1.Tumen,a harbor city Yanbian State,own special tourism resources.图们是延边州的口岸城市,拥有独特的旅游资源,如何将图们资源优势转化为经济优势是图们目前面临的重大课题。
2.Suggestions about the Integrating of Yanji, Longjing and Tumen;延吉、龙井、图们三市发展有它的比较优势,但是也存在着一些障碍。
2)Tumen River图们江
1.Research on Water Environment Value of Tumen River Basin in the Way of E-Mergy;图们江流域水环境价值的能值研究
2.The Survey and Research of Phase Analysis to Subaqueous Sediment Middle Reaches of Tumen River;图们江中游水域水底堆积物物相探查与研究
3.The Water Birds and Their Ecology Distribution along the Lower Reaches of Tumen River;图们江下游湿地水鸟及其生态分布

1.No, they were not. They were on the other side of the Yalu and Tumen Rivers.不是,他们是在鸭绿江、图们江那边。
2.Cooperative Committee of Shipping in Yalu River and Tumen River of China and Korea中朝鸭绿江、图们江航运合作委员会
3.The Research of Tombs of Bohai in Hailanjiang River--Tumenjiang River Valley;海兰江——图们江流域渤海墓葬研究
4.The Neolithic Culture Research in the Yalu River Basin, the Tumen River Basin and the Wusuli River Basin鸭绿江、图们江及乌苏里江流域的新石器文化研究
5.International societies actively support the Tumen River development国际社会积极支持图们江开发
6.The Tumen River(图们江) Became China-Korea Border River in the Middle of the 15th Century;试析15世纪中叶图们江成为中朝界河
7.Law Conflicts and Cooperation in Tumen River Area;大图们江区域各国法律的冲突与协调
8.Today s Tumen River is the "Tumen" of the Mukedeng s Epitaph;穆克登碑文中的“土门”即今图们江
9.New Trend and Challenge for the Tumen River Area Development;图们江开发所面临的新形势与新课题
10.Some Thoughts concerning the Building of the Tumen River Free-trade Harbor among China,Russia and North Korea;建立中俄朝图们江自由路港区的构想
11.A Quantitative Analysis of the Internal Economic Relations in Tumen River Area;图们江地区内域经济关系的量化分析
12.A Comparison between the Tumen River Area and the Mekong River Basin in Their International Cooperation and Development;图们江与湄公河国际合作开发的比较
14.Correlation between delayed cool injury in the lower reaches of Tumen River and El Nino(La Nina)图们江下游延迟型冷害与厄尔尼诺(拉尼娜)事件
15.The Characteristics of the Fragmental Texture and Clastic Constituents of the Sand Dune by the Vicinity of Tumenjiang River;图们江口附近沙丘沙的结构与碎屑成分特征
16.Comparative Research on Development and Regional Cooperation Policy of the Countries in Great Tumen River Area;大图们江区域各国合作开发政策比较研究
17.Research on the Development of Tourism Industrial Cluster in Tumen River Growth Triangle;图们江增长三角旅游产业集群发展研究
18.Study on International Cooperation Development Strategy and Mode in Tumen River Area;图们江区域国际合作开发战略与模式研究

Tumen River图们江
1.Research on Water Environment Value of Tumen River Basin in the Way of E-Mergy;图们江流域水环境价值的能值研究
2.The Survey and Research of Phase Analysis to Subaqueous Sediment Middle Reaches of Tumen River;图们江中游水域水底堆积物物相探查与研究
3.The Water Birds and Their Ecology Distribution along the Lower Reaches of Tumen River;图们江下游湿地水鸟及其生态分布
3)Tumenjiang River图们江
1.The Characteristics of the Fragmental Texture and Clastic Constituents of the Sand Dune by the Vicinity of Tumenjiang River;图们江口附近沙丘沙的结构与碎屑成分特征
4)Tumen city图们市
1.The initial explore of the water resources develop and use of Tumen city;图们市水资源开发利用初探
5)Tumen River大图们江
1.Law Conflicts and Cooperation in Tumen River Area;大图们江区域各国法律的冲突与协调
6)Tumen Khan图们汗

图们图们Tumen  Tllmefl图们(T umen)中国吉林省东部重要口岸城市。因图们江得名。位于嘎呀河汇人图们江处,西距长春约380千米。面积1 142平方千米,人口13.%万(1993)。古肃慎地。清初属吉林围场,后封禁制废驰,移民人垦,渐成村落。初名艾篙甸子、灰幕洞等。1933年始称图们。1965年设县级市,属延边朝鲜族自治州。朝鲜族约占60%。图们东隔图们江与朝鲜南阳相望,西依英额岭,南枕南岗山。全境多为山地。最高峰望海塔海拔789米,最低处海拔80米。嘎呀河由北向南,布尔哈通河自西向东,两河汇合分图们为三区,后东注图们江。江河两侧[l_I势较陡,瞰制河谷、通道。多柞、杨及灌木。城区为河谷盆地,海拔100米左右,地势低缓,河岸筑有防洪堤。东南有铁路、公路桥各1座跨江连接朝鲜南阳,西北有公路桥2座横跨嘎呀河。属温带大陆性气候。受日本海影响寒暑温差相对减小。年平均气温5.5℃,l月平均气温一 134℃,7月平均气温21.2℃。年平均降水量500毫米左右。季节冻土厚1.5一1.8米。长春一图们、牡丹江一图们、图们一浑春铁路在市内交会。公路通长春、牡丹江、挥春等地,沿江下至浑春,上达开山屯。有铁路和公路通朝鲜,是吉林省东部交通枢纽。工业有机械、化学、木材加工、针织、食品等。图们地处边境,邻近朝鲜、俄罗斯,距日本海约150千米,地位重要。1945年8月苏联对日本宣战后,苏军一部攻克浑春、汪清进至图们,尔后进人朝鲜作战。抗美援朝期间,图们是重要通道。(张风全)