1.Analyzing the transfer of surplus labors in the rural areas of China;试析我国农村剩余劳动力的转移
2.The essential difference between the"surplus" of public hospital and enterprise was emphasized.强调公立医院的“剩余”和企业的有本质区别。
3.By the principles of economics,the change of consumer surplus,producer surplus and social surplus with railway freight transport integration was disc.进一步运用福利经济学原理 ,分析了铁路货运集中化前后消费者剩余、生产者剩余和社会总剩余的变化 ,得出铁路货运集中化会使社会总福利增加。

1.degree of residual crimp剩余卷曲度,残余卷曲度
2.Residual Control Rights, Residual Claim Rights and Corporate Performance剩余控制权、剩余索取权与公司绩效
3.dormant and surplus stocks未利用存货和剩余存货
4.residual current operated protective device剩余电流动作保护器
5.minimum achievable residual unbalance最小可达剩余不平衡量
6.matter that remains after something has been removed.某物去除后剩余的物质。
7.a remainder merchant买卖剩余图书的书商.
8.Finish off the rest of the beer.把剩余的啤酒喝光。
9.residual CCW count剩余通道命令字计数
10.a ditch to carry extra irrigation water排出剩余灌溉水的水沟
11.self reversal of thermoremanent magnetism热剩余磁性的自反转
12.reset residual current device复位式剩余电流装置
13.quadrupole residual gas analyzer四极剩余气体分析器
14.remnant magnetic torque of spacecraft太空飞行器剩余磁矩
15.proceeds from the sale of surplus property出售剩余财产的收入
16.Brazil has a big surplus of coffee.巴西有很多剩余咖啡。
17.How'll we kill the rest of the time?我们怎样消磨剩余时间?
18.The rest of goods will be sold off.剩余货物将廉价出售。

1.Some results for residual of conjugate gradient method;关于对称正定系统共轭梯度法剩余单调性的讨论
2.This paper has firstly defined the factor struture M/P(M) of commutatiuely residual monoid M by its sub-monoid P(M), then we have studied its properties and given out some isomorphism theorem.本文首先定义了交换剩余幺半群M相对于其子半群P(M)的商结构M/P(M),然后研究了它的性质并给出了一些同构定理。
3.It is an important tendency to corporate governance from possessing the residual by the capital owner alone to sharing it by all factor owners.企业剩余由资本所有者独享向其他要素所有者共同分享的演进是现代企业治理结构发展的一个重要趋势。
1.With the development of firms scale,there was evolution of management which led to the separation between proprietary rights and controlTo solve the following problem of principalagent,the residue in firm must be shared among capitalist,manager and labour force instead of .马克思认为,活劳动创造的剩余价值被资本家独占。
