1.Human Errors and Prevention of Accidents in Ship-pilotage;人为失误与船舶引航事故的预防
2.Research of Port Pilotage System Based on AIS;基于AIS的港口船舶引航系统的研究
3.Pilotage Operation of Large Container Ships in Yangshan Deep-Water Port;洋山深水港大型集装箱船舶的引航操纵

1.International Federation of Air Line Pilots Association国际航空引航联盟协会
2.The occupation or service of a pilot.引航、领航领航员的工作或服务
3.International Maritime Pilots association国际海上引航员协会
4.Bill didn't like to pilot the boat.比尔不愿为这只船引航
5.Which officer in the ship navigates?舰上哪个军官引航?
6.A Study on the Civil Liability of Party Who Provides Non-compulsory Pilotage Service;非强制引航引航方的民事责任问题研究
7.pilot left ship引航员离船引水员已下船
8.Research on Plane Layout for the Approach Channel of Navigable Constructions in Yinpan Hydro-junction;银盘水利枢纽通航建筑物引航道平面布置研究
9.Demolition of a Footbridge across Xi Jiang River桂平西江航道下引航道人行桥拆除施工实践
10.Study on navigable ship model test of approach channel in Jialing Shaxi Project嘉陵江沙溪枢纽引航道船模通航预报试验研究
11.Test on navigation condition influenced by the angle between approach channel and main channel引航道与河流主航道的夹角对通航条件影响试验
12.Pilotage refers to the guidance of vessels entering or leaving ports or sailing in certain areas on rivers and territorial seas引航是指引领船舶进出港口,或在江河内海一定区域航行。
13.The Research on Pilotage Management Informantion System of Ningbo Pilot Station;宁波大港引航有限公司引航管理信息系统的研究
14.The pilot guided us through the dangerous reefs.这位引航员引导我们通过了危险的暗礁区。
15.Corporation of Trinity House灯塔与引航公会英国海事局
16.It's hard to pilot a vessel in rough weather.在大风浪中为船舶引航是很困难的。
17.Knowledge is the eye of desire and can become the pilot.知识是愿望的眼睛,是生活的引航者。
18.Introducing the Method of Supply Chain Management into Airmaterial Supply of the Army Aviation to Enhance the Supply Quality;引入供应链管理思想 提高陆航航材保障水平

1.Prevention of Accidents and Countermeasures in Piloting;引航时的事故预防及对策
2.Research on Business Process Reengineering of Ningbo Pilot Station;宁波大港引航有限公司业务流程再造研究
3.This paperexpounds so far as sailing method, current, pilot condition, proceedings and report system when vessels pass the Great Barrier Reef(GBR) in all its aspects.就大堡礁海域的航法、潮流、引航情况、注意事项及通过大堡礁海域时的船舶报告制度进行了全面阐述。
1.This paper analyses the advantages of computers in piloting and marshalling,presents corresponding marshalling algorithm and introduces several important techniques in the design of the relative algorithm.文章从广州港的实际情况出发,分析了计算机引航排班调度的优越性,着重提出了相应的排班算法,介绍了有关算法设计中的若干重要技术。
2.Here he additament his problem in 5 aspect: (1)change policy; (2)creating change; (3)piloting; (4)change and continuity ; (5)making the future.在这里,他作了五个方面的论述:(1)变革的政策;(2)创造变革;(3)引航;(4)变革与连续性的平衡;(5)赢得未来。
3.This situation will bring some risks and troubles to the safety of the ships piloting.在海河航行的有些船舶,其船舶状况比较差,船舶设施不齐全,且船员素质普遍较低,致使这些船舶在营运过程中存在着较大的事故隐患,给船舶进出港及靠离泊等的引航安全带来了威胁和困难。
4)navigation by pilotage引航航法

引航引航 引航为维护国家主权和保证船舶在固定水域航行安全,对外籍船实行的航行管理。世界各航运国家为了开展引航工作,都从有经验的船长中选拔和培训引航员,对引航员分等级进行考核,合格者发给在某水域引航的许可证书。引航员分港口引航员(习惯称领港)、内河引航员(习惯称领江)和沿海引航员(习惯称领海)三种。船舶在港区、内河或沿海航行,为避免发生搁浅、触礁和碰撞等事故,要求驾驶人员能及时控制船位和进行避让。引航员必须熟悉所在水域的地理特点、航道、水深、水流、航标设置和当地规章制度,并具有熟练的船舶驾驶技术。港口引航员必须掌握靠离码头的高难度操纵技术。引航员在船上执行引航任务时,代表船长操纵船舶,但受船长监督,双方应紧密合作,交换有关航行情况。船长对船舶安全航行负有全责,必要时要纠正引航员的不当操纵,引航员对船长提出的违法要求,也可以拒绝执行。引航员在引航过程中,如因过失发生海损事故,除个别国家外,一般在法律上仅负技术责任,不负经济责任。引航员引航,按规定收取引航费。引航有强制性引航和非强制性引航,对外籍船舶进入本国港口,实施强制引航,称为引航权。没有本国引航员上船引航的外籍船舶,不得自行进出港或在港内航行和移泊。非强制性引航服务由船方申请,得到准许后实施。各国引航员机构,有的为官方组织,有的为民间组织。官方组织一般隶属于港口管理部门,民间组织需得到航运主管机关的认可。