1.More Thoughts about Towns in Jiangnan:Focusing on History and Transformation of Towns in Changzhou江南市镇的再认识:以常州市镇的历史与演变为中心
2.During the Ming and Qing Dynasties,a lot of towns specializing in commerce and handicrafts e- merged in south of the Yangtze River.明清时期,随着商品经济的繁荣与市场交流的扩大,江南地区各类商业、手工业专业市镇大量涌现,江南经济也因此而引人注目。
3.As a kind of market form, town is an important component part of chinese traditional market.市镇作为一种市场形态,是中国传统市场的重要组成部分。

1.A town crier.市镇传报员巡行于市镇的公告传报员
2.cross-town adj.横越市镇的(地)贯通市镇大街的(地)
3.The Structure of the Industry and Commerce of Towns in Wujiang during the Republican Period;民国吴江县市镇的工商业结构——兼论“专业市镇”与“非专业市镇”的差别
4.colloquial American term for a town.美国口语中的城镇或市镇
5.The small town was secluded.这个市镇与外界隔绝。
6.a town on the Border.靠近边界的一个市镇
7.Communal Criminal Justice Commissions市镇刑事司法委员会
8.We evicted the enemy from the town我们把敌人逐出市镇
9.committed urban development area新界市镇指定发展区
10.Urban Fringe Improvement Scheme市镇外围地区改善计划
11.The earthquake wiped out town.地震摧毁了那个市镇
12.The town lies to the east of the woods.市镇位于树林的东面。
13.The train rumbled through the town.火车隆隆地穿过市镇
14.The two towns are connected by a railway.这两个市镇通火车.
15.a seaside town, hotel, holiday海滨的市镇、 旅馆、 度假.
16.the union of three towns into one三个市镇之合而为一
17.a town on the sea in Devon在德文郡海边的市镇
18.They marched in and took over the town.他们进占了这一市镇.

1.Trade Routes, Towns and Social Changes: Foused on Northeast Jiangxi Province (1842-1937);商路、市镇与社会变迁:以赣东北为考察中心(1842-1937)
2.With the development of commodity economy,the number of towns in northern Shannxi has increased notably during the Qing dynasty.清代陕北商品经济发展的表现之一就是市镇数目显著增加和市镇网络体系的形成。
3.The feudal officials and local authorities strengthened their social control with compelling or non-compelling methods for the stabilization and development of towns society.明清时期江南市镇普遍兴起,在"王权止于县"的传统社会,为保证市镇社会的稳定与发展,国家权力和地方权威通过强制性和非强制性的方式强化着对市镇社会的控制。
3)market town市镇
1.Discussion on the development of market towns in the Taihu Lake valley in the Song Dynasty;宋代太湖流域市镇发展简论
2.The development of market towns strongly advanced the development of the regional economy both in cities and countries, and promoted the reform of economic structure .宋代浙东市镇兴盛 ,工商业经济发展较快 ,其产业结构和市场体系日趋完整 ,居民结构、社区布局、社会管理和文化生活等方面逐步呈现类似城市的特征。
3.In previous years, the studies on Jiangnan market towns always put more attention to the comparison between ultra-regions and the economic relation between national or international markets.以往明清江南市镇史的研究,更关注的是市镇的“中央性”机能。
4)market towns市镇
1.Xinjiang River valley locates in the joint part of Jiangxi,Zhejiang and Fujian,and was once a hub of economic and cultural communications among the three provinces,and one of the areas where the market towns were most densely distributed in Jiangxi during the period of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.江西信江流域与浙江、福建二省相毗邻,是明清时期三省经济、文化交流的枢纽,同时也是江西省市镇分布最为稠密的地域之一。
2.During the South Song Dynasty,the market towns,having speedily developed in the south of the Yangtze River,gradually transformed from the commercial centre and the country fair of the rural area into the new synthesis of the rural economy and society.南宋时期,江南市镇掀起一个发展热潮,在一定程度上突破了农村传统自然经济自给自足模式和封闭单一的社会形态,呈现出城镇文明的部分特征和发展趋向。
3.In Ming & Qing periods, the valley was not only an important passageway for the flow of goods among Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong provinces, but also one of the districts in Jiangxi where commodity economy was most advanced and market towns were densest.流域内水陆交通便利,是明清时期江、浙、闽、粤货物往来的重要通道,也是当时江西省内商品经济最发达、工商市镇分布最稠密的地区之一。
5)commercial town市镇
1.This paper explores the political transition or evolution of Nanxun, a commercial town in East China s Zhejiang Province in Chinese modern history (1840-1949).南浔政治结构在近代的演进表明了市镇权力结构向多元化方向发展之趋势。
6)market town市镇;墟镇
