1.Tourism and the Reconstruction of Folk Culture——Taking Dazhai Hongyao Village of Longsheng for Example;旅游与民俗文化的再建构——以龙胜大寨红瑶村为例
2.Ethnic Awareness and Living Environment——A Survey on the Ethnic Group of Huangluo Hongyao in Longsheng,Guangxi族群意识与生存环境——广西龙胜黄洛红瑶族群考察调查

1.Ethnic Tourism and Community Education: A Case Study on the Hong Yao People in Dazhai;民族旅游与社区教育:以大寨红瑶为例
2.National Culture Turism and the Renaissance of Redyao Womens Traditional Costumes;民族文化旅游与红瑶女性传统服饰的复兴
3.Tourism and the Reconstruction of Folk Culture--Taking Dazhai Hongyao Village of Longsheng for Example;旅游与民俗文化的再建构——以龙胜大寨红瑶村为例
4.Ethnic Awareness and Living Environment--A Survey on the Ethnic Group of Huangluo Hongyao in Longsheng,Guangxi族群意识与生存环境——广西龙胜黄洛红瑶族群考察调查
5.Fragment & Integration:Interpretation of Hongyao People's Half Year Ceremony in Nation-State System碎片与重构——民族—国家体系中的红瑶岁时仪礼阐释
6.The Development of the Yao Nationality Traditional Sports in the Construction of the New Countryside--An Example on the Hongyan Village in Gongcheng Guilin瑶族传统体育在新农村建设中的发展研究——以桂林恭城红岩村为例
7.Just like the very beautiful flowers -- On the conscious awakening ofancient prostitute in the stories of SHENG Yao-qin and DU Shi-niang恰似这般姹紫嫣红——从莘瑶琴、杜十娘看古代妓女意识的觉醒
8.According to custom, women, after marriage, shave offtheir hair and wear a red scarf on their heads.按照传统,凡是结过婚的红头瑶女子都得将头发全部剃去,然后戴上一块红布做头饰。
9.The Miao-Yao language of the Yao.苗瑶语瑶族人所说的苗瑶语
10.The Leader of Yao System and Village Governance of Yao--The Example of Pingdi-Yao;瑶长制与瑶族乡村治理——以平地瑶为例
11.Yao nationality in Jinxiu Autonomous County-a Microcosm of China Yao Ethnic Group;金秀大瑶山瑶族——中国瑶族的缩影
12.Study on residents perceptions of agro tourism impacts in minority areas--case study on Hongyanxincun village in yao minority autonomous county in Guangxi province;少数民族地区居民对农业旅游影响的感知研究——以广西恭城瑶族自治县红岩新村为例
13.An infrared microscope investigation of fluid inclusions in coexisting quartz and wolframite:A case study of Yaogangxian quartz-vein wolframite deposit共生黑钨矿与石英中流体包裹体红外显微对比研究——以瑶岗仙石英脉型钨矿床为例
14.Collision and fusion between minority traditional culture and modernization--taking both Hongyan and Ganzicao Yao ethnic villages in Guangxi province as examples少数民族传统文化与现代化的碰撞与融合——以广西瑶族红岩村和柑子槽为例
15.The Yao culture is the important force to cohere the Yao people.瑶族文化是凝聚瑶族人民的重要力量。
16.On the Special Function of the Folk Song of Huayao Minority on Their Wedding Custom;论花瑶山歌在花瑶婚俗中的特殊功用
17.A Brief Analysis of the Yao s Daoism Factors of the Full Name of the Yao Nationality in Yunnan;试论云南瑶族姓名中的瑶传道教因素
18.Reflection upon Vision of Love Embedded in Novels Written by "Qiong Yao"“琼瑶热”后对琼瑶小说爱情观的反思

the village of Hongyao of Longsheng county龙胜红瑶
3)the Hongyao in Dazhai大寨红瑶
4)Huangluo Hongyao黄洛红瑶
1.An Analysis of Tourism Attraction of Huangluo Hongyao黄洛红瑶的旅游吸引力分析
5)Oh, Pei-yao, Pei-yao!"佩瑶,佩瑶
6)Yaohu Lake瑶湖
1.Water Environmental Carrying Capacity Calculation and Protection Measures of Yaohu Lake瑶湖水环境承载能力计算及保护措施探讨

红瑶寨红瑶寨位于离龙胜温泉六公里处的公路边,从“龙舌岩”往上走约 200 米。寨边古树参天,寨门有清代寨规石碑,寨前矗立的“红瑶柱”是瑶民的图腾崇拜。瑶寨是歌的海洋,村民人人能“出口成章”。古老的民族、纯朴的习俗、纯朴的山歌 ------ 他们以独特的方式接待每一位宾客。