1.Influences on interleukin-8 in rowing training with large workload;大负荷划船运动对血浆白介素-8水平的影响
2.Aim: To investigate the influnce of living high-training low for 4 weeks on serum CK、LDH and ALT of rowing athletes.目的:探讨“高住低练”(运动员睡在相当于2500m的高度,训练则在平原)过程中,低氧及运动时划船运动员血清酶的变化规律。

1.The Male Rowing\|athletices Hb s Change in Sports;男子划船运动员运动前后血色素的动态变化
2.Effects of BCAA Supplementation on Serum hormone in Rowing Athletes;补充BCAA对划船运动员血激素的影响
3.An analysis of indexes of blood of boating athletes after the intensity training划船运动员大运动量训练后血液指标的分析
4.Swimming and boating were quite popular in Shelley's day.在雪莱的时代游泳和划船运动非常流行。
5.Influences on interleukin-8 in rowing training with large workload;大负荷划船运动对血浆白介素-8水平的影响
6.The Measuring and Application of Speed and Power in Rowing;划船运动一浆中多点速度、功率的测量及其应用
7.Design and Realization of the Intellective System for the Identification of boating athletes;划船运动员选材智能系统的设计与实现
8.On the Control of Load Tensity Caused by Pre competition State among Rowers;划船运动员赛前竞技状态形成负荷强度的控制
9.Anti-fatigue Actions of Bu Shen Yi Yuan Fang, a Traditional Chinese Medical Formula, in Rowing Athletes;补肾益元方提高划船运动员抗疲劳能力及其作用机制的研究
10.Research with Urinary Lipid Peroxide Levels in Evaluating Functionary Status of Rowing Athletes;应用尿过氧化脂质水平评价划船运动员机能状况的研究
11.Modification of Specific Cellular Immune Function in Sail Athletes during Intensive Endurance Exercise Training Period;耐力强化训练期间划船运动员特异性细胞免疫功能的变化
12.Effects of Bu Shen Yi Yuan Fang, a Traditional Chinese Medical Formula, on Some Physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Physical Performance in Male Rowing Athletes;补肾益元方对男子划船运动员几项体能相关生理生化指标的影响
13.The changes of some serum hormones concentration in Zhejiang outstanding rowers before competition;浙江省优秀划船运动员赛前血清某些激素浓度的变化
14.Rowing is my great sport.划船是我擅长的运动。
15.Research on Sailing Athlete’ Yearly Training Plan;帆船帆板运动员年度训练计划的探讨
16.a large wheel fitted with paddles and driven by an engine in order to propel a boat.用发动机驱动推进船只运动的带有划桨的轮子。
17.athletics include all kinds of sports, such as running, rowing, swimming, etc.体育运动包括各种竞技,如赛跑,划船,游泳等。
18.Research on Path Planning for Sailboat Racing Based on Fuzzy Logic and Evolutionary Algorithms;基于模糊—进化理论的帆船运动路线规划研究

Pseudo Sculling Motion伪划船运动
1.The changes of some serum hormones concentration in Zhejiang outstanding rowers before competition;浙江省优秀划船运动员赛前血清某些激素浓度的变化
4)scull error划船运动误差
5)rowing exerciser划船运动练习器
6)motion planning运动规划
1.Motion planning of one-legged hopping robot based on dynamic coupling analysis;基于动力学耦合分析的单腿跳跃机器人运动规划
2.3D motion planning of a three-limbed robot for intelligent space;基于智能空间的三肢体仿生机器人3D运动规划
3.Optimal motion planning of a three-link planar under-actuated manipulator system;三连杆平面欠驱动机械臂系统的最优运动规划

划船运动  用人力操纵小船进行竞技比赛的一项水上运动。国际上划船运动的项目很多。在中国,划船运动包括:赛艇运动、皮划艇运动、帆船运动。划船运动都是靠人力划桨、人力驶帆,对增进身体健康和培养青少年热爱航运事业,有很好的作用。中华人民共和国成立后,在哈尔滨、上海、北京、广州、杭州、武汉、青岛等城市先后建立了划船俱乐部或运动站等机构,开展了多种划船活动。