1.Implementation and Analysis of Qualification Authentication of Occupational Health Service Organizations in Hunan Province;湖南省职业卫生技术服务机构资质认证工作的实施与分析
2.A brief analysis on evaluating the grade of operational qualification of passenger transportation enterprises;客运企业经营资质等级评定浅析
3.Research and idea of qualification management for engineering consultation,engineering prospecting and engineering design;我国工程咨询、勘察、设计资质管理的研究与构想

1.He has little aptitude for a business career.他没有从事商业的资质
2.He has capabilities as a diplomat.他有当外交官的资质
3.The qualification of all kinds of market entities各类市场主体的资质
4.Skilled negotiator with strong management, sales and marketing background具有很强管理及营销资质的资深谈判员。
5.A New Capital Assets Pricing Model Based on Heterogeneity Investors基于异质投资者的资本资产定价模型
6.upgrading of human resources提高人力资源的质量
7.Water Quality and Pollution Load Information System水质及污染量资料系统
8.an abundance of material possessions and resources.丰富的物质财产和资源。
9.real-time air quality information system实时空气质素资料系统
10.Making Rational Use of the Geological Data and Expanding the Serves Area of Geological Data合理应用地质资料 扩大地质资料服务范围
11.These are held mainly in the form of high quality bonds and equities.这些资产主要投资于优质债券和股票。
13.On the Transactions of Material Capital Property Right and Manpower Capital Property Right;论物质资本产权与人力资本产权交易
14.Consolidating the liquidation value achievement,improvement of the assets management quality;巩固清产核资成果提高资产管理质量
15.On the Virtual Capital Nature of Human Resource Capital and Intellectual Capital;论人力资本与智力资本的“虚拟资本”性质
16.Diversity Analysis and Quality Evaluation of Chinese Kal E (Brassica Oleracea Var. Alboglabra Bailey) Germplasm Resources;芥蓝种质资源多样性分析与品质评价
17.Geological tourism resources of wangwushan national geopark;王屋山国家地质公园的旅游地质资源
18.To Analyze Asset Quality of Loans from Mortgage Indicator;从抵(质)押物指标分析贷款资产质量

geological data地质资料
1.How to cleanup current geological data;如何做好当前地质资料专项清理工作
2.The problems and suggestions in collection and delivering of geological data;浅谈地质资料汇交中存在的问题及改进意见
3.The geological data management of Jilin province within “the tenth five years national economic construction plan”;“十五”期间吉林省的地质资料管理
3)geologic data地质资料
1.The thinking on the "service realm and way"of providing for geologic data in the new situation;新形势下对地质资料服务领域和方式的若干思考
2.A preliminary study on the redevelopment and utilization of geologic data information resources;浅谈地质资料信息资源的二次开发与利用
3.A change in geologic data storage mode—A preliminary study on geologic data disc storage working;地质资料存储方式的转变——浅谈地质资料光盘存储工作
4)geological resource地质资源
1.Design and Realization of Three Dimensional Display Software for the Data of Geological Resource;地质资源数据三维显示软件的设计与实现
2.The implication of geoenvironment's capabity is discussed, which could be evaluated by three indexes: the maximal endurable degree (critical value) of changing on the geological structure and the states in the geoenvironment, the threshold amount of geological resources and the threshold value of delet.首先分析了地质环境的特殊性以及它与人类活动相互作用的关系,指出地质环境具有三个基本要素,讨论了地质环境容量的涵义,它可以由三个指标进行评定,即:地质环境的地质结构与状态改变的最大忍受程度(临界值)、地质资源阈限量、有害物的阈限值。
3.To bring about innovative talents in geological resource and geological engineering academic field, more effects on practice education are needed.未来社会企业需要地质学生具备宽广的学科基础和多种潜质,具有开展三维和四维综合、解译和预测的创新能力,地质资源与地质工程学科要培养合格的创新型工程人才,要进一步加强实践教育。
5)geological resources地质资源
1.The author introduced a geological resources management technique for full utilization of limited re.重点阐述了生产中实行多源头与多层次控制资源贫化、损失措施,介绍了实现有限资源充分利用目标的地质资源管理技术;总结了数字化系统与现场样品跟踪紧密结合方法和保证地质资源合理开发的宝贵经验。
2.So, it is important to study geological environment and geological resources of a valley for the sustainable development of the valley.流域及其资源的演化受地质作用的制约 ,流域的地质环境和地质资源研究对满足可持续发展要求的流域开发十分重要 。
3.From the perspective of both natural science and the humanities, the authors have distinguished and defined the concepts concerni ng turning geological resources into tourist resources, and discussed their doub le standard and corresponding conditions.本文从自然科学与人文社会科学相结合的视角 ,对地质资源旅游资源化的有关概念进行了区分和界定 ;提出了衡量地质资源旅游资源化的双重标准和相应条件 ;指出地质资源旅游资源化对地质资源价值增值 ,旅游资源与旅游环境的形成发展与保护以及旅游业可持续发展的积极作用。
6)data quality资料质量
1.Based on a large number of observational data in the ocean, the major factors and reasons influencing the quality of observational forecast data for shipping in the ocean are analyzed and the methods of improving the data quality are put forward.本文通过大量远洋船舶测报资料的实例,分析了影响船舶测报资料质量的主要因素及产生原因,并对如何提高资料质量提出了改进意见。
2.It should realize that digitalization,quasi real time data transmission,real time data processing and data products,as well as higher data quality are main differences between moderniz.现代化有别于经典仪器的主要点在于数字化, 准实时数据传输, 即时的数据处理和资料产出以及更高的资料质量。
