Biginelli反应,Biginelli reaction
1)Biginelli reactionBiginelli反应
1.Compared with the classical Biginelli reaction conditions,this new method has the advantage of excellent yield(70%~97%) and shorter reaction time(3~5 h).介绍了用苯甲酸作催化剂利用Biginelli反应在无溶剂条件下,一锅合成标题化合物的方法。
2.The title compound 5-acetyl-6-methyl-4-(2-furyl)-3,4-dihydropyrimidine-2(H)-one was synthesized by samarium diiodide catalyzed Biginelli reaction,a one-pot condensation of 2-furaldehyde,urea and 2,4-pentanedione.通过二碘化钐催化的Biginelli反应合成了5-乙酰基-6-甲基-4-(2-呋喃基)-3,4-二氢嘧啶-2-酮,并采用单晶X-射线衍射法测定了其晶体结构。
3.The structure of the Biginelli reaction product from β-diketones, salicylaldehyde and urea has been proposed to possess an oxygen-bridge.在这一催化体系中 ,不仅 β-酮酸酯可以发生缩合反应 ,而且相对困难的 β-二酮也可以发生此类反应 ,使一些在传统 Biginelli反应中不能合成的二氢嘧啶酮衍生物得以顺利合成 。

1.Studies on the Green Synthesis of Biginelli ReactionBiginelli反应的绿色合成研究
2.Biginelli Reactions by Steric Control under Solvent-free Conditions无溶剂下位阻控制的Biginelli反应
3.Research of Biginelli Reaction and Hantzsch Reaction and Depressant Research of Low Temperature Flow Improver of Diesel Oil;Biginelli反应和Hantzsch反应的研究及柴油低温流动改进剂的研究
4.Study on the Biginelli-type Condensation Reaction and Mannich Reaction Catalyzed by Lanthanide Compounds稀土化合物催化的Biginelli-type缩合反应和Mannich反应的研究
5.New Advances in the Synthesis of Biginelli 3,4-Dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-one DerivativesBiginelli 3,4-二氢嘧啶-2-酮衍生物的合成研究新进展
6.highly or violently reactive.易于起反应或反应激烈。
7.responding to water deprivation缺水反应 缺水反应
8.acute phase response急性期反应,急相反应
9.linear reactant线型反应物,链状反应物
10.defense response防御反应,防卫反应
11.reactive inhibition反应性抑制 反应性抑制
12.coupled reaction偶联反应,偶合反应
13.The above reaction is called second-order reaction.上述反应称为二级反应。
14.slow reacting substance anaphylaxis过敏反应迟缓反应物质
15.Reciprocals react similarly.正反交的反应是相似的。
16.a conditioned reflex [ response ]【心理】条件反射[反应] and bottom reflected reactor上下部反射层反应堆
18.violently advattack,disagree,react violently攻击、反对、反应十分强烈

Biginelli-type reactionBiginelli-type反应
3)Biginelli condensationBiginelli缩合
1.Principles of reactions in the synthesis of rare earth fluorides in RE_2O_3-NH_4HF_2 systems;RE_2O_3-NH_4HF_2系合成稀土氟化物的反应规律
2.Study of mass transfer and bio-reaction of restaurant wastewater treatment in biological packing tower;生物填料塔处理餐厅污水传质反应研究
3.Simulation and analysis of ethanolamine reaction process;乙醇胺反应工艺模拟与分析
1.The cumulative effects of acid rain on the soil and responses of Schima superba at Dinghushan;酸雨对鼎湖山土壤的累积效应及荷木的反应
2.Behavioral responses of bird cherry-oat aphid,Rhopalosiphum padi,to temperature gradients;禾谷缢管蚜对温度梯度的行为反应
3.Review of Progress in Response to Fruit Trees under Water Stress;果树水分胁迫反应研究进展
1.Advances in Research on Plants Reactions under Phosphate Starvation;植物对磷饥饿的反应研究进展
2.Topics discussed in this article includes synthesis and structures of R2M2(CO)4, the reactions of its metal-metal triple bond with various reagents (such as nucleophiles, carbon-carbon mu.本文对一类重要的ⅥB族金属叁键化合物R_2M_2(CO)_4(R为环戊二烯基及类环戊二烯基)近年来的研究成果进行了综述,综述重点是这类化合物的官能团M≡M参键的化学活性,全文包括R_2M_2(CO)_4的合成及结构,M≡M叁键与亲核试剂、与碳-碳重键,与氧或与金属羰基物等试剂的反应及其应用。
3.The latest progress in the research of organic reactions utilizing carbon dioxide is reviewed,particularly including the reactions with epoxides,amines,unsaturated compounds,alcohols,hydrocarbons,etc.本文主要介绍了二氧化碳参与的有机化学反应,包括与环氧化合物、胺类化合物、不饱和碳氢化合物以及醇类和烃类等化合物的反应。

反应素性变态反应反应素性变态反应 见"I型变态反应"。