生活方式基础,lifestyle basis
1)lifestyle basis生活方式基础
1.The modeling system comprises four steps sequentially, that are, lifestyle basis of activity decisions, activity generation, destination and mode choice, and departure time choice.该模型体系顺序地包括四部分,分别是活动决策生活方式基础、活动的产生、目的地和交通工具选择、出行时间分布。
2)life foundation生活基础

1.Economics is based upon the facts of everyday like.经济学是建立在日常生活基础上的。
2.The Life Basis of the Returned Students Patriotic Sentiment in the Period of the Republican China;民国时期留学生爱国感情的生活基础——以留法官费生为例
3.Three Paradigms of Life Mentioned by Ancient Western Philosophers:One of the Elementary Researches of Life Poetics;西方古代生活观的三大范式——生活诗学基础研究
4.The Basis of Mental Life --Research on the Foundation of Human Mental Life;心理生活的根据——对心理生活立足基础的考察
5.Now the foundations of his past life were razed to the ground.现在他过去生活的基础已经连根拔起。
6.a film Based on real life.一部以真实生活为基础的影片
7.Such assumption arise from some common basis of life.这样的假定来自于共同生活的基础。
8.Epitaph:the Widows Life of Tang Dynasty;唐代寡居女性生活探微——以墓志为基础
9.Life Guiding- the Basis for Righting Education in Reform Schools;生活指导:工读学校矫正教育的基础
10.Associating common sense of life in chemical engineering fundament teaching《化工基础》教学中的生活常识联想
11.We can only improve our standard of living gradually, on the basis of expanded production.我们只能在发展生产的基础上逐步改善生活。
12.Physiological and Biochemical Basis of Castanea mollissima cv. 'Yanshanhong' Grafting Seedlings Survival燕山红栗芽苗砧嫁接成活的生理生化基础
13.A Rational Lifestyle Based on Juejie:An Explanation of Feng Youlan’s Xin Shi Xun;“觉解”基础上的理性生活——冯友兰《新世训》“新生活方法”意蕴浅析
14.the branch of psychology that is concerned with the physiological bases of psychological processes.有关心理活动的生理基础的心理学分支。
15.a humorous television program based on situations that could arise in everyday life.以日常生活情景为基础的幽默电视节目。
16.What sort of life could we build on such foundations?在那种基础上我们能创造出什么样的生活来呢?
17.The life world is the foundation of reality and headspring of significance for the education world.生活世界是教育世界的现实基础和意义之源。
18.A Basic Research to the Enhancing Effects of Surfactants on Biodegradation of Diesel;表面活性剂增强生物降解柴油的基础研究

life foundation生活基础
3)fundamental equation基础方程式
4)life style生活方式
1.Mould clothing brand according to life style;依据生活方式塑造服装品牌
2.Study on the effect of nursing intervention on the life style in patients with fatty liver;脂肪肝患者生活方式的护理干预及效果评价
3.Causes and prevention of poor life styles of females leaded to breast cancer;不良生活方式致女性乳腺癌的原因及预防
1.Influence on Apparel Brand Position by Lifestyle;生活方式对服装品牌风格定位的影响
6)living style生活方式
1.An investigation on diet habits, living styles and complications of carotid artery stenosis patients;颈动脉狭窄病人饮食习惯、生活方式及合并症调查研究
2.An Analysis of the Gender Differences of Living Styles;生活方式的性别差异分析
3.The article classfies the living style of the people in Yingkou into six factors by using the factor analysis; by using classify analysis, the middle-aged people are devided into five sorts; while by using crosstabs analysis the article works out the characteristic and differences on the motivation of dress purchase of various kinds of people.采用因子分析,将中年人的生活方式分为6个因子;采用聚类分析,将营口中年人分为5类;采用交叉分析。
