1.Lines—externalization of painters emotional world:On recessive world behind the lines in Chinese painting;线条——画家感情世界的外化——解读中国画线条背后的隐性世界
2.The Painting Style of Painter Yuan Jiang of Qing Dynasty;清代画家袁江绘画风格浅析
3.The Painter, the Painting Theory and Gardening Theory in Ancient China;中国古代画家、画论与园论

1.The local artists displayed their paintings in the gallery.当地画家们在一家画廊展出他们的画。
2.The painter dipped his brush into the paint画家拿画笔蘸颜料。
3.an artist who plasters the paint on the canvas在画布上涂颜料的画家
4.The artist chose the medium of oil for the portrait.那画家选用油彩画肖像.
5.an abstract painting, painter抽象画、 抽象派画家.
6.The artist pictured the saints.画家们画圣徒的像。
7.Impressionist painters, works, exhibitions印象派画家、 作品、 画展.
8.The painter rendered the landscape very well.这画家长于风景画。
9.The painter painted in the foreground.这位画家画出了前景。
10.The artist' s picture is incomplete.画家的这张画未完成。
11.The artist was perfecting his picture.那位画家在修改他的画。
12.The painter was laying colours on canvas.画家正往画布上涂颜料。
13.(1490-1576) painter of the Venetian school.(1490-1576)威尼斯画派的画家
14.Large-sized and Small-sized Paintings, Famous and Ordinary Painters;大画小画和大画家画家——与刘文西先生商榷
15.ST: Do you follow any titles right now and if so, which ones?您目前还看其他漫画家画的漫画么?
16.The painter does not look through his canvas to determine the section.画家并不透过画布来画出截量。
17.She posed for her portrait [for the painter].她为画像而摆姿势 [摆姿势给画家画] 。
18.The painter stretched the canvas on a frame.画家把油画布紧绷在画框上。

1.Fishermen, symbolizing the recluse in the ancient times of China, had been favored by painters through the ages.渔父作为中国古代一个隐逸的形象,历来为画家所喜爱。
2.With the development of society, painters emotion changesaccordingly——they face sorrow, wildness and roughness directly in their native places.以乡土为题材的画家,早期多以美丽的家园、纯朴的乡俗民风为描绘对象,展示出画家对乡土主观性的赞美。
3.With the improvement of science and technology day by day, the quick development of the information society and the charges of the social ideology, painters have broadened their thinking and seeked the nature aesthetic of the materials and the personalized language forms after entering the 21st century, which leads to a multiplex pattern of painting.进入了21世纪,科学技术日新月异,信息社会飞速发展,社会意识形态的变更,画家们思维方式随之不断拓宽,对材料自身美感的不断发掘,个性化语言形式的追求有了更广阔的空间,绘画艺术呈现出多元化的格局。
1.Wu Li is a famous artist,adherent of the Ming Dynasty,and Catholic in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty.吴历是明末清初著名画家、爱国遗民,也是中国较早的天主教信徒,其诗歌作为吴历特殊经历的记载,具有重要的历史意义,即诗史价值。
4)caricaturist n.讽刺画家;漫画家
5)knight of the brush画家;美术家
