1.Practice and effect of the curriculum reform of baccalaureate nursing program;我校本科护理教育课程设置改革的实践与效果
2.On curriculum of Information Management and Information System in higher medical education institutions;医学院校“信息管理与信息系统”专业课程设置
3.Investigation and analysis of offering humanistic curriculum for medical students;医学生人文素质课程设置调查分析

1.Specialties and Courses in Higher Vocational Education;高职教育专业设置和课程设置的思考
2.It advocated reform in classroom methods and curriculum.它主张改造课堂教学和课程设置
3.Undergraduate Curriculum of Physical Education Major against the Background of the New Curriculum Standard;“新课标”背景下体育专业课程设置调研
4.A Comparative Study on the Settings of Electives Between Chinese University and American University;中美高校选修课课程设置的比较研究
5.On "student-centered" curriculum setup about "two courses";高职“两课”以学生为本的课程设置刍议
6.The Design and Practice on the Curriculum of Network Engineering;网络工程专业课程设置的思考与实践
7.Comparision and Revelation by Investigating the Financial Engineering Curriculum of American University美国金融工程课程设置比较及其启示
8.Thinking Over the Elementary Courses Offered in Artistic Designation;关于艺术设计中基础课程设置的思考
9.Reforming Special Education Schools;特殊教育学校课程设置与改革的设想
10.Proposals on the Curriculums of Primary and Secondary School Headmasters Training;中小学校长岗位培训课程设置的设想
11.Course design of‘Medical English Watching,Listening and Speaking' and construction of teacher staff《医学英语视听说》课程设置及师资建设
12.Curriculum Planning and Teaching of Website Design at Vocational College高职高专《网页设计》课程设置与教学
13.Enlightenment of English School P.E. Curriculum and Characteristics to Sports Curriculum of China;英国学校体育课程设置和特点对我国体育课程设置的启示
14.Study on Australian TAFE Curriculum Setting and Its Revelation on the Curriculum Setting of Our Higher Vocational Education澳大利亚TAFE课程设置的研究及对我国高职课程设置的启示
15.A Probe into Curriculum Building of Biology Major in High Normal University at the Background of New Curriculum;新课程视野下高师生物专业课程设置的初探
16.The Curriculum and It s Manages in the New Curriculum Reforms;新课程改革下普通高中的课程设置与管理
17.Discuss the Professional Course Constitution of the Biology Teacher Education under the Background of the New Curriculum Reform;论新课程背景下高师生物专业课程设置
18.The Research of EDM Postgraduate Course Setup in the Course Reform;在课程改革背景下的教育硕士课程设置研究

curriculum design课程设置
1.Elementary exploration to Chemistry curriculum design for advanced normal university;高师化学专业课程设置初探
2.Reforms of curriculum design for training courses for bachelor s degree in nursing education;护理教育“专科升本科”课程设置改革的设想
3.A probe into the curriculum design for graduate studies of logistics engineering in universities of teaching and research excellence;教学研究型大学物流工程硕士课程设置探讨
3)curriculum setting课程设置
1.Changes in the source of adult medical students and its effect on curriculum setting;成人医学生生源变化及其对课程设置影响的调查分析
2.Analysis on the undergraduate curriculum setting at the Department of EECE in the University of Birmingham,UK;浅析英国伯明翰大学EECE系的本科生课程设置
3.Search on the Reform of Curriculum Setting on Campus based on Cognitive Structure——Taking curriculum setting on the electrical speciality in the Guangxi University for Nationalities as the case;从认知结构角度探索高校的课程设置改革——以广西民族大学电气信息类专业课程设置为例
4)course setting课程设置
1.Training plan, knowledge structure and course setting of BME Specialty in a medical university;医学院校BME专业人才培养类型、知识结构和课程设置
2.Analysis of Course Setting and Teaching Methods of the Library and Information Science Programs in the United States in the Recent Years;美国近年来图情专业课程设置与教学方式分析
3.On the police universities postgraduate course setting;公安院校研究生教育课程设置之思考
5)curriculum setup课程设置
1.A survey of curriculum setup for clinical nursing pediatric specialists in China;我国儿科临床护理专家课程设置的调查研究
2.On the curriculum setup of non-medicine category in medical schools;论高等医药院校非医药类专业的课程设置
3.On the English curriculum setup system for non_English_majored graduates;非英语专业硕士研究生英语课程设置体系初探
6)Curriculum provision课程设置
1.Research and exploration on adult education curriculum provision for clinical medicine speciality in the new situation新形势下临床医学专升本课程设置的研究和探索
2.Do not allow being ignoring,cultivating college students\' creativity is a systematic project, any new educational concept,which wants to be transformed into effective educational practice,must rely on the effectual carrier of education,but the curriculum is an important part of it,the key to cultivating the creativity of university students lies in university\'s curriculum provision.不容忽视的是,大学生创造力的培养是一个系统工程,任何一种新的教育理念要转化为有效的教育实践,都必须依托有效的教育载体,而课程则是其中重要的一环,培养大学生创造力的关键就在于高校的课程设置
3.In the thesis, the use of literature, comparative study and survey research methods to the American Community College for study, with a focus to examine its curriculum provision to meet the needs of the community college to demonstrate the superiority, at the same time point out the existing problems.本文主要运用文献法、比较法和调查法等研究方法,以美国社区学院为研究对象,重点考查其课程设置在培养人才满足社区需要等方面所表现出的优越性,同时指出其存在的问题。


工艺过程设计的基本内容 冲压工艺规程是模具设计的依据,而良好的模具结构设计,又是实现工艺过程的可靠保证,若冲压工艺有改动,往往会造成模具的返工,甚至报废。冲制同样的零件,通常可以采用几种不同方法。工艺过程设计的中心就是依据技术上先进,经济上合理,生产上高效,使用上安全可靠的原则,使零件的生产在保证符合零件的各项技术要求的前提下,达到最佳的技术效果和经济效益冲压件工艺过程设计的主要内容和步骤是一. 分析零件图(冲压件图) 产品零件图是分析和制定冲压工艺方案的重要依据,设计冲压工艺过程要从分析产品的零件图人手。分析零件图包括技术和经济两个方面1. 冲压加工的经济性分析冲压加工方法是一种先进的工艺方法,因其生产率高,材料利用率高,操作简单等一系列优点而广泛使用。由于模具费用高,生产批量的大小对冲压加工的经济性起着决定性作用,批量越大,冲压加工的单件成本就越低,批量小时,冲压加工的优越性就不明显,这时采用其他方法制作该零件可能有更好的经济效果。例如在零件上加工孔,批量小时采用钻孔比冲孔要经济;有些旋转体零件,采用旋压比拉深会有更好的经济效果。所以,要根据冲压件的生产纲领,分析产品成本,阐明采用冲压生产可以取得的经济效益2. 冲压件的工艺性分析冲压件的工艺性是指该零件在冲压加工中的难易程度。在技术方面,主要分析该零件的形状特点,尺寸大小,精度要求和材料性能等因素是否符合冲压工艺的要求。良好的工艺性应保证材料消耗少,工序数目少,模具结构简单,且寿命长,产品质量稳定,操作简单,方便等。在一般情况下,对冲压件工艺性影响最大的是冲压件结构尺寸和精度要求,如果发现零件工艺性不好,则应在不影响产品使用要求的前提下,向设计部门提出修改意见,对零件图作出适合冲压工艺性的修改。