1.Ge-stell, the essence of technology, constructs the state of human and nature in modern society.技术的本质——座架,展现了现代社会中人与自然,人与自然的本质在技术的异化下消失殆尽,日益成为技术的奴隶。

1.declutch carrier分离座架(分动箱)
2.mounting (incl. those with aiming and loading mechanisms) for firearms火器用的座架(包括装有瞄准和装弹装置的座架
3.mounting head (ball and socket) for cinematographic cameras电影摄影机头座架(球及管座)
4.a frame foundation【机】架座, 机架
5.strip carrier capsule gun钢带托架座舱式射孔器
6.a bridge was extended over the canyon峡谷上架起了一座桥。
7.a bridge supported by trestlework.一座靠支架支撑的桥。
8.It seemed like the gun-carriage of an enormous cannon.就象一架大炮的座子。
9.crane ,overhead traveling, not on fixed support高架起重机,无固定支座
10.knee-braced bracket拐弯托座,膝形悬臂托架
11.a building with a steel frame一座有钢构架的建筑物
12.The mounting is fixed to the base.支架固定在基座上。
13.A bridge spans the river there.一座桥架在那边河上。
14.A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Columba and Dorado.绘架星座南半球一星座,位于天鸽星座和剑鱼星座附近
15.And there were four undersetters to the four corners of one base: and the undersetters were of the very base itself.每座四角上都有盆架,是与座一同铸成的。
16.Derricks are scattered here and there on the boundless plain.在一望无际的原野上散布着一座座井架。
17.But you were the first to destroy the seat and hit others with it.但是你带头破坏座椅,第一个用座椅打架的。
18."and at the top of the base there was a round vessel, half a cubit high;"座上有圆架,高半肘。座上有撑子和心子,是与座一同铸的。

1.Therefore,we should remain cool-headed towards technology and try to find out its nature of shield so as to free the world from frame of modernity.因此,必须对技术采取冷静的态度,认识到它的去蔽本质,把世界从现代性座架中拯救出来。
1.An Analysis to Heidegger s Concept of Gestell;析海德格尔的技术“座架”概念
5)supporting bracket座架,托架

商代铜三联甗座架商代铜三联甗座架  一九七六年殷墟王室“妇好”墓出土。高43厘米,长103厘米,六足,座面饰龙纹和云纹,四周饰圆涡纹和夔纹。可同时放置三只甗,故名三联甗座。这是商代家具中具有代表性的一种庋具。