快速公交,bus rapid transit
1)bus rapid transit快速公交
1.A tentative analysis of the development of bus rapid transit in China;快速公交系统在我国的发展
2.Study on simulation optimization of bus rapid transit networks system based on Tabu search algorithm;基于禁忌算法的快速公交网络系统仿真优化
3.Bogota s Experiences with Bus Rapid Transit Development;波哥大市快速公交系统建设经验

1.Research on the Coordination of Planning and Management between the Bus Rapid Transit and Bus Transit;快速公交(BRT)与常规公交规划管理协调方法研究
2.Research on Bus Rapid Transit Planning in China;我国城市快速公交系统规划方法研究
3.Bus Rapid Transit Operation System and Its Effect on the Bus Types Selection;快速公交系统对车辆选型的影响研究
4.The Study on Optimal Deployment for Station of Bus Rapid Transit(BRT);快速公交(BRT)站点的优化布局研究
5.The Research on the Application of Bus Rapid Transit in Big Cities of Our Country;快速公交(BRT)在我国大城市的应用研究
6.Research on Some Issues of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System Planning;快速公交(BRT)系统设计的若干问题研究
7.Study on the Planning for Bus Rapid Traffic Network System;城市地面快速公交网络系统规划研究
8.Discussion on the Plan and Design of Bus Rapid Rransit System;浅谈城市快速公交系统的规划与设计
9.Research on the Design Scheme of Guangzhou BRT广州快速公交系统(BRT)设计方案研究
10.Summarization on First-phase Engineering Design of Bus Rapid Transit(BRT) in Zhengzhou City郑州市快速公交BRT首期工程设计总结
11.Discussion on Design of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Stop快速公交(BRT)停靠站设计探讨
12.Bus Rapid Transit Operation Mode Analysis and Adaptability Research快速公交运营模式分析及适应性研究
13.A Discussion on the Application of Bus Rapid Tansit(BRT) System in Hefei快速公交(BRT)在合肥市的应用
14.Study on Passenger Volume Forecasting Model of BRT Station快速公交车站客流预测模型问题研究
15.Planning and Design Characteristics of BRT Line 1 in Changzhou常州市快速公交一号线规划设计特点
16.A Performance Analysis of the BRT Line 2 in Beijing北京市快速公交2号线实施效果分析
17.Design and Realization of Signal Priority System for Bus Rapid Transit快速公交信号优先系统的设计与实现
18.Optimization Control and Designing in Intersection on Bus Rapid Transit;快速公交(BRT)系统的交叉口优化控制与设计

1.Primary Research on Tickets Selling and Checking Modes of BRT in China;我国快速公交售检票方式初探
2.A Study on the Method of BRT Line Network Planning——With the Planning of Tianjin BRT Line Network as an Example;快速公交线路网规划方法研究——以天津市快速公交线路网规划为例
3)Bus Rapid Transit(BRT)快速公交
1.Starting the Bus Rapid Transit(BRT) system implementation in 2003, till now Jakarta has three BRT corridors in operation.雅加达市快速公交系统经过3年多的建设,目前已有3条快速公交走廊投入运营,经过首期线路的运营,使规划、设计和运营管理部门积累了丰富的经验。
2.Based on analyzing the differences between bus rapid transit(BRT) and the conventional bus transit,the design factors of BRT stop were given.在分析快速公交(BRT)与常规公交在车站设计方面区别的基础上,确定了各组成部分的设计要素:运用"排队论"对车辆停靠区的车辆泊位数量进行计算,分别给出直线式车站和港湾式车站的停车区域长度的确定方法;基于乘客的候车特性,建立了乘客候车区宽度的计算模型;根据客流量、使用能力、超高峰系数等参数对自动售检票机的配备台数及其设置位置进行了研究;并从实用性、人性化角度描述了屏蔽门、天桥、地道等附属设施的设计问题。
3.This paper proposes an RFID signal capturing and controlling system for Bus Rapid Transit(BRT) priority.提出一种以射频识别(RFID)技术的快速公交信号采集控制的方法,在快速公交车辆上安装有源RFID标签,在离路口一定距离安装RFID阅读器,快速、准确地识别将要通过路口的快速公交车辆,通过对该车辆到达的实际时间和预设的到站时刻表的对比,决定控制路口信号灯相位,同时分析系统的设计方法和软硬件的实现。
4)Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)快速公交(BRT)
5)bus rapid transit BRT快速公交BRT
6)quasi-bus rapid transit准快速公交
1.Simulation of hybrid genetic tabu algorithm for quasi-bus rapid transit scheduling optimization with multi-line多线路准快速公交调度优化及混合遗传禁忌算法仿真
