1.The Systematic Analysis and Forecast on Ecological Construction and Sustainable Development of Ecological Demonstration Area in Pengzhou, Sichuan Province;彭州市国家级生态示范区建设的系统分析与预测

1.The Study on Dust Geochemical Characteristics in Pengzhou City of SiChuan Province;四川省彭州市降尘地球化学特征研究
2.Construct the National Class Ecological Demonstrative Area in Pengzhou City by Taking Measures Adapting to Local Conditions;因地制宜建设好彭州市国家级生态示范区
3.Surveillance on Drinking Water Quality After Earthquake in Pengzhou彭州市地震灾害后1月饮用水监测分析
4.Survey on physical development of children under 7 years old in country of Pengzhou, 20062006年彭州市农村七岁以下儿童体格发育调查
5.Study on the situation of infectious disease prevention and control in Sichuan earthquake-stricken towns in Pengzhou City,Sichuan Province地震后彭州市重灾乡镇传染病防控形势分析
6.Flies control in temporary shelters of Pengzhou city after earthquake彭州市地震灾区临时安置点蝇类防治初报
7.Studies on Biodiversity and the Flora of the Seed Plants from Baishuihe Nature Reserve in Pengzhou;彭州市白水河自然保护区生物多样性及种子植物区系研究
8.Discussion on Land Exploitation and Reclaimed Potential--Given An Example of Pengzhou,Sichuan Province;土地开发复垦潜力分析初探——以四川省彭州市为例
9.Cropland Potential Productivity in the Typical Region of the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River--Case from Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province;长江上游典型区耕地的土地生产潜力——以四川省彭州市为例
10.Detection of HBsAg Among Employee in Food Trade and Public Places in Quake-stricken Area in Pengzhou,20082008年彭州市地震灾区食品及公共场所从业人员HBsAg携带情况分析
11.Relative study of social supports to mental health among remote-treating earthquake-wounded patients in Penzhou社会支持对彭州市外送医疗地震伤员心理影响的研究
12.Post-disaster Reconstruction Planning Strategy of Small Towns--Taking Reconstruction Planning of Tongji Town,Penzhou City灾后小城镇重建规划策略——以彭州市通济镇重建规划为例
13.Planning and Design of Agricultural Park Based on Landscape Ecological Security Pattern基于景观生态安全格局的农业园区规划与设计——以彭州市大宝农业园为例
14.Revelations on Modern Small Town Planning from Wenchuan Big Earthquake--With Town Planning of Post-disaster Reconstruction for Tongji as an Example汶川大地震对现代小城镇规划的启示——以彭州市通济镇灾后重建规划为例
15.Yingchanggou is the core of Pengzhou Scenic Area and is89 km away fron Chengdu.银厂沟是彭州景区的核心部分,距成都市区89公里。
16.The Preservation and Development Study of Xuzhou Urban Identity;彭氏故国 人居新城——徐州城市特色的保护与发展研究
17.Construction of Commercial Space under Historical and Cultural Tradition--Planning of PengchengLu Pedestrian Mall;在历史文化传统中营造商业空间 ——记徐州市彭城路商业步行街规划设计
18."Pottery and porcelain from .Pengcheng were famous in Song Dynasty, which is also called Cizhou kiln ware."宋代彭城是生产民用陶瓷的著名民窑。彭城窑瓷又称磁州窑瓷。

1.Analysis of Vegetation Characters and Preliminary Study of Plant Community Succession on the Copper Tailing Yard in Pengzhou;四川彭州铜尾矿库植被特征分析与植物群落演替初探
2.Analysis on Fruit Properties of Quercus Serrata in Artificial Pinus massoniana Forest in Pengzhou,Sichuan Province;彭州人工马尾松林中枹栎果实大小特征的分析
3.Distubance Characteristics of Gap in Artificial Pinus massoniana Forest in Pengzhou,Sichuan Province;彭州人工马尾松林林隙干扰特征
3)Peng Zhou彭州
1.Studies on Industrialization of Potato in Peng Zhou;彭州马铃薯产业化发展研究
2.Then it offers feasible countermeasure suggestion on development of vegetable planting field and increase of farmers income in Peng Zhou.因此,本文的研究目的在于通过分析农户生产经营行为及其对经济、环境和社会效益的影响,为彭州蔬菜种植业发展以及农民增收提供可行的对策建议。
4)Pengzhou county彭州样区
1.Application of the taxonomic classification of typical soil series in Chengdu plain in mapping of soils on large scale --Taking Pengzhou county as an example;成都平原典型土系的分类在大比例尺土壤制图中的应用——以彭州样区为例
5)Pengzhou dialect彭州方言
6)Aconitum racemulosum Franch var. pengzhouense彭州岩乌头
