
1.Fodingzunshengtuoluoni Belief and Folk Custom in Tang Dynasty佛顶尊胜陀罗尼信仰与唐代民俗风情
2.On the Special Pleasing Quality of Folks清音余韵话民俗——京派乡土小说民俗风情的文化价值与审美特性
3.The folkway and custom of Shijiazhuang Village, Anqiu City, are profound and famous.安丘市石家庄村的民俗风情是很浓厚且著名的。
4.He wish to travel and thereby study the custom of other countries他希望去旅游藉此研究其他国家的民俗风情
5.He wished to travel and thereby study the customs of other countries.他希望去旅游借此研究其他国家的民俗风情
6.He wishes to travel and thereby study the custom of other countries.他希望去旅游藉此研究其他国家的民俗风情
7.On the Representation of Multi-values in the Folkways in Literature and Art;论民俗风情在文艺作品中的多重价值显现
8.Multi-dimensional · Harmony · Unity--Review of Taizhou Unique Folk Culture多元·和谐·统一——略论台州独特的民俗风情
9.Development and Management of Ethnic Tourist Spots in Longsheng--An Investigation;龙胜少数民族民俗风情旅游景点开发与管理现状的调查研究
10.Spring Suite is a colourful depiction of the customs of different regions, conveyed with all the vigour of spring.春天组曲是一首描写各个地区不同的民俗风情﹐春天所展现的活力。
11.The local opera with local customs and flavors well represents the regional culture.独具地方民俗风情魅力的地方戏曲文化是地域文化的重要代表。
12.A Mirror of Tujia Folk Customs--On Tian Taidou s "On the Bamboo and Its Branches in Wufeng County;土家民俗风情的一面镜子——记田泰斗的五峰竹枝词
13.Analysing Social Customs and Humanitarianism Feelings of “Teahouse” written by Laoshe;试论《茶馆》中的民俗民风和人道情怀
14.The professor set out to study the customs of the natives.教授着手研究当地居民的风俗人情。
15.Folklore in Xu Xiake s Zhejiang Travel Notes;徐霞客《浙游日记》所涉的民情风俗
16.But he captured the feeling, the people and the customs of his new country.但他捕捉了一个新的国家中的感情、人民和风俗,
17.A Review of the Value of History and Folklore in Liu Yong Ci on Urban Lifestyle;柳永都市风情词的历史价值与民俗价值
18.The Mirror of Folk Customs--Viewing Folk Culture from the Perspective of Genre-painting of the Song Dynasty民俗“镜像”——由宋代风俗画看宋代民俗文化

Folk Customs民俗风情
1.Early in 19th century, Xiangyinglian composed Poems of Xizhao Zhuzhi, depicting the religion activities and folk customs from multi - perspectives and multi -layers, which is of great value in literature and history.十九世纪初项应莲的《西昭竹枝词》,对西藏地方的宗教活动、民俗风情进行了多角度、多层面的文学描绘,具有颇高的文学艺术性和史料价值。
3)folk customs风情民俗
1.Write literature,to show humanity and the masses of the people out,and to explore the essence of the human personality and psychological,it is necessary to describe the character and destiny of people,it will be impossible to leave the folk customs of the depictions in the works will be a.文学要写人,要表现人民大众的人性和人情,要探索人的个性的实质和心理,要刻画人物的性格和命运,也就不可能离开风情民俗的描写,作品中必然会融注进广泛的民俗事象。
4)folk custom and situation风俗民情
1.Firstly,in her depiction of folk custom and situations readers can easily find profound folk cultural flavor;secondly,through the folk vision the complexity and mystery of humanity is reflected;and thirdly,puissant original vitality is embodied in sexual relations of the folk people.一是在对风俗民情描写中蕴含着深厚的民间文化意味;二是用民间眼光透视出人性的复杂与奥妙;三是在两性关系中展示出强盛的原始生命力。
5)the beauty of custom民俗风情美
6)urban folk features都市民俗风情

平湖民俗风情馆景点娱乐休闲   平湖民俗风情馆位于平湖市环城北路东首,东湖风景区西侧,是一家以展示江南水乡"金平户"的生产、生活和文化习俗为特色的专题博物馆。2002年2月8日正式对外开放。   馆舍原为平湖富商陆氏住宅,始建于二十世纪三十年代,是一座平湖区域内至今保存较好、规模较大的古建筑。水乡历史文化  平湖民俗风情馆内共设生产、生活和文化习俗三大展区。生产习俗展区下设农业、纺织业两个展厅;生活习俗展区下设服饰、饮食、居住、行旅、婚育、票证六个展厅;文化习俗展区下设民间舞蹈、民间戏曲、民间文学、民间美术四个展厅。目前,展出的民俗文物达2000余件。在陈述手法上,主要采用原汁原味的实物,辅以图片、文字和模型。在重点习俗上,突出过程,渲染特色,以充分展示平湖的水乡历史文化。旅游观光  在这里,不仅可以在有限的时间和空间里,观赏到“金平湖”传统的生产工具、生活用品和民间文艺作品;领略到“金平湖”的历史发展、科技进步、文化演变的轨迹;浏览到“金平湖”的风俗、风光、风情,而且还能参与到一些原汁原味的民俗活动,可谓别有风味,情趣无穷。作为一家新生的具有深厚和独特文化底蕴的专题博物馆,平湖民俗风情馆已成为人们旅游观光、休闲度假与传统文化熏陶、科普教育和爱国主义教育的好去出。