1.On deconstruction ism on base of the deconstruction culture phenomenon of life;从生活中的解构文化现象浅谈解构主义
2.Deconstruction-A Popular Architecture Verb;解构——流行的建筑动词
3.Philosophical Consideration on the Language of Deconstruction Architecture;解构主义建筑语言的哲学思考

1.Geoffrey Hartman: A Deconstructionist Beyond Deconstruction;杰弗里·哈特曼—超越解构解构
2.The Constructing,Deconstructing,Reconstructing and Unraveling of Ideology;翻译:意识形态的建构、解构、重建与解读
3.Redeconstruction of The Deconstruction of "Fidelity";“解构‘忠实’”之解构——与王东风教授商榷
4.The Construction and De -construction of Administrative Power: A Case Analysis;行政权力的结构与解构:一个个案解析
5.Deconstruction, Reconstruction, Re-deconstruction --Three Processes of Fu Sang in Introspecting the History of Chinese Emigrants;解构 重构 再解构——《扶桑》反思华人移民史的三重奏
6.Deconstruction and Reconstruction: Research on Interior Power Structure of University;解构与重构:大学内部权力结构研究
7.The Construction, Deconstruction and Reconstruction of the History of Modern Chinese Literature;中国现代文学史的建构、解构和重构
8.Risk Society and the Deconstruction and Reconstruction of International Disputes Settlement Mechanism;风险社会与国际争端解决机制的解构与重构
9.A broken community,false sameness--a deconstructive reading of The Giver;开裂的社区虚构的同一:《给予者》的解构主义解读
10.Revolutionary Narrations Construction and Disconstruction: On Ding Lings Novel Night;革命叙事的建构与解构——丁玲小说《夜》再解读
11.Unraveling Saul Bellow s Ravelstein Through Deconstruction;解构主义解读索尔·贝娄的《拉维尔斯坦》
12.The Glass Mountain:Deconstruction and Subversion of American Dream;解读《玻璃山》中美国梦的解构与颠覆
13.On Interpreting the Mother Topic of "At Water Apart"with Deconstruction Theory;试用解构主义文论解读“在水一方”母题
14.New Interpretation of The Glass Mountain: Deconstruction and Subversion of the American Myth;《玻璃山》新解:“美国神话”的解构和颠覆
15.Deconstructing Classic: the Re-interpretation on "The Making of the Hero";解构经典:《钢铁是怎样炼成的》重新解读
16.On"The Old Man with Big Wings" with Theory of Deconstruction;对马尔克斯《巨翅老人》的解构主义解读
17.alarm and trip mechanism警报发出和解除机构

1.Construction and deconstruction of Disciplinary Power in "The Color Purple";《紫颜色》规训权力的建构与解构
2.On the Function of Construction and Deconstruction of Death Education in the Social Transforming Time;论死亡教育在社会转型期的解构和建构功能
1.The mirror image of the self:facing a dilemma where self-construction and self-destruction coexist;“自我”的镜像:徘徊于建构与解构之间——20世纪末中国女性写作批判
2.In the course of destruction, Zhuang zi adopted the many skills such as parallelism, satire and so on, and had quite artistic .以儒家思想解构者面目出现的《庄子》,则对这些基本理念进行了多层次、多方面的解构
3.In his attempt to construct the myth,Su Tong found it hard to avoid the process of destruction.苏童的本意是,尊重神话、重新建构而不是颠覆或解构神话。
1.Deconstruction and Construction ——The Postmodern Turn of Social Philosophy and the Practical Construction of Historical Materialism;解构与建构——社会哲学的后现代转向与唯物史观的实践建构
1.When we try to reread the story from a deconstructive perspective, we will find that Amy Tan doesn t give privilege to any side of the binary oppositions.当从解构主义的角度重新阅读这篇小说 ,便可看出艾米·谭并没有偏向以上对立因素的任何一面 ,它是不同时代的东西方文化之间的对话 ,是文化多元时代的一个缩影。
2.Accordingly,it is reasonable to apply “deconstructive”approaches to the study on local culture.也因此,在地域文化研究中,使用“解构“的方法,也具有合理性。
3.Reviewing the history of the development, the translation study has undergone three different periods, including the philological translation paradigm, the structuralism translation paradigm and the deconstructive translation paradigm.我国学者吕俊指出,翻译学发展至今大致可以归结为三个不同的时期:语文学式发展时期,结构主义发展时期,解构主义发展时期。
