交通城建项目,urban construction of traffic project
1)urban construction of traffic project交通城建项目
1.Cost control in the urban construction of traffic projects is the main administrative responsibility for the department of communications.工程造价控制是交通部门实施交通城建项目建设过程中的主要管理职责之一。
2)urban traffic project城市交通项目
1.Through the deep analysis of the connotation of the social evaluation work for the urban traffic projects,the article sets forth its principle and characteristics.通过对城市交通项目社会评价工作的内涵进行深入剖析,该文阐明了其原则和特点。
3)transportation project交通建设项目
1.Economy and property of environment protect equipment for transportation project is studied;the problems of transportation project environment protection equipment,such as unsuitable configure and resource waste,is analyzed;the experience of Yanchi-Xingren Road in Ningxia is introduced;and finally,the pertinent issue is discussed.文章主要针对交通建设项目如何经济合理地配置环境保护设施的问题研究,分析了目前交通建设项目环境保护设施配置中普遍存在的"配置不当、资源浪费"等问题,结合宁夏盐池~兴仁公路建设项目介绍现有可借鉴的成熟经验,并对公路降噪配置、公路沿线绿化工程的经济性问题进行了探讨研究。
2.With the fast development of the national economic construction, the quantity of new transportation project increases quickly and the scale is gradually huge.随着国家经济建设的快速发展,新建交通建设项目数量迅速增加,规模日趋庞大。

1.Analysis and Countermeasure on Traffic Influence of Urban Traffic Construction Project城市交通建设项目施工交通影响分析及对策
2.The Study on Risk Management of Transportation Construction Project during Decision-making;交通建设项目决策中的风险管理研究
3.American highway traffic building item land R/W introduction;美国公路交通建设项目用地R/W简介
4.Thoughts on environmental protection laws and regulations in transportation project;交通建设项目环境保护法律法规体会
5.Communication Management of Interfaces in Rail Transit Project城市轨道交通建设项目接口的沟通管理
6.Management of the Consultant Design System for the Rail Transportation Construction;轨道交通建设项目的咨询设计系统管理
7.Research on risk control policy of project design of rail轨道交通建设项目设计安全风险控制策略研究
8.Present Situation in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Traffic Construction Projects & Its Prospect交通建设项目环境影响评价现状与展望
9.New methods for project finance in water transportation infrastructure construction in China;水路交通基础设施建设项目融资方式
10.Traffic Impact Analysis of Large Commercial Buildings;大型商业建设项目交通影响分析研究
11.The Research on the Traffic Impact Analysis about the City Basic Construction Project;城市基础建设项目交通影响分析研究
12.Project Finacing and UMT Development in China;项目融资和中国城市轨道交通的建设
13.BT Mode in Shanghai Urban Rail Transit Construction;轨道交通项目建设与管理的若干思考
14.Prediction method research of highway construction project traffic volume公路建设项目交通量的预测方法研究
15.Passage Traffic Analysis for Large Developmental Projects in Urban Fringe Region城市边缘区域大型建设项目通道交通分析
16.The Research of Traffic Impact Analysis about the Large-scale Urban Buildings Construction Project;城市大型建筑建设项目交通影响分析的研究
17.Study of Implement and Management of the BOT in Transportation Infrastructure Construction;交通基础设施BOT建设项目实施与管理研究
18.communication project交通计划项目(交通项目)

urban traffic project城市交通项目
1.Through the deep analysis of the connotation of the social evaluation work for the urban traffic projects,the article sets forth its principle and characteristics.通过对城市交通项目社会评价工作的内涵进行深入剖析,该文阐明了其原则和特点。
3)transportation project交通建设项目
1.Economy and property of environment protect equipment for transportation project is studied;the problems of transportation project environment protection equipment,such as unsuitable configure and resource waste,is analyzed;the experience of Yanchi-Xingren Road in Ningxia is introduced;and finally,the pertinent issue is discussed.文章主要针对交通建设项目如何经济合理地配置环境保护设施的问题研究,分析了目前交通建设项目环境保护设施配置中普遍存在的"配置不当、资源浪费"等问题,结合宁夏盐池~兴仁公路建设项目介绍现有可借鉴的成熟经验,并对公路降噪配置、公路沿线绿化工程的经济性问题进行了探讨研究。
2.With the fast development of the national economic construction, the quantity of new transportation project increases quickly and the scale is gradually huge.随着国家经济建设的快速发展,新建交通建设项目数量迅速增加,规模日趋庞大。
4)transportation construction project交通建设项目
1.An ELECTRE optimal selection model and its application in multiobjectives decision making of transportation construction projects;交通建设项目多目标决策系统ELECTRE优选模型及其应用研究
2.Optimal selection of transportation construction projects with environmental impacts;基于环境影响的交通建设项目方案优选
3.According to the connotation of the SEEIA(Social-Economic and Environmental Impact Assessment) of transportation construction projects,this paper establishes the corresponding index system in which social environment,economic environment,aesthetical and historical environment are taken into consideration.根据交通建设项目社会经济环境影响评价的内涵,从社会环境、经济环境、美学及历史学环境三方面设置指标体系,并探讨了指标的表达方式和估算方法。
5)urban transportation projects城市交通运输项目
6)urban rapid-transport line project城市快速交通线项目
