1.Digitization of Shape Feature of Prehistoric Pottery;史前陶器形状的数字化研究
2.Many inrormatioms of food culture could be foumd in prehistoric pottery.史前陶器中有许多饮食文化方面的信息 ,据之可推论 :在陶器发明方面 ,农业生产不是生成制陶业的前提条件 ,炮食对发明陶器有着积极的启迪意义 ;在酿酒上 ,长江流域出土的陶质酒器 ,早于黄河流域一千多年 ,这与长江流域特殊的地理气候有关 ;在烹饪手段上 ,长江流域的烹饪历史可能还要早于黄河流域。
3.The emergence and development of the painted pottery reflected the historic progress of mankind in the New Stone Age.彩陶纹饰源于受陶器制作过程中陶器本身肌理纹的启发及远古先民审美意识的增强 。

1.Of or relating to earthenware or pottery.陶器的,陶制的属于或与陶器有关的
2.red pottery bowl with textile impression(陶器名)布纹红陶碗
3.One who makes pottery.陶工,制陶工人制陶器的人
4.Pollery clay earthenware and Dongpo pot in Yixing;陶都宜兴的陶土、紫砂陶器与东坡壶
5.Pottery made in imitation of this earthenware.花饰上釉陶器模仿这种陶器制作的陶器
6.An object, such as earthenware, porcelain, or tile, made of ceramic.陶器由陶瓷制成的一种物体,如陶器、瓷器或瓦等
7.Earthenware has an advantage over wood in being easily kept clean.陶器与木器容易保洁。
8.Clay, especially a white clay used by potters.粘土,陶土粘土、尤指陶器使用的白粘土
9.potter's clay that is thinned and used for coating or decorating ceramics.薄的陶土,用于涂刷或装饰陶器
10.Delft is a blue-and-white ware.代尔夫特精陶是一种蓝白色的陶器
11.The place where a potter works.陶器厂制陶工人工作的地方
12.White pottery and glazed pottery were produced.白陶和上釉的陶器也被制造出来了。
13.A kind of hard unglazed pottery.一种硬的素烧的陶器
14.signing up for a pottery course.报名参加陶器制作课程
15.European Federation of the Electro-Ceramic Industry欧洲电陶器工业联合会
16.Standard of domestic fine potteryGB/T10815-1989日用精陶器
17.craft of making pots,esp by hand陶器制造术(尤指手工业)
18.Caffaggiolo maiolica卡法吉沃罗锡釉陶器

1.This article analyzes the stone implement and earthenware\'s divine creative force art by the Stone Age this time spool thread,explained that ancient divine creative force art and the present designs interlinked,as well as to modern design guidance.当代全球化进程迅猛发展,设计也变得日新月异,但古代造物艺术却永远是人类设计的源头,在造物历史中最早的石器和陶器造物技巧为人类后来的制造器物积累了一定的经验。
2.In modern Chinese folk earthenware,Ethnic earthenware styles and a variety of formations are different with folk earthenware of Han nationality , craftsmen use earthenware and corresponding with molding, glazing,firing process,choosing an established form,which involves the aspects of ideology,politics, economy and culture of the minority areas.在中国现代民间陶瓷中,少数民族陶器以其鲜明的风格和迥然不同的形态语言粲然其中,制陶匠师运用陶材及其相应的成型、釉彩、烧造等工艺手法,其表现方式与进行的形式处理,涉及到其所处民族地区的意识形态、政治、经济以及文化等多方面因素,从而形成各具风貌的品类。
