1.Development of Tourist Commodities in the Minority Areas——Taking Xincheng in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region as a Case民族地区的旅游商品开发——以广西忻城为例
2.The two poems by Mo Zhen,a poet of Xincheng Chieftain Family,can be sure to be the few Ji Gu poems written by local scholar of Zhuang nationality.忻城土司文人莫震的《村居集古二首》,是迄今完全可以确定的、得以流传下来的壮族本土文人所创作的少之又少的集句诗作。

1.One More Look at the Inside Story of Xincheng's Hereditary Officials:The National Minority Hereditary Headmen of the Mo Family and the Social Economy of Xincheng County莫氏袭官与忻城土县的社会经济——广西忻城土司秘史之二
2.A Third Secret History of Mos' hereditary Officials and Local Educational Culture In Xincheng County莫氏袭官与忻城土县的教育文化——广西忻城土司秘史之三
3.The Development of the Modal Partical ko:n~(231) in Xincheng Zhuang;忻城壮语语气词ko:n~(231)的形成
4.On “Reducing Those Being Sent into Exile and Retaking the Original Inhabitants as Local Officials” and the Hereditary Mandarins of the Mos;“裁流复土”与莫氏袭官──广西忻城土司秘史之一
5.Study on Two Poems Created by Mo Zhen由忻城土司文人莫震《村居集古二首》谈起
6.The Significant of Tusi Culture in Xincheng County to the Development of Local Tourism Economy in Guangxi广西忻城土司文化对发展地方旅游经济的意义
7.Development of Tourist Commodities in the Minority Areas--Taking Xincheng in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region as a Case民族地区的旅游商品开发——以广西忻城为例
8.An Exploration into the Distinctive Thought of Confucianism and its Causes of the Chieftain Literatus Mo Zhen in Xincheng忻城土司文人莫震的儒家思想及其成因探析
9.On Poetry of Mo Zhen,a Tusi Mandarin Xincheng County:A Bright Pearl in the Treasure-house of the Zhuang Nationality Literature壮族文学宝库中的一颗明珠——广西忻城土司官族诗人莫震诗歌赏析
10.Marketing planning and exploiting of Tusi relics in Xincheng County of Guangxi;忻城土司历史文化旅游资源开发利用与营销策划
11.Propagation Strategies and the Designing of Tourist Images for Tusi s Government Office in Xincheng of Guangxi;广西忻城土司衙署景区旅游形象设计与传播策略探讨
12.A Preliminary Analysis On the Exploitation Pattern on Tourism of Folk Custom Zones -Taking XinCheng TuSi Tourism of Folk Custom Zone as an Example;民俗旅游区开发模式初探——忻城中华土司民俗旅游区开发研究之二
13.Preliminary Analysis of the Exploitation Pattern On Tourism of Folk Custom Zones--Taking Xincheng Tusi Tourism of Folk custom as an Example;民俗旅游区旅游资源浅析——忻城中华土司民俗旅游区开发研究之一
14.Some Discussion about One Annotation in Mo Zhen’s Poem关于忻城土司文人莫震诗作中的一处注释之商榷
15.The hereditary mandarins of the Mos in Xincheng county went thro ugh three dynasties which lasted more than 500 years and was rare in the history of China as well as in the history of the Zhuang nationality.忻城莫氏世袭土司历经三个朝代,长达500多年,为壮族史、中国史所 罕见。
16.A Preliminary Analysis of the Exploitation Pattern on Tourism Product of Folk Custom Zones -Taking Xincheng TuSi Tourism of Folk Custom as an Example;试论民俗旅游区旅游产品开发——忻城中华土司民俗旅游区开发研究之三
17.The Urban Development Study of Xinzhou District Region of Northwest Shanxi in Historical Period;历史时期山西忻州地区城镇发展研究
18.Characteristics of Urban Air Pollution and It s Protective Strategies of Xinzhou;忻州市城区空气污染特征及防治对策

Xincheng County of Guangxi广西忻城
3)Xincheng Zhuang忻城壮语
4)Xincheng County忻城县
5)chieftain in Xin Cheng county忻城土司
6)Xinzhou's urban忻州市城区

忻城莫土司衙署景区所在地: 忻城县城关镇景区(景点)类型: 名胜古迹, 博物馆所, 寺庙古刹景区接待能力: 100000人次/年残疾人旅游观光: 适合景区(景点)简介:忻城县莫土司衙署始建于明万历十年,1963年被定为省级文物保护单位,1996年11月被定为全国重点文物保护单位。是全国乃至亚洲现存规模最大,保存最完整的土司建筑之一,被誉为“壮乡故宫”,是研究我国土司典章制度重要的事物例证。莫土司衙署的东侧不远处,为始建于明万历年间的“三清观”(后称“三界庙”),内供“三界公”,为传说中的壮族药医,现在基本保存完整。对土司文化的挖掘、研究,是保护中华民族文化及壮民族文化不可缺少的一部分。土司是指元、明、清各朝在少数民族地区授予少数民族首领世袭官职,以统治该族人民的制度。也指被授予该官职的人。忻城莫氏土司,始祖莫保系永定(今宜州市)壮族人。元朝至正年间(1341—1368年),被授予宜山(今宜州市)八仙屯千户职。明洪武(1368一1398年)初年,莫保被罢官,遂率子孙及亲丁,徙居忻城境。永乐二年(1404年)忻城陈公宣领导忻城壮瑶农民起义,攻县治,烧官署,县宰苏宽弃城而逃,莫保玄孙莫敬城参加镇压,被推举为土官。于是县有二令,土流合治,但权不相统,流官握空印,每年春冬到县视事两次而已,余时僦居府城。弘治九年(1496年),忻城县降为土县。从此,莫氏土官获世袭,一统忻城天下。莫氏土司历明、清两朝,至第十九任土官莫绳武因“纵匪殃民,世济其恶”,于光绪三十二年(1906年)四月被撤,其子孙永不准再行请袭。莫氏土司将全县大部分土地据为已有;政治上,实行独裁统治;军事上,养兵曾达1000人,镇压农民起义。莫氏土司统治期间,建思练官房作劝农停车所;积极发展壮锦生产;修山隘、开乡道、架桥梁,鼓励农民发展私有经济;创办义学,注意发展经济和文化。