1.The paper presents the measurement and analysis of the dynamic pressure parameters at bows and the movement paramenters of ship hull during the process of ship launching on the longitudinal berth.研究了在建船舶吨位超过船台设计能力的下水安全性问题。

1.The ferry was tied up at the south slip.渡船停泊在南船台
2.Study on the Longitudinal Slipway Launch of 37420 DWT Vessel;37420T船舶船台纵向下水问题研究
3.Effect of Status Parameters of Slipway and Hull on Motion of Ship Launching船台及船体各状态参数对船舶下水运动的影响
4.Strength Calculation and Analysis of Crude Oil Ships on Launching Way;大型油船船台下水时艏部强度计算分析
5.Pressure and Strength Analysis of Ships on Launching Way;船台下水时船底结构的受力及强度分析
6.Qualitative analysis of water level at slipway end for ship longitudinal air cells' launching船舶纵向气囊下水工艺船台末端水位定性分析
7.machinery control console机械控制台船机控制台
8.Are there any shipbuilding companies in Taiwan?台湾有没有造船公司?
9.The typhoon stopped the ship from leaving port.台风使那艘船无法出港。
10.shipboard & off shore cable船舶及海上平台电缆
11.A platform, as of planking, at the entrance to a dock.船坞平台船坞入口的平台,如放木材之用
12.A platform at the top of a ship's foremast.前桅楼,前桅平台轮船前桅顶部的平台
13.A platform or balcony at the stern or quarters of some early sailing ships.船尾了望台一些早期船的尾部或尾舷上的平台或阳台
14.suspended working platform吊船;悬空工作台;悬空工作平台;悬吊式工作台
15.An enclosed area, usually on the bridge of a vessel, from which the vessel is controlled when under way.(船上)驾驶舱,操舵室建于船上驾驶台的封闭区,船在航行中由其控制
16.floating structure (excl. vessels and drilling or production platforms)浮动装置(不包括船舶和钻井平台或生产平台)
17.The ships were abreast of the fort.那些船与炮台处于同一水平位置。
18.Delft Shiphydromechanic Laboratory台尔夫特船舶水动力学研究所

building berth船台
1.In Wuhu Jiangdong Ship Building Factory, a new building berth and chute are established on the slope with thick soft under layer.芜湖江东船厂新建船台滑道位于有较厚软弱土层的岸坡上 ,软弱土层强度低 ,岸坡的变形过大将危及工程结构的安全 。
3)ship way船台
1.Steps and methods of RSM (Resistance Strain Measurement) are stated and the possibility for setting up larger versels with a smaller ship way is verified.通过试验,证实了用较小船台可建造较大船舶。
5)slipway platform船台平台
6)mobile station船台,移动台
