绘画风格,painting style
1)painting style绘画风格
1.The Originality of Pan Transhou s painting style;潘天寿绘画风格的独创性
2.Role played by brush touch to painting style;浅谈笔触研究对形成绘画风格的作用
3.In this paper I try to probe into the factors contributing to his painting style such as his family, his collection, his friends , and the background information in order to find some inspiration for our art creators.本文主要从影响其绘画风格形成的家世、家藏、交游、时代背景等方面做进一步探讨,以期对自己和当下艺术创作者有所启示。

1.a style depicting everyday life.描绘日常生活的一种绘画风格
2.The painter modeled his style after that of Picasso.这位画家模仿毕加索的绘画风格
3.His painting style was modeled after that of Picasso.他的绘画风格是仿效毕加索的。
4.She paints in the fashion of Picasso.她模仿毕加索的绘画风格.
5.his style of painting was a reaction against cubism.他的绘画风格是对立体派的一种反对。
6.Role played by brush touch to painting style;浅谈笔触研究对形成绘画风格的作用
7.Sparing and Splashing China ink: on the Times Factors in Painting Styles;惜墨与泼墨:绘画风格的时代因素探析
8.Research on the Style Tibetan Tangka Painting from 10th to 13th Century公元10-13世纪藏传唐卡绘画风格研究
9.A term used to describe aggressive methods of applying paint.指使画布产生强烈动作效果的绘画风格
10.On the Practice of Using Color and Painting Style of the Relationship between the Paintings by Boucher由布歇的绘画作品论习惯用色与绘画风格的关系
11.Decorative Character & Chinese and Western Combined--Analysis of Lin Fengmian’s Painting Style;装饰性与中西融合——林风眠绘画风格分析
12.The Similarities and Differences of the Neo-classic School and Impressionic School-as Revealed Comparisions of Dominique Ingres s Bathing Women and Auguste Renoir s Bathing Women;由安格尔与雷诺阿的浴女图谈其画派的绘画风格的异同性
13.A style or technique in drawing or delineating.风格,技巧绘画或描绘中的风格或技巧
14.Analyzing the Artistic Style of Tibetan Tang-ga School of Karma-sargbris;藏族“噶玛嘎孜”画派绘画艺术风格探析
15.The Art s Idea of the Oil Painting Cognizance--The Cimparison of the Oil Painting Cognizance between China and West Country;绘画认知方式上的艺术理念——谈中西油画风格及绘画认知方式变迁
16.painting that is not free of mannerism未摆脱某种风格约束的绘画.
17.Bosch was a master of the grotesque in painting.博斯是绘画艺术中怪异风格的代表。
18.Re-analysis on the Style Elements of the Patterns in Botticelli’s Paintings;波提切利绘画图式的风格要素再分析

the artistic style of painting绘画艺术风格
3)painting style and language绘画风格与语言
1.The painting style and language are the essence for the artists.绘画风格与语言是画家的立身之本。
4)Ling and Drawing Style线与绘画风格
5)On Formation of Damting Style浅谈绘画风格
6)price of painting绘画价格

阿拉伯风格曲  阿拉伯风格原指阿拉伯建筑中花巧的装饰图案。在音乐上,阿拉伯风格曲指旋律富于装饰的作品。R.舒曼(作品18)、C.德彪西等的阿拉伯风格曲是一种带有幻想性、即兴性的抒情特性曲。