
1.Thirty-seven per cent said they were staying for the sake of the children.37%的受访者称不离婚是为了孩子。
2.Eighty-five percent answered it completely.结果有85%的受访者给了完整的回复。
3.This survey received 50,000 responses.这项民调获得五万名受访者回应。
4.The interviewee said it was his/ her first time to watch a modern drama.这位受访者说这是他/首次观看话剧。
5.Some 33 percent of respondents also praised rich people for being "smart".约33%的受访者认为富人比较“聪明”。
6.Nearly 40% surveyed believed that the local people were partial to non-British.近乎40%受访者认为当地人偏袒非英国人。
7.But they disagree on how the Speakers' Corner should be managed.这个“角落”应该如何管理? 受访者意见不一。
8.The number of people who make at least $50,000 a year increases by 15 percent a year and, according to the China Economic Times, the country now has 1.5 million rich people.该调查发现,受访者对富人的发家方式最为质疑。
9.Already, at least one of our interviewees in Henan is feeling the heat.我们在河南的受访者中至少也有一人遭到威胁。
10.Major findings were summarized as follows: 1.超过六成的受访者(66%)年龄分布介于65-74岁之间。
11.Only 24 percent of respondents said they would like to have two children.其中,仅有24%的受访者称他们想要两个孩子。
12.Almost a third of those polled were concerned they would be left with absolutely nothing if they walked out on their marriage.近三分之一的受访者担心离婚后会一无所有。
13.More than a quarter of respondents would opt for a "DINK" lifestyle.超过四分之一的受访者表示想做“丁克族”。
14.They also granted an interview to both Chinese and foreign journalists.并接受了中外记者的采访。
15.The participants were followed for an aerage of just oer nine years.这些受试者的随访平均年数刚过9年。
16.A distinguished visitor to whom the hospitality of an institution, a city, or a government is extended.访客,特别来宾受某一机构,城市或政府款待的著名访问者
17.About77 per cent said they would not employ hepatitis B carriers.%的被访企业表示不接受乙肝病毒携带者。
18.In a TV interview she hit back at her critic她在接受电视采访时,反驳了那些批评者的观点

1.Objective:Examine and Compare the professional ethical attitudes and beliefs for counseling and psychotherapy between counselors/psychotherapists and clients who receive professional services in the field.目的:考察我国当前心理咨询或治疗师与来访者在心理咨询与治疗领域职业伦理上的态度和意识,以帮助专业人员更好地理解和解决职业伦理困境,并为制定我国在该领域的职业伦理规范提供参考。
2.Emerging from a broad theoretical base and enormous empirical researches and focusing on client strengths,integrative approaches cover multifold.整合模式注重理论的多维性与情境性,注重实证研究与经验积累,并强调来访者自身的作用,其长处在于它的综合性、包容性和开放性,但也由此带来治疗价值的冲突等深刻问题。
3.The interpersonal relationship between consultants and clients is very important in psychological consultation.在心理咨询过程中 ,咨询者与来访者之间的关系是非常重要的。
3)donor follow-up供者随访
4)floral visitors访花者
1.The flowering dynamics,pollen-ovule ratio,pollen viability,pistil receptivity,species of floral visitors on Ammopiptanthus mongolicus,as well as visitors behavior and frequency were studied in the field of Wuhai city,Inner Mongolia.在内蒙古乌海市郊外定位观测了沙冬青的开花动态、花粉胚珠比(P/O)、花粉活力与寿命、柱头可授期、访花者的物种多样性、访花频率及自然条件下的结实率,结果表明:沙冬青单朵花的花期为5 d,P/O为(1 190±125),花粉寿命约4~5 d,柱头可授期3 d,访花者有30余种,以膜翅目、双翅目和鞘翅目昆虫为主,自然条件下的结实率因植株不同而差异较大,一般在30%~35%左右。
5)visiting scholar访问学者
1.Exchange of visiting scholars should play an important role in academic journals development;学术期刊应重视引进和派出访问学者
1.During the interview, the interviewer should get well prepared before hand.在人物采访过程中 ,采访者应充分做好采访前准备工作 ,留心被访问者的表情、体态的微妙变化 ;将心比心 ,以诚待人 ,寻找共同点 ,架起情感交流的桥
