1.Textual Research of Life and Literary Creation of Ming Poet Zhu Ying-deng;明代诗人朱应登生平与创作考论
2.Liang Ying s life and general introduction to the historical site of "master hall";梁寅生平及“夫子堂”遗迹概说

1.lifetime average(产奶量) 终生平
2.An influence or force tending to produce equilibrium;counterpoise.平衡力趋向于产生平衡的影响或力量;平衡、均衡
3.Her life is humdrum.她的生活平平淡淡.
4.After the birth, mother and child are doing well/nicely.生产后,母子平安。
5.a tranquil life [heart]平静的生活 [心]
6.production platforms, including recovery platforms, treating platforms, living platforms and beacon towers;生产平台,包括采油平台、处理平台、生活平台和烽火台;
7.an uneventful life; the voyage was pleasant and uneventful; recovery was uneventful.平静的生活;航行愉快、平静;痊愈的过程很平静。
8.We support equality of sexes and races, because everyone is born equal.我支持性别平等和种族平等,因为人生来平等。
9.Our way of doing Business is accurate scales and measures, and at reasonaBle prices.我店生意,秤平斗满,买卖公平。
10.You can make yourself extraordinary out of your ordinary life.你可以使你在平凡的生活中不平凡。
11.Some wild cats disturbed his vegetable life.一些野猫打扰了他平平静静的生活。
12.This year's level of productivity fell well below the average.今年的生产水平在平均以下。
13.They lived untrumpeted, and died unsung.他们生时不名噪一时,死时也平平淡淡。
14.The balance of ecology and economy must be complement each other.生态平衡应与经济平衡相辅相成。
15.A person following the pursuits of civil life.平民,百姓遵循平民生活的人
16.The individual balance seeks subsistence, while the collective one pursues development.个体平衡谋生存、体平衡求发展。
17.The land area and productive area of the Company is 30000 m2 and 15000 m2 respectively.占地面积30000平方米,生产面积15000平方米。
18."How is business? ""Oh, not too bad, just ticking over."“生意如何?”“噢,还行,平平淡淡老样子。

1.His Voice and Image Still in Our Mind-Zhang Xiruo s Biography and Thought;音容宛在—张奚若的生平与思想
2.The book Unofficial History of the South of the Yangtze River by Long Jun-zhang is one of important litera- tures about the Southern Tang Period of history,yet the most advantage of the book is hardly taken because of the obscurity of the author s biography.龙君章所著《江南野史》是一本有关南唐史的重要书籍,惜因作者生平未明而影响了该书的利用,本文通过稽考,证明龙氏里籍江西吉安永新县,主要活动于北宋前期的真宗和仁宗初年,并对长期以来龙君章与欧阳修关系的传闻作了考辨。
3)life story生平
1.The Life Story and Works of Chen Jin——the Author of “On Killing Locusts”;《捕蝗汇编》撰者陈仅生平、著述考
2.The inscription, which describes Zhu s pedigree, life story and academic achievements, is an important document for stud.碑文详述了朱载埔世系、生平和学术成果,是研究朱堉载学术思想的重要文献资料,对纠补正史之漏误有重要的价值。
3.It fills the research gap of Xietiao’s life story.以所钩沉之史料为依据,结合谢朓所作之诗文,首次考证出谢朓任随郡王文学在永明十年春天至永明十一年十一月,填补了谢朓生平研究的一段空白。
4)All his life生平
1.However,due to some historical reasons,we cannot find much reference about all his life.由于历史的原因,有关这位伟大戏剧家生平事迹的记载甚少,只知他是大都人,曾任太医院尹,晚年曾去过杭州。
2.Through all his life and works, his short life can be divided into six stages, shows his struggling experience and achievements completely and passes judgment on the poet’s position in the history of new literature in China, the contribution to Kazakh literature and great influence for half a century.结合唐加勒克的生平和创作,将他短暂的一生分为六个阶段,全面展示了他的斗争经历和创作实绩,评述了诗人在中国新文学史上的地位,对我国哈萨克文学的重要贡献,以及半个世纪以来的巨大影响。
5)life experience生平
1.The content of the paper includes their address,birth and death date,life experience,achievement in works and so on.东汉作家秦嘉、徐淑夫妇的生平事迹,包括二人的籍贯、生卒年及其作品流传等等,还存在不少疑问,有必要对其进行辨析。
2.WU Ru-lun was a famous classical prose writer and educator in the late Qing Dynasty,but there are many mistakes in the introduction of his life experience in the academic circle.吴汝纶是晚清著名的古文家和教育家,但学术界关于其生平的记叙多有舛误之处。
3.We can find the cause and several influential factors of shaping his style through analysis about his life experience and thoughts in a detailed way.本文正是以嵇永仁的戏曲创作为主要研究对象,在清初的文化背景下,通过对其生平、思想的具体分析找到其作品风格形成的原因和诸多影响因素,从而进一步了解嵇永仁在清初剧坛的地位和贡献,同时也为理清清初戏曲发展的脉络提供了可信的例证。
6)in all one's life; in all one's born days平生

非诺贝特,普鲁脂芬,力平脂,生平脂药物名称:苯酸降脂丙酯英文名:Fenofibrate别名:非诺贝特,普鲁脂芬,力平脂,生平脂 作用与用途:为氯贝丁酯类降血脂药,但比氯贝丁酯及诺衡药效更强,有明显的降胆固醇及甘油三酯的作用。其作用机制可能是抑制HMG-COA还原酶。增加细胞低密度脂蛋白受体,使低密度脂蛋白胆固醇及总胆固醇清除增加。从而降低血浆中胆固醇水平;本品还可使尿酸水平下降30%。用于III 、IV、V型高脂血症。也用于患高脂血症伴有糖尿病、高血压或其他心血管病的患者。 用法用量:口服:100mg/次,3次/日,3个月为一疗程,待血脂明显下降后改为维持量100mg/次,2次/日。 注意事项:①不良反应以胃肠道为主,如消化不良、腹胀等。②有时有皮疹、红斑、头痛、失眠等。③服药期间应定期复查肝功能。 规格:胶囊剂:100mg/粒,200mg/粒,300mg/粒。类别:降脂药