1.This article discusses the inter-active development relationship between Merry-land theme park and Guilin’economy.论述了乐满地主题公园与桂林市经济发展中相互影响和相互促进的关系。

1.Study on Landscape Design of Guilin Merry-land Vacation World in Guangxi广西桂林乐满地度假世界景观设计研究
2.He moped to school gloomy and sad,汤姆满脸愁容,闷闷不乐地来到学校。
3.giving pleasure or satisfaction or received with pleasure or freely granted.给予快乐、满意或被愉快地接受或给予待遇的。
4.Let the heavens have joy and the earth be glad; let the sea be thundering with all its waters;愿天欢喜,愿地快乐。愿海和其中所充满的澎湃。
5.Their dissatisfaction was strongly expressed in music.他们的不满在音乐中更强烈地表达出来。
6.Small children played happily in verdant parks.小孩子们在满眼绿色的公园里快乐地玩耍。
7.No wonder people say Austria is always alive with the sound of music.难怪有人说奥地利永远充满着音乐的声音。
8.It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive.充满希望的跋涉比到达目的地更能给人乐趣。
9.This detailed vehicle is fun to build and fun to play with, as you help your LEGO City to grow!这种起重机能帮你充满快乐地建造你的乐高城市!
10.perfectly happy, satisfied, content, etc十分快乐、 满意、 满足等
11.Thus it is that thy joy in me is so full. Thus it is that thou hast come down to me.只因你的快乐是这样地充满了我的心。只因你曾这样地俯就我。
12.He that is discontented in one place will seldom be happy in another.在一个地方不满的人,在另外一个地方很难感到快乐。
13."Samadhi means a trance, a deep rooted, bliss within yourself.「『三摩地』意思是说入定,得到内在甚深的喜乐、法喜充满。
14.Summer leaves are standing on tree branches ever covered by snow, singing happily with wind.大雪曾经压住的枯枝,长满了夏日的繁叶,在风儿中快乐地歌唱。
15.I sincerely hope you will find in this new venture the happiness and satisfaction you so richly deserve.我衷心地希望这番新事业能带给您应有的快乐的满足。
16.The theaters were all wellfilled, and the people poured cheerfully out as he passed, and went chatting home.戏院全是客满的,他遇见人们从那里欢乐地涌出来,闲谈着走回家去。
17.Once Europeans piled onto ships and sailed hopefully to America.曾几何时,整船整船的欧洲人带着满心的希望地驶向美洲这片乐土。
18.Reluctantly, Bold Talent walked over to sit on the stone bench beside the screen of climbing yellow rose.英才怏怏不乐地走过去,坐在爬满黄蔷薇的影壁旁的石凳上。

Guilin Merry-land桂林乐满地
1.Study on Landscape Design of Guilin Merry-land Vacation World in Guangxi广西桂林乐满地度假世界景观设计研究
3)Shaman musical instrument萨满乐器
1.The comparison of the Shaman drum and coppery mirror between Daghur people and Mongolian people according to the material of the fild work of Horchin grassland and Hulunbeer grassland shows that the Shaman musical instrument of them have very obvious common features.以科尔沁草原和呼伦贝尔草原田野调查的材料为依据,对达斡尔族和蒙古族的萨满鼓和铜镜比较发现,两地域的两个民族的萨满乐器具有鲜明的共同特征。
4)pleasurable satisfaction快乐满足
1.An exploration of the author s creation motive and a study of humans association with foxes and ghosts in his works reveal that the contradiction and conflicts between moral responsibility and pleasurable satisfaction are the primary motive force in the author s creation of his major works.通过对《聊斋志异》创作动机的考察及其中与狐鬼异类交接作品的研究,可以看出道德责任与快乐满足的矛盾冲突,是作者创作《聊斋志异》主体作品的原动力,这一矛盾还同时导致作品中人的异化。
5)Shaman music萨满音乐
1.Shaman music——The original of the national and folk music of Northeast China;萨满音乐——东北民族民间音乐之源
6)Manchu music满族音乐
1.Qingbing Shunzhi in the first year (1644) entry Ding Ding Zhongyuan, the Manchu music into the second phase.清兵于顺治元年(1644)入关定鼎中原,使满族音乐进入第二个阶段。
