1.This paper attempts to demonstrate that risk premium is a variable of individual decision making through search model.本文通过一种寻找模型说明决策者在决策中的风险态度取决于决策问题同决策环境的关系。
2.Jia Ping ao has a profound sense of search in his writing.贾平凹小说创作表现出浓厚的寻找意味。
3.Centered on the searching complex of Zhang s, this paper studies his writing thought of this period.在他八、九十年代创作的四部长篇小说《古船》、《九月寓言》、《柏慧》和《家族》中,对人类精神家园的寻找,成为贯穿他这一时期小说创作的重要思想。

1.Go to the city. Look for the signs.去城里,寻找路标。?
2.She looked everywhere for him but could not find him.四处寻找,但没有找着。
3.Seeking for the Meaning of Existence:An Analysis of Looking for Mr.Green;寻找生存的意义——解读《寻找格林先生》
4.To search for and find, as in a reference book.查找在参考书中寻找并找到
5.Looking for men,looking for women--looking for humans in their wholeness--A Comparative Study of Lady Chatterley′s Lover and A Gallery of Lovers;寻找男人,寻找女人——寻找"人"——《查太莱夫人的情人》和《情爱画廊》比较谈
6.Examined the room for clues.检查房间以寻找线索
7.The detective inspected the room for fingerprints.侦探检查房间寻找指纹。
8.rummage around in the attic在顶楼上到处寻找.
9.I looked all over for my pen.我到处寻找我的圆珠笔。
10.I've searched high and low for my lost pen.我到处寻找丢失的钢笔.
11.Tom went hither and thither to search for an answer.汤姆到处寻找答案。
12.I look for the book lost everywhere .我到处寻找丢失的书。
13.I am looking for you, for you eve - ry - where.我在 到处 把你寻找
14.He is going around looking for work.他在到处奔波寻找工作。
15.Feel one's way in a new job.在新工作中寻找方法
16.They are looking for fossils in the valley.他们在峡谷中寻找化石。
17.he suffered an epileptic seizure.寻找疾病发作的原因。
18.She is looking for her lost child.她正在寻找失去的孩子。

1.Discussing the Seeking Consciousness in the Novels of Haruki Murakami——Take example of the Adventure-seeking Sheep Remember;论村上春树小说中的寻找意识——以《寻羊冒险记》为例
2.Self-confusion and Self-seeking——The Life and His Writings of Feng Yan-si;自我的迷失与寻找——冯延巳其人其词
3.More often than not, only in the process of trying every possible way to seek and entrust meaningness to life does man grow up.宇宙间只有人才具有建立自己生活的意义世界的能力和资格 ;意义世界在人的各种类型的生活中具有举足轻重的作用 ;人往往是在千方百计地不断寻找和赋予生活的意义中成长的。
1.Searching and Deviation ——A Summarization of the Root-searching Novels;寻找与背离:寻根派小说论
1.In the New year Sacrifice written by Lu Xun,the display and concealment of the narrator "I" is a process of loss,seeking and identification of the narrator′s cultural role.鲁迅小说《祝福》中,叙述者“我”的隐、显的过程就是“我”的文化身份的失去、寻找和确证的过程。
2."Seeking" is the idea that symbolizes her unswervingly pursuit and everlasting seeking of her style of writing.香港作家李碧华的作品中有着浓郁的祥宗意味,尤其是有关“寻找”的理念,15年来,渗透在她的每一部作品中。
1.To take crime scene footprints is the precondition of finding the footprints left after the case and the basic of the identification.提取现场足迹,是寻找案后足迹的先决条件、是同一认定的基础;准确划定侦查范围,是寻找案后足迹的关键。
6)seek after寻找
1.The communists in Hubei benefited a lot from this uprising for them to seek after the new factors for revolution.湖北秋收暴动是湖北共产党人寻找中国革命道路的起点,因为秋暴过程隐含着他们把注意力由大城市转向广大乡村城镇的内在趋势;秋暴分泌出了有利于湖北共产党人找寻中国革命道路的新因素;秋暴使湖北省委明确提出了"农民割据"的思想。
