1.The control technology of highway asphalt pavement paving and rolling process高速公路沥青路面摊铺碾压工艺控制技术

1.rail-form type concrete paver轨模式混凝土摊铺
2.twin-batch paver双拌式混凝土摊铺
3.Construction Technique of Slipform Paver Used for Paving Cement Concrete Pavement滑模式摊铺机用于水泥混凝土路面摊铺的施工技术
4.Asphalt paver--TerminologyGB/T7920.12-1987沥青混凝土摊铺机术语
5.Aggregate and chip spreader--TerminologyGB/T7920.16-1987石料摊铺机械术语
6.Research on DSP-Based Tracked Paver Control System for Travel Drive;基于DSP的摊铺机行走控制系统的研究
7.The Research of Asphalt Paving Equipment & Construction Technology;沥青混凝土摊铺设备及施工技术研究
8.Fuzzy Control Study of Travelling System for Asphalt Paver Based on PLC;自动摊铺机行驶系统PLC模糊控制研究
9.Modification of IDBI System for GP-4000 Cement Slipform PaverGP-4000型水泥滑模摊铺机的IDBI系统改造
10.Simulation Analysis of Paving Temperature Field of Asphalt Pavement沥青混合料摊铺碾压温度场模拟分析
11.Design of the Novel Feeding/Paving Automatical Control System新型摊铺机输分料自动控制系统设计
12.The Performance Analysis on Xugong RP451L Small Full Hy-draulic Spreader徐工RP451L型全液压小型摊铺机性能分析
13.Processing Method for Failures Existing in Slip Form Paving Construction路面滑模摊铺施工中的故障处理方法
14.The Monitor System Software Design of Asphalt Concrete Automatic Paver沥青混凝土自动摊铺机监控系统软件设计
15.The exploitation and application of the core paver for asphalt concrete in China我国沥青混凝土心墙摊铺机开发及工程应用
16.The Intelligent Paver Based on 3C Technology Design and Analysis Research;基于3C技术的智能摊铺机设计与分析研究
17.The Design for Driver and Control of Tracked Paver s Running System;履带式摊铺机行走系统的驱动与控制设计
18.Remote Monitoring System Model of Spreading Machine Leveling Adjustment Based on GPRS Technology;基于GPRS的摊铺机调平装置远程监控系统模型

1.Simple Talking about Factors Related to Pavement Evenness at the Stage of Highway Surface Spreading;浅谈公路面层摊铺阶段影响路面平整度的有关因素
2.Analysis of Segregation Phenomena in the Process of Asphalt Concrete Pavement Spreading;沥青混凝土路面摊铺过程中离析现象的分析
3.Key monitoring points for spreading construction of asphalt pavement沥青路面摊铺的监控要点
1.Causation of material segregation in hot-mix asphalt pavement and the countermeasures;沥青混合料摊铺时材料离析的成因及对策
2.And concentrated by grinding and pavement,it compares the main paradoxes in construction.以施工组织为出发点,分析了路面施工存在的主要问题,探讨了压实的重要意义,并以摊铺和碾压为施工组织的焦点,对施工环节中的主要矛盾进行了比较分析,最终确定以碾压作为施工组织的中心,可以更好地保证路面施工质量,提高整体施工效益。
3.Combined with the advantages of cement concrete road surface,it points out the wide application of cement concrete road surface,discusses the skilled rationalization of cement concrete pavement and blending during highgrade cement concrete road surface construction,so as to improve the constructing quality of concrete road surface.结合水泥混凝土路面的优势,指出了水泥混凝土路面的应用日趋广泛,对高等级公路水泥混凝土路面施工中水泥混凝土摊铺和搅拌的技术合理化运用进行了探讨,以提高混凝土路面的施工质量。
1.In this paper, the construction technique of mixed backfill such as inspection, spread, and grinding etc.结合厦门市高殿二号路路基填筑实际,简要介绍分层碾压杂填土处理的方法及施工情况,并对杂填土的分检、摊铺、分层碾压等施工工艺、质量控制指标以及试验检测后的效果进行介绍,以供大家参考。
1.Construction technology of asphalt concrete paver in stable base construction;沥青混凝土摊铺摊铺稳定层的施工技术
6)finisher placing摊铺机摊铺
