全面改革,full-scale innovation
1)full-scale innovation全面改革
1.Paper argues that full-scale innovation of the system of CET should be quickly taken with students being the center of all aspects of the innovation and develops students integrated applying abilities through analysis of all factors to do with the reform.通过分析英语教学体系的各个因素 ,提出大学英语教学应尽快进行教学体系的全面改革 ,改革的各个方面均要“以学生为中心”,培养学生的英语综合运用能力。

1.That session will herald China's comprehensive reform.这意味着中国将出现全面改革的局面。
2.- To intensify our efforts to achieve a comprehensive reform of the Security Council in all its aspects.- 加紧努力全面改革安全理事会的所有方面。
3.Overall reform is cardinal movivation of wholesale development of socialist society;全面改革是社会主义社会全面发展的根本动力
4.proposals to overhaul the health care system.全面改革保健制度的建议
5.The all-round reform of our economic structure has just begun.我国经济体制的全面改革刚刚起步,
6.How to teach best classical electrodynamics lesson;全面改革电动力学课程的思考与探索
7.Reforming Experimental Teaching All-roundly to Cultivate Students Innovative Abilities;全面改革实验教学 培养学生创新能力
8.complete transformation全面的改革,完全改变
9.We can say this will be a comprehensive reform.可以说是全面的改革。
10.The process of transformation of the state-owned enterprises is well underway.国企改革已经全面铺开。
11.By reform we mean something comprehensive, including reform of both the economic structure and the political structure and corresponding changes in all other areas.改革是全面的改革,包括经济体制改革、政治体制改革和相应的其他各个领域的改革。
12.5. Deepening and Improving Clearance Reform in an All-Round Way(五)全面深化和完善通关作业改革
13.Reform of China's Household Registration System Underway中国全面推进户籍制度改革
14.There may be large changes around here generally.这里将会有全面的大改革。
15.Carrying Forward the Innovation Spirit and Pushing on the CPC Construction;弘扬改革创新精神 全面推进党的建设
16.Deepening the Reform of Higher Vocational Education to Improve Teaching Quality in an All-round Way;深化高职教学改革 全面提高教学质量
17.Push forward the Course Reform Thoroughly and Promote Teaching Quantity Overall;深入推进课程改革 全面提高教学质量
18.Deepening the Reform of Higher Education for All-round Progress of Our People;深化高等教育改革 促进人的全面发展

root-and-branch reforms全面的改革.
3)total transformation全面的改革
4)Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act全面移民改革法
5)deepen the reforms in an all-round way全面深化改革
6)all-round reform in economic structure全面改革经济体制

国有林场酝酿全面改革  国家林业局新闻发言人曹清尧15日说,我国4466个国有林场正在酝酿全面改革,其核心是将国有林场按生态公益型和商品型进行分类经营。   曹清尧在新闻发布会上说,林权制度改革包括国有林区林权制度改革、国有林场林权制度改革和集体林权制度改革。   6月16日,国家林业局已正式批复了黑龙江伊春国有林区改革方案,这标志着国有林区林权制度改革试点工作正式启动。试点的主要内容是,对浅山区林农交错、相对分散、零星分布、易于分户经营的部分国有商品林,由林业职工家庭承包经营;对大面积、集中连片的公益林和商品林,由伊春林业管理局依法加强经营管理。   曹清尧表示,集体林权制度改革主要是通过明晰产权、放活经营、减轻税费、规范流转、综合配套改革,建立起%26#8220;产权归属明确、经营主体落实、责任划分明确、利益保障严格、流转顺畅规范、监督服务到位%26#8221;的集体林业经营管理机制,确保广大农民对集体林地%26#8220;明晰所有权,放活经营权,落实处置权,确保收益权%26#8221;。