy of Grammar Seen Through the Mist of Grammaticalization;透过语法化现象看语法机制的自主性
9.Usages of ‘yòu’(又) and ‘yě’(也) expressing the refuting mood and their grammaticalization;“又”、“也”的辩驳语气用法及其语法化
10.On the Syntactic Circumstances of the Complement "Que" in the Grammatical Context;浅谈语法化中补语“却”的句法环境
11.Grammaticalization theory and Halliday s grammatical metaphor theory;‘语法化’理论和韩礼德的语法隐喻模式
12.Grammaticalization and Categorization:Cognitive Mechanism in Grammaticalization Process语法化与范畴化:语法化过程中的认知机制
13.Counterprocess in Grammaticalization and the Lexicalization of Chinese Classifiers;语法化的逆过程:汉语量词的实义化
14.A Contrastive Analysis of Linguistic Context as a Grammaticalization Mechanism;语言语境语法化作用的英汉语对比分析
15.The Syntactic and Semantic Usage of 'V Cheng' Pattern and Its Grammaticalization汉语“V成”的句法语义研究及语法化考察
16.The Comparison between Modern Chinese Character "De" and Thai Character "dai~(51)"现代汉语“得”和泰语“(?)”的用法及语法化对比
17.A Data-based Study on Grammaticalization of Future Meaning in English and Chinese;英汉语表示“将来”意义的语法化——基于语料库的语法化对比研究
18.An Observation on the Process of Grammaticalization about “Ru(如)、Ruo(若)、Ran(然)、Yan(焉)、Er(尔)”in Ancient Chinese古汉语“如、若、然、焉、尔”语法化过程考察

1.The word Chi has changed from the basic sense of eating to a passive marker,whose grammarization process is involved syntax and semantic interaction."吃"字从其基本意义"食"经过重新分析转化为一个被动标记,其语法化过程中渗透着句法、语义的相互作用,语用的因素如焦点等也对语法化过程起到一些推动作用。
2.It’s main mechanism of grammarization is subjectivization and in the context it also plays an important role in this process.它的语法化机制主要是主观化,同时,语境起了重要作用。
3.Gao Zengxia gave it an systematic explanation in view of grammarization in her new book,What is SVC:A Review in Grammarization.高增霞所著《现代汉语连动式的语法化视角》一书首次从语法化的角度对这一重要句法现象加以系统全面地审视和考察,把连动式的研究进一步推向深入,堪称现代汉语连动式研究的一部力作。
1.Furthermore,it examines the source and grammaticization of "gai" with the reference of Jin dialect in Shaanxi Province and the inheriting relation of the ancient and modern meaning of "gai".通过描写、比较志丹方言语气副词"该"用于不同句类、句法环境的语法意义,厘定了"该"和"敢"的区别;并结合陕北、山西晋语的情况和"该"的古今义之继承关系,考察了"该"的来源及语法化问题。
2.owing to the partial grammaticization of "目前"(muqian) referring to the scope of space and the gradual vcabularization of "目前"(muqian) referring to the scope of time,they impact and restrict each other.由于空间范畴"目前"的局部语法化,时间范畴"目前"的逐渐词汇化,二者相互影响、相互制约,"目前"一词完成了从表示空间范畴到表示时间范畴的演变。
3.This article makes an analysis on the two special usages of the rear component part of grammaticization“Xing”signified the points of compass and location,objects and receiver of action in the forms of literal translation s representive works the Secret History of Yuan Dynasty s translation,and discusses the relations between the Qinghai dialects and Mongolian according to the above mentioned.文章对“直译体”代表作《元朝秘史》译文中作为语法化后位成分“行”表示方位处所和表示受事、对象的两种特殊用法进行了分析 ,并以此为一力证探讨了汉语青海方言与蒙古语的关系。
1.This paper discusses the grammarticalization of the typical passive marker,Bei,in Mandarin Chinese,holding that passive marker Bei originates from the verb Bei,which means to suffer from or to be affected by.文章讨论汉语典型被动标记“被”的语法化过程,认为“被”表被动源于动词“遭受”义,现代汉语里“被”的语义和句法属性仍存在连续性;“被”的语法化受汉语史上语义重心后移和时体范畴产生等系统变化的影响并与重新分析和吸收有关;“被”的语法化主要导致句法关系的改变;“被”字句中的实施成分(N2)出现的原因,除了“后引入”和“独立重新分析”两种可能,还有第三种可能——融合。
2.We will explain the reason why this special“Bei”-sentence emerges then disappears with the theory of grammarticalization.本文主要研究它的出现、发展、消失过程,对它在唐宋元明清各个时期的应用情况进行详细、系统的描写,并结合语法化理论来解释这种特殊“被”字句出现、消失的原因。
3.The paper,from synchronic and diachronic viewpoints,collects the related forms and usages in Chinese dialects,portrays the evolution process of Renjia,and finally draws two conclusions about grammarticalization.本文采用共时和历时描写相结合的方法,广泛调查了其在各大方言中的分布,也追溯了其历史发展源流,最后得出其两个语法化过程。
1.It is the result of pragmatic grammaticalisation.本文首先讨论该句式对名词性成分的这种选择性,然后讨论该句式的语法化问题,认为该句式是在汉语自然焦点居于句末这一信息表达原则和谓词隐含这一句法条件共同作用下的“语用法的语法化”的结果。
6)grammaticalization in Chinese汉语语法化
1.China has witnessed a long history of the study on lexemes abstraction with its original theories,which is argued as an early stage of the study on grammaticalization in Chinese.我国汉语实词虚化研究历史悠久,且不乏有独到见解,引进西方语法化理论后,汉语语法化研究又进入新的发展阶段。

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理