稀疏A~*,Sparse Aalgorithm
1)Sparse Aalgorithm稀疏A~*
1.Which the method one dimension compress store of large-scale sparse systems of equal bandwidth positive definite symmetric linear equitions being used for solving the function of peotential distribution from normal resistivity logs,the solving method of this paper can normally deal with parameters from 1 to more than 2×10~6.在用有限元法进行普通电阻率测井中的电位分布函数的求解过程中,使用了大型稀疏等带宽矩阵的一维压缩存储方法,从而使该求解过程的计算程序可适用于地层参数相差200万倍以上的情况。
2.A maze running algorithm is proposed to find the shortest path between two given points in a grid with sparse rectangular obstacles.给出了一个在具有稀疏矩形障碍的迷宫中寻找给定的两个单元之间的最短路径的算法。
3.A algorithm for solving large-scale sparse group of linear equations is presented.给出了求解大规模稀疏线性方程组的一个实用算法;该算法能够保持矩阵的稀疏性和减少存贮量,并且能够求解一些大规模的问题。

1.His hair was grey and thin.他的头发灰白、稀疏
2.This is not only because of the sparsity of the fringed.这不仅是由于条纹稀疏
3.a thinly scattered population散布得很稀疏的居民
4.He was tall and fat, and without much hair.他又高又胖,头发稀疏
5.Your hair's getting very thin.你的头发越发稀疏了。
6.sparse unsymmetric linear equation稀疏非对称线性方程
7.areas of dense/sparse population人口稠密 [稀疏]的地区.
8.This is called a rarefaction and is represented by widely spaced dots.这个区域称为稀疏区,并用疏散的小点表示。
9.He bent down to regard a lean file of spearmint growing by the wall.他弯下身去望着沿墙稀稀疏疏地长着的一排留兰香。
10.Grassland with scattered clusters of trees or shrubs.稀树高原稀疏地散布着树丛和灌木丛的草地
11.Ultrastructure of epithelial cells showed a decrease of intermediate filaments, accumulation of vimentin in bundle and organelle degeneration.其纤维分布稀疏 ,聚集成束 ,细胞器变性 ;
12.The channels are closely spaced or widely spaced.河道是紧密相间的或是稀疏相间的。
13.The mountains are sparsely covered with shrubbery and trees.山上有稀疏的灌木和树覆盖。
14.He thinned out the seedlings.他拔掉一些幼苗使它们变得稀疏
15.He ran his hand through his thinning gray hair.他用力捋他那愈见稀疏的灰头发。
16.sparsely covered with stunted trees or vegetation and underbrush.被矮小的树、植被或丛林稀疏得覆盖。
17.The region in which this occurs.稀疏区发生这种现象的区域
18.It was fine open walking here, upon the summit;山顶树木稀疏,行走起来很方便。

1.Which the method one dimension compress store of large-scale sparse systems of equal bandwidth positive definite symmetric linear equitions being used for solving the function of peotential distribution from normal resistivity logs,the solving method of this paper can normally deal with parameters from 1 to more than 2×10~6.在用有限元法进行普通电阻率测井中的电位分布函数的求解过程中,使用了大型稀疏等带宽矩阵的一维压缩存储方法,从而使该求解过程的计算程序可适用于地层参数相差200万倍以上的情况。
2.A maze running algorithm is proposed to find the shortest path between two given points in a grid with sparse rectangular obstacles.给出了一个在具有稀疏矩形障碍的迷宫中寻找给定的两个单元之间的最短路径的算法。
3.A algorithm for solving large-scale sparse group of linear equations is presented.给出了求解大规模稀疏线性方程组的一个实用算法;该算法能够保持矩阵的稀疏性和减少存贮量,并且能够求解一些大规模的问题。
1.Collaborative filtering is the most prevalent algorithm of personalized service,but there are always two difficult problems for collaborative filtering algorithms,that is,data sparsity and expansibility.协作过滤是当今应用最为普遍的个性化推荐算法,然而数据的稀疏性和算法的可扩展性一直是协作过滤算法所面临的两大问题。
2.The sparsity and the problem of the curse of dimensionality of high-dimensional data, make the most of traditional clustering algorithms lose their action in high-dimensional space.高维数据的稀疏性和"维灾"问题使得多数传统聚类算法失去作用,因此研究高维数据集的聚类算法己成为当前的一个热点。

稀疏1.亦作"稀疎"。 2.不稠密。 3.犹言冷落﹐疏远。