1.Application of AHP in the Selection of Ningbo Port s Anchorage;层次分析法在宁波港锚地选择中的应用
2.Study on the Anchorage Layout of Ningbo Port and on the Techniques Relevant to Anchorage Planning;宁波港区锚地设置发展规划及锚地规划相关问题的探讨
3.By superposing the different DEM,the erosion and deposition in waterway of Ma′ao port,longitudinal profile and anchorage is calculated.根据舟山海域历史海图及2004年实测航道水深测量资料,利用GIS技术生成不同时期水下地形数字高程模型,并据此对舟山拟建马岙港航道纵剖面和候潮锚地各历史时段的冲淤分布进行数字化计算和分析,结果表明,近42年来,航道冲淤总体上趋于稳定状态,锚地海域海床冲淤基本平衡,港址前沿净沉积甚少。

1.the Southampton Roads南安普敦港外锚地.
2.explosives and dangerous goods anchorage易爆及危险货物锚地
3.anoffshore oil rig, island, anchorage近海的石油钻塔、 岛、 锚地
4.Study on the Anchorage Layout of Ningbo Port and on the Techniques Relevant to Anchorage Planning宁波港区锚地设置发展规划及锚地规划相关问题的探讨
5.Behind me was the sea, in front the anchorage.我的身后是大海,前面是锚地
6.However, the Roads being reckoned as good as a Harbour,但这块锚地素来被认为是个良港,
7.dangers of roads开敞锚地上所易遇到的危险
8.explosive and dangerous goods anchorage易爆货物及危险货物锚地
9.Stretch of water near the shore where ships may be anchored(供船只停泊的)近岸水域,近岸锚地
10.The sixth Day of our being at Sea we came into Yarmouth Roads;出海第六天,我们到达雅茅斯锚地
11.were run out of the Roads to Sea at all Adventures,只得冒险离开锚地驶向大海,
12.The ship remained in anchorage for a month.船在抛锚地点停了一个月。
13.We left that anchorage and stood away towards the northeast.我们离开那个锚地,向着东北方向驶去。
14.The lowest part of an anchor, where the arms are joined to the shank.锚冠锚的最下部也是锚臂和锚杆相结合的地方
15.Mediterranean moor地中海式锚泊法(船首用两锚系住
16.moving surface ship haven水面船舶活动锚泊地
17.The development of ZYT5160TDM ground anchor vehicleZYT5160TDM型地锚车的研制
18.The Reinforcement Mechanics of Fully Grouted Rock Bolt in Underground Engineering;地下工程中注浆岩石锚杆锚固机理研究

anchorage area锚地
1.Based on the construction and development of Rizhao Port Area in Rizhao Port in recent years and combining the"11th Five-Year Plan" on ports,this paper analyzes the key problems concerning navigable water area,expounds the necessity of readjustment and extension of the anchorage area,and proposes relevant construction plan.结合日照港日照港区近几年的建设与发展以及港口“十一五”规划,研究分析港口通航水域面临的突出问题,提出调整和扩建锚地的必要性及其建设方案。
2.Multi-variantness of dangerous cargo anchorage area is the objective need of multiple kinds and separate arrival of dangerous cargoes for lockage,and the purpose of improving the lock capacity and guaranteeing dam and vessel safety of the Three Gorges.危险品待闸锚地多元化,是过闸危险品多样化和零星分散抵闸的运行规律,是提高三峡船闸通过能力,保障三峡大坝和船舶安全的客观需要。
3)Jintang anchorage金锚锚地
4)anchor berth锚地锚位
5)ground anchorage地锚
1.The research results on the mechanism of ground anchorages transferring load and reinforcement effect are presented in detail,and current research state of anchorage support theory for rocks and soils are described.综合论述了地锚荷载传递机理以及岩土锚固作用机理,通过对锚杆结构型式、锚固机具、锚固材料、土钉墙、软土锚固等几方面的描述,介绍了岩土锚固技术的应用现状,并指出了研究中存在的问题及研究发展方向。
2.Through introducing researches about mechanism of ground anchorage transferring load and reinforcement effect in detail, the research status quo of anchorage theory of rock and soil is discussed emphatically.通过详细介绍地锚荷载传递机理以及岩土锚固作用机理的研究,论述了岩土锚固理论研究的现状,并指出了研究中存在的问题及研究发展方向。
6)ground anchor地锚
1.The design and construction of ground anchored trough type long-line dado;先张法预制梁地锚槽式长线台座设计与施工
2.Internal force characteristics of ground anchors for Nanning bridge南宁大桥地锚内力性状分析
3.Combined with practical engineering,the author analyzes the installation construction technology and construction machine of air-cooling platform and the selection of wind rope and sling,illustrates the setting of construction machine,upper pavement and ground anchor,introduces its construction orders and methods,and shows that air-cooling unit would has extensive developing prospect.结合工程概况,对空冷平台的安装施工工艺、风绳及吊索的选择进行了分析,并对桁架组合场地、上人步道、地锚等下设置进行了阐述,重点介绍了其施工顺序及其方法,得出空冷机组将会有广泛的发展前景。

锚地  港口中供船舶安全停泊和进行过驳作业的水域。又称锚泊地、泊地。作为锚地的水域要求水深适当,底质为泥质或砂质,有足够的锚位(停泊一艘船所需的位置),不妨碍其他船舶的正常航行。    种类  海港中的锚地分为港外锚地和港内锚地。港外锚地设在港外,供船舶在进港前停泊等待引航或接受海关、边防检查以及检疫等用。在有天然掩护条件的港外锚地可进行部分减载的过驳作业,使吃水较深的船舶能够进入水深不足的港池。港内锚地一般设在有掩护的水域,主要供船舶等候靠泊码头或进行水上过驳作业用。停泊在港内锚地的大船如遇台风,一般驶到开阔的港外锚地去应付台风。    河港一般只设供驳船队编解和进行水上过驳或供船舶待泊用的锚地。河港的水上装卸作业锚地通常靠近码头作业区,不占用主航道或影响码头装卸和船舶靠离码头作业用的水域,同桥梁、闸坝、水底管线保持一定距离。如果受客观条件限制,一个锚地不能满足船舶全年使用要求,可根据需要分别设置枯水期、中水期、洪水期锚地。    停泊方式  船舶在锚地的停泊方式有两种。一是船舶自行抛锚停泊,在港外锚地一般采用此种方式;二是系缆停泊,即船舶系缆于浮筒(有单浮筒、双浮筒、多浮筒)或系船桩墩等,在港内锚地多采用此种方式。    面积  锚地内每个锚位的面积同船舶停泊方式有关。①抛单锚停泊时,锚位面积为以船长与锚链长之和为半径的圆面积。在水底底质良好、风和潮流平常的情况下,锚链长度一般规定为水深的4~7倍;底质不好时,锚链要加长。②抛双艏锚停泊时,锚位面积为以船长加45米为半径的圆面积。③单浮筒系泊时,锚位面积为以船长加25米为半径的圆面积。④双浮筒艏艉系泊时,锚位面积为以船长加50米和二分之一船长为边长的长方形面积。风暴天气时视风的大小加长锚链长度。上述数值是指船舶停泊时所需面积,不包括操纵船舶所需面积。锚地内如有多个锚位,锚位间要留有适当间距,以便于船舶进出和调头作业。