1.Study on calculation means of vessel berthing simulationZHANG Zhe;船舶靠泊操纵模拟过程中的计算方法研究
2.The berthing velocity, angle and maxi- mal displacement of wharf are monitored.测试了船舶靠泊时的靠泊速度和角度以及码头的最大位移。
3.This paper describes the structural type and characteristics of double-pile floating energy dissipating installation,principle of energy absorption during vessel′s berthing,scope of adaptability and main points of design,which may serve as a reference for design of large-tonnage floating wharves.介绍双桩浮式消能设施的结构型式及特点,船舶靠泊吸能原理、适用范围以及设计要点等,可供大吨位浮码头的设计借鉴。

1.Berthing at Free of Charge免费靠泊于......
2.Captain, which side is to get alongside? Starboard / port side.船长,哪一舷靠泊?右/左舷靠泊
3.The Dynamical Response Analysis of the Ship Docking And Mooring to the Platform船舶靠泊过程与系泊状态动力响应分析
4.The Stray Current Corrosion Research on the Ship Berthing at the Steel Sheet Dock;钢板桩码头靠泊船杂散电流腐蚀研究
5.The safety navigation for an ULCC(Ultra Large Container Carrier) to call at Yangshan Deepwater Port超大型集装箱船安全靠泊洋山深水港
6.Fresh water can also be provided alongside berths, or from a private fleet of water boats.船舶也可于靠泊时取得食水,或由私营水艇供应。
7.Research on Coastline Layout with Flexible Berthing Method in Container Terminal;基于柔性靠泊系统的集装箱码头岸线规划研究
8.The Research of the Flexible Berthing System for the Oil Transmition on New LVDA Oil-field LIAODONG Bay辽东湾新旅大油田原油柔性靠泊外输系统研究
9.Trelleborg has been at the forefront of fendering, berthing and mooring technology for over thirty years.特瑞堡在三十多年来一直是港口和船舶护舷、靠泊、系泊技术的市场领导者。
10.Rational Determination of Ferry Berthing Speed in Railway Ferry Terminal Engineering Design铁路轮渡码头工程设计中渡船靠泊速度的合理确定
11.The small vessel moored close to land.小船紧靠陆地停泊。
12.a boat moored alongside靠着码头停泊的船.
13.The ship lies alongside the pier.船横靠着码头停泊。
14.To moor(a vessel)at a wharf.使靠码头使(一只船)停泊在码头
15.A mooring rope or chain that secures the bow of a ship to a wharf.系绳使船首靠在码头的系泊绳索或链
16.Effective Berth Conversion Coefficient of Bus Transit Stop Analysis Based on Vissim基于Vissim的公交停靠站有效泊位数分析
17.Motels have plenty of parking space and are usually near a freeway or highway.汽车旅馆有很多泊车位,一般靠近高速公路。
18.She was drifting about Europe, so handicapped and lonely她就这样无依无靠,这样孤零零地在欧洲漂泊。

berth alongside靠泊靠
3)berth alongside靠泊;靠岸
4)safe mooring安全靠泊
5)ferry mooring process靠泊分析
6)berthing and departing靠离泊
1.Study on Numerical Simulation of Ship Berthing and Departing in Pile Wharf;透空式高桩码头船舶靠离泊数值模拟研究
2.Based on numerical simulation of two kinds of designed ships berthing and departing at the expansion project of Dongying Port,the influence on shiphandling was analyzed of conditions such as wind,wave and tide and the safety of ship berthing and departing was verified.通过对东营港扩建工程码头2种设计代表船型的进出港和靠离泊操纵数值模拟,分析风、浪、流等环境条件对船舶操纵的影响,论证船舶进出港和靠离泊的安全性,验证水域布置的合理性,为工程建设、船舶操纵和港航管理提供科学依据。
