1.Taking the Taohua island resort in Zhejiang province as an example,this article pays attention to the characteristics of tourism products and tourists behaviors in movie-induced locations with non-theme park style,in the hope that some key issues of this particular kind of tourism be touched and explored.研究表明,非主题公园式外景地在旅游产品供给和游客需求方面呈现多样化的特征,因此发展多样化的旅游产品,提升游客的多重体验,实现旅游产品供给和游客需求高度匹配是未来影视外景地旅游发展的最佳模式。
2)viewframe in movie and television影视景框
1.constantly improve the recognition in artistic representation aesthetic function of the shield and separation, definition and extension, stability and variation, contract and expansion, subject and object, decoration and beautifying for viewframe in movie and television.只有不断增强与提高对影视景框所拥有的屏蔽与分离、限定与延伸、稳定与变化、收敛与扩展、客观与主观、修饰与美化诸多艺术表现作用和美学功能的认识 ,更加自觉地理解、开掘影视景框的艺术活力 ,才能不断创新影视话语 ,提高影视制作质量和全民族影视文化整体素质与整体水
3)foreign films and TV series外语影视
1.Investigation proves the influence of vocabulary in students\' understanding of the lines in foreign films and TV series and then explains the students\' difficulties in details.要充分发挥外语影视作品在外语教学中的作用,学生能否理解其中的台词是一个重要的条件。

1.Video Class will be on show this weekend in Long Bridge International Languages, HK!朗桥(香港)国际外语影视视频课周末开演!
2.Movie Literature: an Essential Part in Foreign Languages Learning;影视文学:构筑外语知识框架的途径
3.The Course of English Films, MTVs and Foreign Language Audio-Visual Teaching;英美电影文学、音乐MTV与外语视听教学
4.Influences on Language Communication Caused by Cultural Differences in Foreign Language Teaching;外语教学中应重视文化差异对语言交际的影响
5.Broadcast of news programmes in3 languages together with documentaries, dramas and movies.以3种语言转播新闻外,有纪片,电视剧及电影.
6.An Empirical Study on Using Video to Promote ICC in the Foreign Language Classroom;在外语教学中使用影视提高跨文化交际能力
7.translation of foreign dialogue of a movie or TV program; usually displayed at the bottom of the screen.电影或电视节目中外语对话的翻译;通常位于屏幕下方。
8.The Effect of Cultural Familiarity and Passage Sight Vocabulary on Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition Through Foreign Language Reading文化熟悉度和篇章视觉词汇量对外语阅读中词汇附带习得的影响
9.Audio-Visual Language Analysis of Animation TV/Films in Contemporary Context;当代语境下的影视动画视听语言研究
10.Influences of L1 (Chinese) Planning on L2 (English) Writing;母语(汉语)构思对外语(英语)写作的影响
11.Syntactic Transfer from Chinese(L1) to English(L2): A Cognitive Perspective;汉语(母语)向英语(外语)的句式迁移:认知研究视角
12.MTV and Foreign Language Audio-Visual Teaching;音乐电视段片MTV与外语视听教学
13.Two Factors Influencing Foreign Language Learning and Foreign Language Teaching;影响外语学习的两个因素与外语教学
14.Two major factors influencing L2 learning and their effect on L2 teaching;影响外语学习的两大因素与外语教学
15.The Importance of Chinese in the Study of Foreign Languages;浅谈外语学习中重视汉语修养的意义
16.Second Language Acquisition Theory and Visual-Audio-Oral Teaching;第二语言习得理论与外语视听说教学
17.Some New Insights of ELT in English Globalization;英语国际化形势下的外语教学新视点
18.Probe into Transformation of Foreign Language Teaching of Cultures from Pragmatic Perspective;从语用视角探索外语文化教学的转向

viewframe in movie and television影视景框
1.constantly improve the recognition in artistic representation aesthetic function of the shield and separation, definition and extension, stability and variation, contract and expansion, subject and object, decoration and beautifying for viewframe in movie and television.只有不断增强与提高对影视景框所拥有的屏蔽与分离、限定与延伸、稳定与变化、收敛与扩展、客观与主观、修饰与美化诸多艺术表现作用和美学功能的认识 ,更加自觉地理解、开掘影视景框的艺术活力 ,才能不断创新影视话语 ,提高影视制作质量和全民族影视文化整体素质与整体水
3)foreign films and TV series外语影视
1.Investigation proves the influence of vocabulary in students\' understanding of the lines in foreign films and TV series and then explains the students\' difficulties in details.要充分发挥外语影视作品在外语教学中的作用,学生能否理解其中的台词是一个重要的条件。
4)shoot a film on location拍电影外景
5)Infrared terrain Image红外地景
6)Movie Base影视基地

《景景医话》《景景医话》 《景景医话》   医论医话著作。陆锦燧撰于1913年。本书记述作者辨证论治的经验和心得为主,阐述温、凉、攻、补、因病而施、审病以定用药轻重等见解。符合临证的一般规律。陆氏对西洋医学采取排斥态度。所附《医谈录旧》辑录笔记小说中有关医事记载,多属怪症奇治等内容。本书收入《(鱼孚)溪陆氏医述》中。现存初刊铅印本。