过程性评价,process evaluation
1)process evaluation过程性评价
1.Discussion on adopting process evaluation in physical learning in colleges;高校体育学习过程性评价的探讨
2.Reflections on the implementation of process evaluation in teaching history course;对历史教学中实施过程性评价的思考
3.Application of self-assessment of process evaluation for manipulation skill training of nursing students;自评式过程性评价在护生操作训练中的应用

1.To assess college students P.E study by the learning process or by results;大学生体育学习的过程性评价与终结性评价
2.The Research of the Senior High School Information Technology Course Process Evaluation;高中信息技术课程过程性评价的研究
3.Reflections on the implementation of process evaluation in teaching history course;对历史教学中实施过程性评价的思考
4.The Evaluation Process of Exploration of High School History Course;高中历史课程研究性学习的过程性评价
5.Study of Specialize in Basketball Course Process Testing Evaluation in Physical Education Major;体育教育专业篮球专修课程过程性评价研究
6.Assessment and Evaluation Serve as Supplements to Middle School English Teaching;英语过程性评价与综合性评价辅助中学英语教学
7.The Reaserach of Process Assessement in Information Technology Teaching in Junior Middle School;初中信息技术课堂过程性评价的实践研究
8.On the Improvement of Students Writing Skills with Process Assessment in High School English Teaching;论过程性评价对高中英语作文教学的促进
9.The Application Research of the Process Evaluation in Biology Teaching of Senior High School;高中生物学教学过程性评价的应用研究
10.Experiment and Reflection on Formative Assessment in Science Teaching of Primary Schools;小学科学课教学中过程性评价的尝试和思考
11.The Design and Development of a Process Assessment System based on e-Portfolio;基于e-Portfolio的过程性评价系统设计与实现
12.Discussion On Using Process Evaluation In Public PE Class In University;对高校公共体育课采用过程性评价的探讨
13.Formative Assessment of Mathematic Conception-learning;在数学概念学习过程中的形成性评价
14.qualitative evaluation定性评价 -程序的
15.Gender equity evaluation system:Based on the process and outcomes;基于过程和结果的评价:社会性别公平性评价体系
16.Constructing the Educational Evaluation Process: On the Evaluation of Students in Research Learning;构建教育性的评价过程——试论研究性学习的学生评价问题
17.The application of glomerular filtration rate estimation equations in chronic kidney disease肾小球滤过率评估方程评价慢性肾脏病肾滤过功能适用性研究

Process Assessment过程性评价
1.The Design and Development of a Process Assessment System based on e-Portfolio;基于e-Portfolio的过程性评价系统设计与实现
2.Brief analysis of process assessment in network learning at Nanjing TV University南京广播电视大学网络学习过程性评价浅析
3.While the assessment is conducted,process assessment and result assessment should be combined,process assessment should be distinguished from the specific assessment method or tool,and the functions of.交叉学科研究过程性评价是对科学研究实施意义上的学科交叉动机、过程和效果的三位一体的评价,它可依据评价主体、评价层次、评价的规范程度、评价方式进行分类,采用综合性评价方法。
3)formative assessment过程性评价
1.Experiment and Reflection on Formative Assessment in Science Teaching of Primary Schools;小学科学课教学中过程性评价的尝试和思考
2.The modularized curriculum in Victorian senior high schools of Australia is the same as our country, but Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) examination system has passed a long-term development, and has formed a mature evaluation mechanism which had realized the organic combination of summative assessment and formative assessment.澳大利亚维多利亚州高中教育证书考试与我国普通高中学业水平考试有着相似的性质和功能,高中教育证书考试经过长期发展,形成了终结性评价与过程性评价有机结合的评价机制,既能促进高中学生科学素养各方面的共同发展,也有利于学生的个性发展,既保证了高中教育质量的高水平,也为高校入学选拔提供参考依据。
4)processing evaluation过程性评价
1.This paper reviews critically the three popular views about "processing evaluation"in the new curriculum reform in China.新课程实施过程中三种关于过程性评价的概念理解一方面在鼓励教师关注学生的认知过程和情意发展上有某种积极意义 ,另一方面又是模糊、片面的 ,给课程改革实践带来的一些负面影响。
2.Under the background of implementing the new curriculum in our country, on the basis of criticizing the traditional student evaluation,the processing evaluation is as the new evaluation way, while developing unceasingly on the theory, actually facing all sorts of difficult positions in the practice.在我国新课程改革的背景下,过程性评价在批判传统学生评价弊端的基础上作为新的评价方式,在理论上不断发展的同时,在实践中却面临种种的困境。
3.The processing evaluation is the result of development and richness of instruction evaluation theories and practices, it provides new evaluation met.过程性评价是教学评价理论不断发展和教学评价实践日益丰富的结果,它的出现,为教育技术能力培训提供了新的评价思路,它克服传统评价方式中只重结果不重过程、评价主体单一、评价内容片面等多种弊端,强调关注学员的培训过程,突出学员的主体地位,主张真实、全面地评价学员,实现评价与培训的融合。
5)the assessment of process过程性评价
1.The passage deal with the assessment of process being carried out in current middle school geography teaching through theory study and specific practice and puts forward some specific operating methods.在普通高中新课程改革背景下,本文探讨了过程性评价在目前中学地理教学中的实施状况,并提出了一些具体的操作方法,期望通过上述这些研究能为我国当前进行的课改提供一些借鉴和参考,能给广大一线教师以启发。
6)integrative process grading过程性综合评价

地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)  d ixiashui shuiziyuan Ping】ia地下水水资源评价见水资源评价。