1.The development situation and corresponding measures of folk tourism resources in Rucheng汝城民俗旅游资源的开发现状及对策研究

1.Project soft base monitoring technology of the national highway between Rucheng country and Guangdong Bridge国道汝城县城至广东桥工程软基监控技术
2.The development situation and corresponding measures of folk tourism resources in Rucheng汝城民俗旅游资源的开发现状及对策研究
3.Investigation on Energy Mode of Rucheng County and Biogas Industry Developing Countermeasures in South China;湖南汝城模式分析及中国南方沼气能源产业发展对策
4.Evaluation of the Exploitation Potentialities of Mineral Resources and the Countermeasures of Their Sustainable Utilization in Rucheng County;汝城县矿产资源开发潜力评价及其可持续利用对策研究
5.The Commodity Circulation and Price Change of the Rucheng County , Hunan Province During the late Qing and the Republic Period;清末至民国时期湖南汝城县的商品流通和物价变动
6.Exploring Study On Potential Land Resources Suitable forAgriculture in Red Triangle Area--on Case of Rucheng, Chenzhou, Hunan Province;红三角地区宜农后备土地资源开发研究——以湖南郴州汝城县为例
7.Research on the exploitation of potential land resources suitable for agriculture in Nanling Mountain Area of Hunan Province-A case study of Rucheng County;湖南南岭山区宜农后备土地资源开发研究——以汝城县为例
8.Metallogenic Geological Conditions and Tungsten-Polymetallic Ore Prospecting in Guidong-Rucheng Area,Hunan Province湖南桂东-汝城地区钨多金属矿床成矿地质条件及找矿前景
9.A Study of Government Officers Perspectives to Develop Rural Tourism in Poor Regions--A Case Study of Yijiang Village;贫困地区政府官员对乡村旅游的认知特征研究——以汝城县益将乡为例
10.Making Explorations the Source of Ru porcelain汝瓷探源——兼谈汝窑与越窑的关系
11.Discussion of‘Three Feet Cup of Ru Kiln’and‘Three Feet Case of Ru Kiln’;“汝窑三足樽”与“汝窑三足奁”小议
12.Yu Chau West Street Cooked Food Bazaar汝州西街熟食小贩市场
13.While then, God be with you.直至彼时,上天将保佑汝。
14.Three words of advice: Love thy neighbor.给你三字忠告:爱汝邻。
15.Renzulli's Enrichment Model for the Gifted阮汝理资优充实课程
16."My name is Bienvenu Myriel."“我叫卞福汝·米里哀。”
17.Though you make excuses about "autumnal melancholy," I know full well that what ails you are the "yearnings of springtime."Nothing can escape this old-timer's sharp eye.汝托词悲秋,吾知汝实为怀春,难逃老夫洞鉴也。
18.It can only be the result of your attending a coeducational school-seeing women around has put ideas in your head.The sight of girls has made you think of change.当是汝校男女同学,汝睹色起意,见异思迁;

Rucheng County汝城县
1.Probing into eco-economy development in the mountain area South of Hunan——Take Rucheng County as an example;湖南南部山区生态经济发展初探——以汝城县为例
2.On Exploiting Potentials of Minerals Resources and the Ways of the Sustainable Utilization in Rucheng County;汝城县矿产资源开发潜力评价及其可持续利用对策研究
3.Research on the exploitation of potential land resources suitable for agriculture in Nanling Mountain Area of Hunan Province-A case study of Rucheng County;湖南南岭山区宜农后备土地资源开发研究——以汝城县为例
3)Rucheng Basin汝城盆地
1.The nature of the Rucheng Basin in southeastern Hunan and its significance to the tectonic setting of South China during the early Yanshanian;湘东南汝城盆地性质及其对华南燕山早期构造环境的启示
2.The basic volcanic rock of low potassic tholeiite series in Rucheng basin was composed of diabase, basalt and basaltic pyroclastic rocks.汝城盆地基性火山岩系由辉绿岩、玄武岩和玄武质火山碎屑岩组成 ,属于低钾拉斑玄武岩系。
4)Rucheng dialect汝城话
5)Rucheng Baimao Cha(Camellia pubescens)汝城白毛茶
6)the Rucheng Hakka汝城客家话

汝城白毛茶(Rucheng baimaocha)  汝城白毛茶(Rucheng baimaocha) 茶树有性群体品种之一,又称“毛茶”,原产湖南汝城县九龙岗一带。 小乔木型,大叶类。树姿直立,叶长17.3cm,叶幅5.6cm,呈椭圆形,叶面微隆起,叶端尾尖,叶色黄绿,嫩叶片着生茸毛特多,花冠长径为40mm,短径为34mm,花瓣6片,花萼有毛,鲜叶水浸出物含量42.37%,茶多酚类31.32%,氨基酸1.34%,试制红碎茶,滋味浓强,略带苦味。适宜在华南茶区栽培。因扦插成活率低,宜采用营养、育苗移植。