1.Difficulties in Foreign Trade Exportation and Countermeasures——Take Yinzhou District Of Ningbo as an Example;关于外贸出口面临的问题及对策——以鄞州区为例
2.A Research of Enhancing the Competitiveness of Tourism Industry of Yinzhou District in Ningbo during Urban-Rural Integration城乡一体化进程中宁波鄞州新区旅游产业竞争力提升研究
3.The originate place of the story is in Yinzhou.梁山伯是一个历史人物,1600多年前在鄞州有一坟、一庙。

1.Enterprises "Going-out" Status in Yinzhou and Countermeasures for Development鄞州企业“走出去”现状及发展对策
2.Economic Performance Research on the Institutional Change of the Yinzhou Rural Cooperative Bank;鄞州农村合作银行的制度变迁绩效研究
3.Difficulties in Foreign Trade Exportation and Countermeasures--Take Yinzhou District Of Ningbo as an Example;关于外贸出口面临的问题及对策——以鄞州区为例
4.A Survey of Present Physical Exercises Situation of the Villager in Yinzhou District;宁波市鄞州区农村居民体育锻炼现状调研
5.Spatial Analysis of Tuberculosis in Yinzhou, Ningbo, 2005-2008鄞州区2005-2008年肺结核病疫情的空间统计分析
6.The present status and protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Yinzhou district鄞州区非物质文化遗产的现状及其保护
7.Analysis of Control Situation of Asthma in Rural Clinics of Ningbo City in Zhejiang Province宁波市鄞州区农村卫生院哮喘防治状况
8.Characteristic Analysis on Injury of Floating Population in Emergency Departments from 2005 to 2006 in Yinzhou District鄞州区2005-2006年急诊室外来人口伤害特征分析
9.Research on the Demand Forecast Analysis in Traffic Impact Analysis for the Yinzhou New Urban Development;鄞州新城区开发项目交通影响分析的需求预测方法研究
10.Form the Developping of Yinzhou Rural Cooperative Bank to Study the Reform of Rural Credit Cooperative in Developed Area;从鄞州农村合作银行的发展看发达地区农村信用社改革
11.Ivestigation and Andysis of Farmers Sports Activiues--Take Yin Zhou as an Example;农民体育活动现状调查与分析——以宁波市鄞州区为例
12.Investigation on the Developed Town s Mass Sports Activities--Example For Yinzhou District;经济发达乡镇开展群众体育的现状——以鄞州区为例
13.The Characters of Corporate Governance of Rural Cooperative Bank: A Case Studyof Ningbo Yinzhou Bank;农村合作银行治理结构特征研究:以鄞州银行为例
14.The Financial Innovation under Institutional Environment Restraint --A Case Study of Yinzhou Rural CooperativeBank;制度环境约束下的金融创新——以鄞州农村合作银行为例
15.A Research of Enhancing the Competitiveness of Tourism Industry of Yinzhou District in Ningbo during Urban-Rural Integration城乡一体化进程中宁波鄞州新区旅游产业竞争力提升研究
16.The Present Situation of Building Business for Rural Youth and its Thinking in Zhejiang Seaboard Region;浙江沿海地区农村青年创业现状与思考——基于宁波市鄞州区的问卷调查与分析
17.Enhancing the Quality of Rural Teachers for the Balanced Development of Education--Stage Summary of Rural Teachers Quality Enhancing Project in Yinzhou District;提升农村教师素质 促进教育均衡发展——鄞州区农村中小学教师素质提升工程
18.Research on Development Pattems and Competitiveness Improvement of Industrial Cluster--On the Example of Clothing lndustrial Cluster in Yinzhou,Zheiiang;产业集群发展模式与竞争力提升研究——以宁波市鄞州区服装产业集群为例

Yinzhou district鄞州区
1.The present status and protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Yinzhou district鄞州区非物质文化遗产的现状及其保护
2.We adopt the ways of questionnaire,literature material and mathematical statistic to survey on the populace sports present situation argument in various villages and towns of Yinzhou district.运用问卷调查、文献资料和数理统计等方法,对鄞州区各乡镇开展群众体育现状进行调查,结果表明:党政领导重视,体育机构健全,场地设施完善,特色体育逐渐形成是群众体育蓬勃发展的重要保证。
3)Wulongtan in Yinzhou鄞州五龙潭
1.The Utilization and Protection of Medicinal Plant Resources in Wulongtan in Yinzhou of Zhejiang;鄞州五龙潭风景区药用植物资源的利用与保护
4)Yinzhou district of Ningbo宁波市鄞州区
5)Yinzhou Culture and Art Center鄞州区文化艺术中心
1.Ningbo Yinzhou Culture and Art Center;宁波市鄞州区文化艺术中心
6)Yinzhou Rural Cooperative bank鄞州农村合作银行
1.The Yinzhou Rural Cooperative bank founded in April, 2003, whose property right is joint-stock and cooperative, and it has been admissive by the government.2003年4月,浙江宁波的鄞州农村合作银行成立,之后这种以股份合作制为产权基础的农村合作银行被政府予以肯定,并在全国范围内推广。
