1.Simulation of marine intelligent speed control system;船舶航速智能控制系统仿真
2.New method of determining the maximum speed of an arbitrary combination of towing naval vessels;确定任意舰船拖带组合最大允许航速的新方法

1.VMG - Velocity Made Good沿计划航线上的航速
2.course and speed made good through the water对水推算航向及航速
3.course and speed made good over the ground对地推算航向及航速
4.economical cruising speed range经济巡航速度续航力
5.number of revolutions to speed螺旋桨转速与航速比转数与船速比
6.The motor - boat bounces along.这摩托艇航速很快。
7.Research on Marine Speed and Heading Control and Turbine-Propeller Interaction船舶航速和航向控制及机桨匹配研究
8.discharge in the course of navigating, and at a speed of not less than 7 knots and for non-self-navigating vessels, not less than 4 knots;在航行中,且船速不小于七节,非自航船,航速不小于四节;
9.Study on Modeling of Ship Motion and Controlling of Ship Course Considering the Various Speeds考虑航速影响的船舶运动建模与航向控制仿真
10.The cruising speed of this new type of fighter is Mach two.这种新型战斗机的巡航速度为声速的两倍。
11.Not sailing at a safe speed; Not sailing in the prescribed sea route;不采用安全速度航行;不按规定的航路航行;
12.Aero Medical Acceleration Laboratory航空医学加速实验室
13.dual synchro auto speedheading双同步自动速度航向
14.Atlantic greyhound大西洋航线快速定期船
15.Not observing the rules for collisions avoidance and for navigation in fog; Not navigating at a safe speed;不遵守避碰规则、雾航规则;不采用安全速度航行;
16.- Speeding up the development of talented people in the space industry and forming advantages in this regard.--加速航天科技队伍建设,构筑航天人才优势。
17.Speeding up the development of talented people in the space industry and forming advantages in this regard.加速航天科技队伍建设,构筑航天人才优势。
18.Conceptual Study of Navigation System for Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle;高超声速巡航飞行器导航系统方案研究

ship speed航速
1.In this paper, two indirect methods for the estimation of a moving ship s speed by using remote sensing techniques are discussed because there is a close relation between static characteristics of ship wake and ship speed.主要讨论了两种利用遥感技术提取水面运动船舶的航速方法 :利用波高谱信息提取航速和利用船尾迹中的横波信息提取航速
2.Studies the application of fuzzy control in ship speed and designs a fuzzy controller with intelligent integrate and differential.探讨了模糊控制在舰船航速控制中的应用,设计了带智能积分和微分的模糊控制器。
3.Ship speed control is a high-order,non-linear,time-varying system,so it is very difficult to gain good performance with the traditional control.研究并建立了舰船航速控制系统的数学模型,并将模糊控制理论应用到该系统,提出了一种基于遗传算法的舰船航速模糊控制新方法。
1.The relative motion and velocity between ship and wave of five different size ships are calculated.运用Och i船舶砰击理论,分析了箱形驳船在不同吃水和拖航速度时船首砰击的发生概率和砰击压力极值等,并讨论了吃水、拖航速度等因素对箱形驳船底部砰击特性的影响。
2.Both simulation about massively deceptive problem and successful application in seakeeping course and velocity optimum se lection show that this model has virtue of speediness,high efficiency and good r obustness,and it can successfully find out all those global optimal results.通过对广义欺骗性问题的仿真和在舰船耐波性航向航速优选中的成功应用,及与标准遗传算法和黄金分割法的比较,表明算法在复杂非线性优选中具有快速、高效、鲁棒性强的特点,并能在全局范围内有效地搜索所有最优解。
4)cruising speed航速
1.A navigation experiment is essential to study cruising speed, turning characteristics, emergency parking, reversing, propulsive efficiency, and wake characteristics.半转叶轮仿生推进器船舶的特色之处在于其推进器是基于半转机构实现Weis-Fogh效应仿生原理的新型船舶推进器,它的工作原理不同于普通的螺旋桨,为探求该新型推进器船舶的航速、回转特性、紧急停车倒车特性、推进效率以及尾迹特性等因素,需设计合理的测试方案对实船进行航行试验研究。
5)navigable speed可航航速

“33g1型”飞航式导弹常规潜艇Image:11730591078315719.jpg “33g1型”飞航式导弹常规潜艇
33g1型潜艇是中国第一艘发射飞航式导弹的常规潜艇,也是唯一的一艘水面发射飞航式导弹的潜艇(舷号351),所加装的导弹是c-801反舰导弹。属北海舰队。33g1是以33型(r级)潜艇为母体的改装艇。在上层建筑内左右舷各增设了三座箱式导弹发射筒,艇的上层建筑线型变化较大,使33型潜艇本来就不高的水下航速和水下经济续航力下降不少。由于导弹发射的需要,增加了自动测风仪、方位水平仪和雷弹合用的射击指挥系统,改装了雷达。33g1型潜艇于1978年完成改装设计,1980年在武昌造船厂开工,1983年 7月交付海军,1985年海上发射导弹试验成功。由于必须在水面发射导弹,已不能适应现代实战的要求,此型艇未曾批量生产,但为中国发展潜艇水下发射飞航导弹设计技术积累了有益的经验。性能装备排水量:1650吨(水上);2100吨(水下)。主尺寸:长76.6米,宽6.7米,吃水5.2米。主机:柴油-电力推进;2台型号37-d柴油机,4000马力;2台电机,2700马力;2台备用电机;双轴。航速:13节(水上),15节(水下);10节(通气管)。编制:54名(其中军官10名)。导弹:6枚“鹰击-1”(c-801);指挥台围壳两侧分别装3个发射管;惯性导航;主动雷达寻的,0.9马赫时射程40公里(22海里),战斗部165公斤;掠海飞行。鱼雷:8具533毫米鱼雷发射管(艇首6具,艇尾2具)。16条saet 60型鱼雷;被动寻的,40节时射程15公里(8.1海里);战斗部400公斤。水雷:28枚,代替鱼雷。雷达:水面搜索,“魔板”和“魔盘”,i波段。使用情况:须在水面发射导弹。