1.The foundation,opportunity and pattern of Chinese and Russian petroleum industry;中俄石油产业合作的基础、契机和模式
2.Serving "San Nong":a new opportunity for agricultural periodicals;服务“三农”:农业期刊做大做强的新契机
3.Thinking on Olympics Development Opportunity for our Sports Manufacturing Industry and Countermeasures;试论北京奥运会给予我国体育用品业带来的发展契机及对策

1.Kant s Four Moments in Aesthetic and the Relationship between Moments 2 and 4;论康德审美的四个契机理论及二、四契机的关系
2.On the moment and reason of Bailin Meditation Temple;庭前柏子郁青苍──柏林禅寺契机契理佛教观述论
3.Take the Organization Reform as the Turning Point, Impel Organization Establishment Work;以机构改革为契机 推动机构编制工作
4.Turning Crisis into Opportunity by Trading Actively Oil Futures变危机为契机 积极参与石油期货交易
5.Changing the crisis into chances and reinforcing the education of university students' start of their own undertakings变危机为契机 加强高校创业教育
6.Changing the Pattern of Economic Growth by Taking Advantage of the Global Financial Crisis以金融危机为契机 转变经济增长方式
7.Opportunity of Chinese Rural Economic Reform经济危机:中国农村经济变革的契机
8.The Conjunction and the Chance;契合与契机——试析近代基督教在中韩传播的文化因素
9.What are freedom's chances in those areas.这些地区获得自由的契机是什么?
10.their migration has given them an opportunity,移民广饶已经为他们提供了一个契机
11.was the break he'd been waiting for.但却成为了他梦寐以求的契机
12.I sense my challenges now as an opportunity and a sense of creative victory.觉察到挑战即是创造胜利的契机
13.Officials saw798 as an opportunity to show off its cultural vibrancy.官员将“798”视作炫耀其文化活力的契机
14.All three present opportunities for fraud.正是这三方面为网络诈骗提供了契机
15.But to grow to full stature the wheat must wait on the whims of nature.麦粒须等待大自然的契机方能成熟,
16.Reunification with China opens up new opportunities for Hong Kong.香港回归祖国,是香港发展的一个契机
17.The offer of a new job provided just the catalyst she needed.这份新工作正是她所需要转变的契机.
18.He missed the important juncture in his career.他没有抓住人生历程中的重要契机

turning point契机
1.Taking the undergraduate course teaching appraisal as the turning point,comprehensively constructs a monitoring system of teaching quality;以本科教学评估为契机,全面构建教学质量监控体系
2.On the turning point, nature and errors in Feminist Movement s rising period;论女权主义运动勃兴的契机、实质与误区
3.Revolutionary Memorial Halls should take Red Tourism as a turning point in the new period and new situation,speed up their development,fulfill their educating function at best.革命纪念馆在新时期新形势下应当以红色旅游为契机加快自身发展,最大限度地发挥其教育职能,以更好地担负起凝固革命历史,继承和发扬被纪念者的人格、思想、精神和风范的职责。
1.Cross-cultural Research: The chance of Psychological Development;跨文化研究:心理学发展新契机
2.As for us still very low in rate of autopsy, the variety of public motion of crisis of SARS for bringing is a big chance.非典是一场席卷全国的危机,毋庸置疑,危机首先意味着危险,意味着灾难;但一场巨大的危机中也往往蕴含着许多新的机遇,意味着许多契机
3.China s entry into WIO and successful bidding for 2008 Olympics,all of which bring a great chance of developing sporting tourism.分析了我国目前体育旅游发展的状况及已加入世贸组织并将举办2008年北京奥运会等我国体育旅游所面临的发展契机,对我国体育旅游市场的进一步开发进行了审视:(1)综合开发我国体育旅游资源;(2)政府应加大扶持力度及完善体育旅游政策法规;(3)加快体育旅游人才的培养。
1.On the moment and reason of Bailin Meditation Temple;庭前柏子郁青苍──柏林禅寺契机契理佛教观述论
5)chance of design设计契机
1.The "chance of design" which consists in industrial products design was analyzed and discussed.从工业产品创意设计的各个方面,分析和阐述存在于工业产品设计活动中的"设计契机",通过分析指出设计师要善于在工作中捕捉这些"设计契机",才能完成优秀的设计,只有通过平时对现有产品的体验和保持积极的思维,才能提高捕捉工业产品设计契机的能力,从而提升工业产品的设计质量。
6)contract scheme契约机制
1.Study of strategy on contract scheme for partner selection in strategic alliance;战略联盟伙伴选择的契约机制研究
