1.Lishu and Fenshu as Two Different Font Styles:A Reflection on the Concept of Lishu;隶书、分书实乃两种不同的字体——关于隶书命名的思考
2.People has not paying attention to Song dynasty s lishu , historians of calligraphy have not mostly commented cfc it .宋代隶书向不为后人所重,述书史者多略而不谈。
3.The literati pay great attention on the reality, study history and have a new understanding of the Han lishu, They open a new era in writing and creativity of Lishu through pursuing the atmosphere of the ancient calligraphy and more realistic and jumping dispatched notice study covers.作为中国文人士大夫借以抒情达意最常见的形式之一——书法艺术,在这个特殊的历史时期有其显著的特征:隶书得以复兴。

1.Re-research on the Origin of Clerical Script--Based on the Clerical Script of Qinjian at Shuihudi,Yunmeng;再考隶书所起——以云梦睡虎地秦简隶书为据
2.Li calligraphy developed from zhuan characters but it introduced the kai (regular script) characteristics.隶书承上启下,上承篆书,下启楷书。
3.Lishu and Fenshu as Two Different Font Styles:A Reflection on the Concept of Lishu;隶书、分书实乃两种不同的字体——关于隶书命名的思考
4.The development of li calligraphy is an important chapter in Chinese calligraphy history.隶书真是书法史上瑰丽的一章。
5.Wang's calligraphy is less influenced by li calligraphy.他的书法全然突破了隶书的笔意,
6.He also created a unique calligraphy style which he called lacquer calligraphy.他独创一种隶书体,自谓"漆书",另有意趣。
7.Later, during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), li calligraphy became more mature.隶书成熟于东汉。汉桓帝(147-167)、汉灵帝(168-189)时代,是隶书的盛期。
8.Because Cheng Miao had been a prisoner, his writing style was later adopted by prison workers.因为程邈是个徒隶,起初又专供隶役应用,所以把这一书体称之为隶书
9.The essay expounds the deformation and exaggeration of Li script respectively before and after Han dynasty in the aspects of the use of strokes、structure、presentation、etc.文章分别从古隶和汉隶的用笔、结体、章法等方面阐述隶书的变形与夸张。
10.For example, Yu Youren's calligraphy combined the kai type calligraphy of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) with xing and li calligraphy styles,于右任的书法,便是在北魏楷书中融入了行书和隶书的笔意,
11.Li calligraphy broke the limitations of the zhuan type and diversified Chinese calligraphy.作为书法艺术,隶书打破了原来篆书单一用笔的局限。
12.During their long history of development, Chinese characters have evolved into many different script forms,such as the seal character,offical script,regular script and running script.汉字在其漫长的发展史中演化成许多不同的书写形式,例如篆书,隶书,楷书和行书.
13.The emergence of li calligraphy is an important reform in Chinese calligraphy.隶书的出现,是书法史乃至文字史上的一次重大变革。
14.Following the gradual prospering of seal script and clerical script, calligraphic wind of stele school matured as well.而随着篆隶书体的逐步繁荣,碑派书风亦走向成熟。
15.Three Little Slaves and Slave Agency and Slave Series;三个“小奴隶”与“奴隶社”及奴隶丛书
16.Be masters, not slaves of your books.做书本的主人, 不要做书本的奴隶。
17.Commenting on the viewpoint of starting with official script;“学书当学颜”乎?——学书当学隶浅谈
18.His calligraphy was inherited from the northern tablet styles and he learned li and zhuan calligraphy from Deng Shiru.他的书法承北碑,篆隶师邓石如,

official script隶书
1.This paper studies the importance of learning seal script and official script.本文对历史上众多的书法名家的书论进行了梳理、分析,结合自己练习书法的体会、见闻以及思考,从历史和书法本体的角度简要的论证了学习篆书和隶书对于习书之人的重要作用。
2.As regards the development of the Chinese character script,many may naturally think that it develops from oracle bone inscriptions to bronze inscriptions,seal characters,official script,cursive script,regular script and running script.谈到汉字形体的发展阶段,很多人自然就认为是按甲骨文、金文、篆书、隶书、草书、楷书、行书的顺序发展。
3.However,studying Chinese calligraphy should start with the official script is put forward,and the reasons is expounded from the following five different aspects:official script is relatively easy to study;the construction of official script is typical;and the obviously studying achievements are beneficial to improving one s interest and enforcing one s confidence, etc.提出了初学书法应从隶书开始的观点 ,并从 5个方面——隶书用笔相对楷书易学 ,隶书呈扁平结体和字距宽 ,行距窄的章法非常典型 ,隶书用笔中的一波三折对学习书法十分重要 ,学习隶书进退自如 ,习隶易见效有利于提高学习兴趣增强自信心——进行了较深入的论述 ;同时 ,结合作者多年从事书法教学的实践 ,提出隶书学习“先学笔划、次讲结构、再临碑帖”的教学安
3)the most honorable standing of lishu隶书至尊
4)slave series奴隶丛书
5)the deformation of Lishu隶书形变
6)diference name of Lishu隶书异名
