1.On Questions of Lüshun Massacre-Reply to Professor Qin Yuyan of Tiba University in Japan;关于旅顺大屠杀的几个问题——答日本千叶大学秦郁彦教授
2.),which widely distributs in Dalian Lüshun area,can be subdivided into 5 lithologic members.大连—旅顺地区桥头组分布广泛。

1.The Research about Lushun Tourism Development Strategy Which is Ruled by Negative Tourism Resource负感旅游资源主导下的旅游开发战略研究——以旅顺旅游开发为例
2.Talk about the position in the Chinese Northeastern history of history of Dalian Lvsun;论大连(旅顺)史在中国东北史中的地位
3.On the Objective Effect of the Westernization in the Light of Lvshun Shipyard从“旅顺船坞”看洋务运动的客观效应
4.The trip was not without incident.旅途并不是一帆风顺的。
5.I hope you'll have a very pleasant journey.祝你一路顺风旅途快活。
6.I hope you' ll have a good flight.祝你飞机旅行顺利/愉快。
7.Mr. Steve, how was your flight?史蒂夫先生,旅途还顺利吧?
8.The voyage of their life have be one of unbroken smoothness他们的人生旅程一直一帆风顺
9.By the way, when does a package tour leave?顺便问一下,包价旅游什么时候出发?
10.the aBC guide(按字母顺序编排的)铁路旅行指南
11.The voyage of their life have been one of unbroken smoothness .他们的人生旅程一直一帆风顺。
12.They went down the corridor toward the front of the motel.他们顺着走廊向汽车旅馆的正门走去。
13.My parents'voyage to America wasn't easy.我父母来美国的旅程并不顺利。
14.Welcome to Jinghu Boutique Hotel to facilitate your leisure or business tour.入住德辉宾馆,商务休闲之旅更顺畅。
15.Bon voyage! Have a safe tour.祝您一路顺风!有一趟安全的旅游。
16.So long. Hope to see you again soon. Good luck on your trip.再见,希望很快再度见到您,旅途顺利。
17.On C-E Translation of Tourist Materials from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory;从顺应论角度看旅游资料的汉英翻译
18.On the Adaptation of Zunyi Tourist Translation from Adaptation Theory;从顺应理论看旅游景点翻译的变通性

Lüshun Port旅顺港
1.Change trendency and assessment of environmental quality in Lüshun Port;旅顺港环境质量变化趋势与评价
3)the north road in Lvshun旅顺北路
1.This text takes the industry planning of the north road in Lvshun as an example,specifically studies the application of the "point—axis system" theory in the traffic economic strip.以旅顺北路产业规划为例,具体研究“点—轴系统”理论在中小尺度区域交通经济带规划中的应用。
4)Lushun south highway旅顺南路
1.This paper analyses advantage and disadvantage of region along Lushun south highway firstly.从旅顺南路地区优势条件和限制因素分析入手 ,明确了该地区经济发展的指导思想和发展目标 ,对其功能分区进行了初步探讨 ,并提出了对策和建
1.On the basis of tourism destination image and brand theories, from the analysis of the tourism resource trait as well as the advantage of Lvshunkou, this paper points out that Lvshunkou should build the destination brand image as "A Century Martial Harbor-Lvshunkou".本文在旅游目的地品牌形象的建立和推广等理论的基础上,通过分析旅顺口的历史文化、旅游资源的特色和优势,提出旅顺口应当以"百年军港——旅顺口"为旅游目的地品牌,并且就如何推广这一品牌提出了加强服务和硬件设施建设、运用多种促销手段、以政府为主导进行整体促销、做好整体旅游规划等措施。
6)Lvshunkou in Dalian旅顺口区
1.A Study on the Recreational Environment System of Urban Coastal Zones:A Case Study of Lvshunkou in Dalian;城市滨海区域游憩环境系统研究——以大连市旅顺口区为例

旅顺  见旅顺口区。