1.Roles of Canals on the Development of Hangzhou City during the Historical Period;历史时期运河对杭州城市发展的作用
2.Research on the History of Beijing Urban Canals and Water Systems;北京城市运河、水系演变的历史研究
3.Calculation analysis of widening value in bending section of canal关于运河弯曲段航道加宽值的计算分析

1.Volga-Don Ship Canal窝瓦河-顿河通航运河
2.To furnish with or convert into a canal or canals.开掘运河,改建运河开掘运河或将…改建成一条或数条运河
3.canalize:To furnish with or convert into a canal or canals.开掘运河,改建运河:开掘运河或将…改建成一条或数条运河.
4.Cands and rivers form the inland waterways of a country.运河和江河构成一个国家的内河水路。
5.Panama Canal cargo declaration巴拿马运河货运申报单
6.Compagnie Univer Selle du Canal Maritime de Suez苏伊士运河航运总公司
7.Panama Canal Department巴拿马运河管理局巴拿马运河
8.The act or an instance of canalizing.开挖运河开凿运河的行为或事例
9.To Exploit Great Canal and Canal Culture and Dezhou City Eevelopment;运河运河文化开发与德州城市发展
10.Developing Canal Transportation And Promoting The Artificial Scenery Construction Along The Canal;发展运河航运推动运河人文自然风景带建设
11.The major route of Changjiang river and Jinghang is the biggest canal for shipping volume.长江干线、京杭运河成为世界上运量最大的通航河流和运河
12.Continuous extent of a river between two bends or of a canal between two locks(河流两弯曲处或运河两船闸之间的)河段
13.The Mississippi River has always been a freight carrier.密西西比河一向都是一条货运河流。
14.Canals and rivers form the inland waterways of a country.运河和河流构成一个国家的内陆航道。
15.a broad street, avenue, river, canal, etc宽阔的街道、 林荫道、 河流、 运河
16.bridge a river, canal, ravine, etc在河流、 运河、 深谷等上面架桥.
17.The new canal will link the two rivers.新运河将两条河连在一起。
18.The waterway was lonely?and who ever heard of a canalblock?河道是安宁的,谁曾听说过封锁运河

1.Roles of Canals on the Development of Hangzhou City during the Historical Period;历史时期运河对杭州城市发展的作用
2.Research on the History of Beijing Urban Canals and Water Systems;北京城市运河、水系演变的历史研究
3.Calculation analysis of widening value in bending section of canal关于运河弯曲段航道加宽值的计算分析
3)the Grand Canal运河
1.Distribution of heavy metals in the sediments from the Grand Canal (Hangzhou section).;运河(杭州段)沉积物中重金属分布特征及变化
2.The Development of the Grand Canal, West Lake and the Hangzhou City in Ming and Qing Dyasty in Foreigners View;外国人审视中的运河、西湖与明清杭州城市的发展
3.Study on the Evaluation of Social and Economic Benefit of the Grand Canal Located in Huai'an during the Ming and the Qing Dynasties明清运河淮安段的社会经济效益评价研究
4)The Great Canal运河
1."When the Great Canal works well,Jining becomes prosperous;When the river transportations is discarded,Jining becomes undeveloped"."运河通,济宁兴,河运废,济宁衰"阐明了运河与济宁的经济社会生活等方面的关系。
5)arterial canal运河干河
6)canal bed运河河床
