1)cadmium ion镉离子
1.Study on cadmium ion adsorption property of modified rectorite;改性累托石对镉离子吸附性能的研究
2.Application of a new environmental mineral material in wastewater treatment--Comparative investigation on the removal of aqueous lead and cadmium ion with phosphorite;一种新型环境矿物材料在废水治理中的应用研究——磷矿石去除水溶液中铅离子和镉离子的对比研究
3.Application of a new environmental mineralogical material in wastewater treatment——Study on the sorption of aqueous cadmium ion with siliceous phosphorite;一种新型环境矿物材料在废水治理中的应用研究——硅质磷块岩吸附水溶液中镉离子的研究
1.Study on Absorption of Cadmium Cation in Water by Activated Carbon Fabric活性炭纤维对水中镉离子的吸附研究
2.Effects of organic acids on sorption of cadmiumion on goethite and bayerite有机酸对针铁矿和三羟铝石吸附镉离子的影响
3.The Complexing of apo-metallothionein with Cadmium Ion and Its Conformation Study脱金属硫蛋白与镉离子的络合作用及构象研究
4.Ratiometric Naphthalimide Fluorescent Sensor for Cadmium;萘酰亚胺类镉离子比率荧光探针的设计与合成
5.Removal of Cadmium Ions in the Aqueous Solution Via Micellar Enhanced Ultrafiltration;表面活性剂胶团强化超滤去除水中的镉离子
6.Study on the Kinetics of Transportation of Cadmium Ion with Liquid Membrane;镉离子在液膜体系中的传输动力学研究
7.Effects of Cadmium on SOD and ATPase Activity and the Toxicity Study in Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon Idellus C.&V.) Fingerling;镉离子对草鱼鱼种SOD和ATPase的影响及毒性研究
8.Theoretical Research on Adsorption of Heavy Metal Cadmium Ion on Goethite;镉离子(Ⅱ)在针铁矿表面化学吸附的理论研究
9.A feasibility study of cadmium absorption by waste brewer's yeast啤酒酵母吸附工业废水中镉离子的可行性研究
10.Effect of Different Phosphate on Adsorption-Desorption of Cadmium in Red Soil不同磷酸盐下红壤对镉离子的吸附-解吸特征
11.Research and Application of Immunoassay for Cadmium Ion Pollution in Food食品镉离子污染免疫检测技术的研究与应用
12.Establishment of competitive enzyme-linked immunoassay for cadmium ions detection by using the McAbs against cadmium镉离子单克隆抗体的鉴定及竞争ELISA的建立
13.Kinetics and Thermodynamics Study on the Adsorption of Husk to Cadmium Ions in Water谷壳对水中镉离子的吸附动力学及热力学研究
14.Determination of Cadmium Ion by Spectrophotometry with 2-(2-thiazolylazo)-5-sulfopropylaminopHenol(TASPAP)TASPAP分光光度法测定水中镉(Ⅱ)离子
15.Study on Foam Separation of Metal Ion from Its Aqueous Solution;泡沫分离法去除水溶液中的铜、镉、镍离子
16.Determination of Copper, Cadmium and Lead in Natural Water by Ionexchange-Atomic Absorption Technique离子交换—原子吸收法测定天然水中的铜、镉、铅
17.Lithium hydronium cell(group), nicel hydrogen cell(group), nicel cadmium cell(group), fastener cell(group).锂离子电池(组)、镍氢电池(组)、镍镉电池(组)、纽扣电池。
18.Impact of Co-existing Cations on Phytoavailability of Cadmium in Soils and Its Mechanisms;共存阳离子对土壤镉有效性影响及其机制
1.Research progress on mechanisms of cadmium ion-mediated acute hepatotoxicity and anti-injury;镉离子介导急性肝损伤与抗损伤机制的研究进展
2.Effects of organic acids on sorption of cadmiumion on goethite and bayerite;有机酸对针铁矿和三羟铝石吸附镉离子的影响
3.A feasibility study of cadmium absorption by waste brewer's yeast啤酒酵母吸附工业废水中镉离子的可行性研究
1.This chemical sensor exhibited Nernstian response to Cd~(2+) with a slope of 32.报道了以湖北长阳出产的山漆为原料提取其中的漆酚,再与混有少量甲醛的乙醛溶液在碱性催化剂存在的条件下合成漆酚乙醛树脂,以此漆酚乙醛树脂为载体,研制了直接电位法测定水中镉离子的化学传感器。
2.The biosorption of Cd~(2+) by suspended saccharomycete was investigated with various influencing factors on the process discussed.41时,镉离子的吸附效果最好;溶液的初始质量浓度也是影响吸附效果的主要因素,在初始质量浓度为228。
3.The experimental result shows that, when the concentration of HAP is 5 g/L, the concentration of Pb~(2+) and Cd~(2+) are 500 mg/L, 30 mg/L respectively, st.试验结果表明:当羟基磷灰石的浓度为5g/L时,溶液中铅离子浓度和镉离子浓度分别为500 mg/L和30mg/L,常温搅拌30min后。
1.The experiments showed that a sensitive oxidation peak of cadmium(Ⅱ) was observed by anodic stripping voltammetry in B-R buffer solution(pH=5.研究了镉离子在PVC-十二烷基苯磺酸钠碳糊修饰电极上的电化学行为,在pH5。
2.A new chemically modified GC electrode has been prepared by using polymeric L-glutamic acid/Fe(CN)63-as a modifier, the electrochemical behaviors of cadmium(Ⅱ) ion on the modified electrode have been studied.制备了聚L-谷氨酸/铁氰根修饰电极,研究了镉离子在该修饰电极上的电化学行为,建立了一种测定痕量镉离子的新方法,该方法简便准确,检测下限可达2。
5)cadmium and zinc ion镉锌离子
6)nickel and chromium ions镍镉离子
1.The products of chitosan were used to nickel and chromium ions in Spent Steel Pickle Liquor treatment and recycling successfully.利用制备的壳聚糖处理钢洗废水,并对壳聚糖吸附的的镍镉离子进行了解吸回收,效果良好。