1.In this paper, the complicated nature of interactive authenticity in tourism is analyzed, with a special reference to hospitality tourism.并以好客旅游为例说明互动本真性,对互动本真性的复杂含义进行了概念分析和词义澄清。
2.This discussion paper outlines the developments in the study of hospitality in tourism industry from different perspectives.对旅游业"好客"研究进行多维视野的审视,在梳理"好客"发展历史脉络的基础上,分析传统好客走向商业化好客的演变过程以及旅游业中商业化的好客模式,最后分析现代旅游业中的好客平衡,提出现代旅游业"好客"研究进一步研究的方向。

1.a good-natured and hospitable man; a hospitable act; hospitable invitations.脾气好、好客的人;好客的行为;好客的招待。
2.a shop which sells quality goods needs no advertisement.商家销好货,货好客自来。
3.You' d better modify your tone.你说话最好客气一点。
4.The natives are noted for their hospitality.当地人以殷勤好客闻名。
5.I am very grateful to you for your warm hospitality.您热情好客,我非常感谢。
6.The important thing to remember is that Americans welcome guests;应该记住,美国人好客
7.I am oBliged to you for your gracious hospitality.我很感谢你的热情好客
8.Well, the Chinese are extremely welcoming.嗯,中国人特别好客
9.The islanders are known for their hospitality.岛上的居民以好客闻名。
10.typically American hospitality美国人特有的殷勤好客.
11.Enjoy our style of hospitality.享受我们的好客作风
12.It's easy to offer good customer service.做好客户服务一点不难。
13."Good. I will have two of that, then.""好,给我两客。"
14.OK. And tonight it's my treat!好的。今晚我请客!
15.Good afternoon, housekeeping department.下午好,客服务部。
16.Responsible for actualize the clientele strategic; maintain the upstanding relationship between the City Inn hotel and the clientele.实施客户战略,维持客栈与客户的良好关系。
17.Responsible for actualize the clientele strategic; maintain the upstanding relationship between the City Inn hotel and the client.实施客户战略,维持城市客栈与客户的良好关系。
18.The cook-shop was in a bad way.那客店的光景并不好。

customer preference顾客偏好
1.According to the characteristics of customer preference that changes with time,customer preferences are mined dynamically with such technologies as clustering and association rules.基于顾客偏好随时间变化的特性,采用聚类、关联规则等技术,对顾客偏好进行动态挖掘。
2.Using preference to measure the customer s interest is presented and the method of the customers clustering is proposed based on customer preference.在该算法中,依据Web日志数据计算顾客偏好度,建立偏好度矩阵,再利用模糊聚类方法对顾客进行聚类。
3)Customer preference客户偏好
1.However,comparing with those excellent foreign counterparts,domestic banks have a long way to go in retail banking business,which is reflected in the customer preference analysis.但是,与国外优秀同业相比,国内商业银行在零售银行业务上差距还很大,这集中体现在客户偏好分析能力上。
4)hospitality spirit好客精神
1.The hospitality spirit of local residents is one of the tourism comparative advantages and an important factor to influence the quality of tourist products.当地居民的好客精神是旅游目的地比较优势的来源之一,也是影响旅游目的地产品质量的一项重要因素。
5)Customer friendship顾客友好
6)film-induced tourism preference游客偏好
1.But now it is actually rare to study the travler s film-induced tourism preference,and there are seldom aticles on the products or planning of film-induced tourism .在问卷数据统计、分析的基础上结合实地观察现象,总结出游客偏好的结论。
